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Study: cannabis a double-edged sword

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A new neurobiological study has found that a synthetic form of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, is an effective anti-depressant at low doses. However, at higher doses, the effect reverses itself and can actually worsen depression and other psychiatric conditions like psychosis.


The study, published in the October 24 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, was led by Dr. Gabriella Gobbi of McGill University and Le Centre de Recherche Fernand Seguin of Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine, affiliated with l'Université de Montréal. First author is Dr. Gobbi's McGill PhD student Francis Bambico, along with Noam Katz and the late Dr. Guy Debonnel* of McGill's Department of Psychiatry.


It has been known for many years that depletion of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain leads to depression, so SSRI-class anti-depressants like Prozac and Celexa work by enhancing the available concentration of serotonin in the brain. However, this study offers the first evidence that cannabis can also increase serotonin, at least at lower doses.


Laboratory animals were injected with the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,212-2 and then tested with the Forced Swim test – a test to measure “depression” in animals; the researchers observed an antidepressant effect of cannabinoids paralleled by an increased activity in the neurons that produce serotonin. However, increasing the cannabinoid dose beyond a set point completely undid the benefits, said Dr. Gobbi.


"Low doses had a potent anti-depressant effect, but when we increased the dose, the serotonin in the rats' brains actually dropped below the level of those in the control group. So we actually demonstrated a double effect: At low doses it increases serotonin, but at higher doses the effect is devastating, completely reversed."


The anti-depressant and intoxicating effects of cannabis are due to its chemical similarity to natural substances in the brain known as "endo-cannabinoids," which are released under conditions of high stress or pain, explained Dr. Gobbi. They interact with the brain through structures called cannabinoid CB1 receptors. This study demonstrates for the first time that these receptors have a direct effect on the cells producing serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that regulates the mood.


Dr. Gobbi and her colleagues were prompted to explore cannabis' potential as an anti-depressant through anecdotal clinical evidence, she said. "As a psychiatrist, I noticed that several of my patients suffering from depression used to smoke cannabis. And in the scientific literature, we had some evidence that people treated with cannabis for multiple sclerosis or AIDS showed a big improvement in mood disorders. But there were no laboratory studies demonstrating the anti-depressant mechanism of action of cannabis."


Because controlling the dosage of natural cannabis is difficult – particularly when it is smoked in the form of marijuana joints – there are perils associated with using it directly as an anti-depressant.


"Excessive cannabis use in people with depression poses high risk of psychosis," said Dr. Gobbi. Instead, she and her colleagues are focusing their research on a new class of drugs which enhance the effects of the brain's natural endo-cannabinoids.


"We know that it's entirely possible to produce drugs which will enhance endo-cannabinoids for the treatment of pain, depression and anxiety," she said.


Author: Mark Shainblum


Date: Public release date: 23-Oct-2007

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/200...u-sca102307.php

Copyright: Mc Gill University, 845 Sherbrooke St. W. Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T5.


This is a great study that casts a new light on our friend and should spur further studies into Cannabis .. lol

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Interesting study. I think I am happier as a lightweight smoker than when I used to smoke all day. I would like to know what dose would lead to depression though.


Dr. Gobbi and her colleagues were prompted to explore cannabis' potential as an anti-depressant through anecdotal clinical evidence, she said. "As a psychiatrist, I noticed that several of my patients suffering from depression used to smoke cannabis. And in the scientific literature, we had some evidence that people treated with cannabis for multiple sclerosis or AIDS showed a big improvement in mood disorders. But there were no laboratory studies demonstrating the anti-depressant mechanism of action of cannabis.


Strange that the patients suffering ms had a big improvement in mood as the only ms patients I have seen were using massive doses of pot. This seems to go against what the study supports. At least this study goes some way to explaining why dope is both anti-depressive and depressive.


Smoke less, enjoy more.

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Dunno bout this one Fraz, something doesn't sit right. lol


Firstly wonder who commissioned this study.


Then gotta wonder why they used synthetic thc. Perhaps a market can be re-created for it?


Because synthetic thc has been shown as a failure when compared to real thc, from real cannabis.

Well, that is when used on humans.

Maybe they're after the lucrative, serotonin hungry, depressed pet mice market? lol

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Based on the unrefutable evidence of this study, one must conclude that the Australians' Governments ban on both bongs and pipes is detrimental to the health of that nation. This conclusion can be reached by anyone of meager mind power, this includes polititians, and is so because the ban did not stop anyone from smoking marihuana, and the use of rolling papers provides an inadequate measurement of dosage; thus, the government must either not jump to the conclusion of trafficking when someone has both marihuana and a scale, or relegalize pipes and bongs, so that people can monitor their dosage more clearly, so that they do not reduce their seratonin levels.
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Dunno bout this one Fraz, something doesn't sit right. lol


Firstly wonder who commissioned this study.


Then gotta wonder why they used synthetic thc. Perhaps a market can be re-created for it?


Because synthetic thc has been shown as a failure when compared to real thc, from real cannabis.



Yes indeed mulla you may have uncovered a ruse here :P .. tbh i posted this too early in morning (for me) and didnt click when i saw synthetic .. i will enquire further .. whats the odds the scum-sucking Pharmacuticals aren't behind this study lol .. although i do note their argument that "controlling the dosage of natural cannabis is difficult" may have a bearing on the use of synthetic thc


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Then gotta wonder why they used synthetic thc. Perhaps a market can be re-created for it?


I didn't really pay attention to this either. Real pot has other substances like CBD that no doubt has an effect too. I have to say that the study still sounds OK to me though as it rings true to my own experience regarding dose. If I smoke too much over a long period of time I do tend to get depressed whereas if I cut it back I feel fantastic. Each to their own though. Everyone is different. At least this explains why some studies report depression and some studies report anti -depressive effects.


Laboratory animals were injected with the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,212-2 and then tested with the Forced Swim test – a test to measure “depression” in animals

I wonder just what this is. Do depressed animals drown themselves or just swim slower? lol

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If I smoke too much over a long period of time I do tend to get depressed whereas if I cut it back I feel fantastic. Each to their own though. Everyone is different. At least this explains why some studies report depression and some studies report anti -depressive effects.

I wonder just what this is. Do depressed animals drown themselves or just swim slower? lol


So true freddie... At least it is for me. lol


If the rats smoke over a long period of time then they don't get the munchies anymore & they starve.


& what's the chemist gunna have on his shelves..? 20/70... 50/50... 70/30...


Seriously tho even cause its synthetic I reakon it'd come close to the same result depending on the rat/person.


my 2c worth anyway.

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Why is it important for Doctors to regulate the dosage of THC? A mild overdose will result in little more than a deep sleep and a massive overdose, which for the most part you would be having to be going pretty hard on purpose to achieve, may make you throw up for a few hours.


The time and money being spent on this issue is ridiculous. Society deems it safe for me to pickup a bottle of JD and a case of beer on the way home, but they're worried if my cannabis is 6% THC in stead of 4%. I wish these guys would get their hand off it ffs.


Meanwhile the US president has asked for another 40 billion to continue his wars in the middle East.


What a society we've built for ourselves. lol

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Why is it important for Doctors to regulate the dosage of THC? A mild overdose will result in little more than a deep sleep and a massive overdose, which for the most part you would be having to be going pretty hard on purpose to achieve, may make you throw up for a few hours.


The time and money being spent on this issue is ridiculous. Society deems it safe for me to pickup a bottle of JD and a case of beer on the way home, but they're worried if my cannabis is 6% THC in stead of 4%. I wish these guys would get their hand off it ffs.


Meanwhile the US president has asked for another 40 billion to continue his wars in the middle East.


What a society we've built for ourselves. lol


You're totally right it is ridiculous. I can imagine a situation where doctors would happily prescribe this synthetic THC but still talk about cannabis as a dangerous drug.

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Why is it important for Doctors to regulate the dosage of THC? A mild overdose will result in little more than a deep sleep and a massive overdose, which for the most part you would be having to be going pretty hard on purpose to achieve, may make you throw up for a few hours.


The time and money being spent on this issue is ridiculous. Society deems it safe for me to pickup a bottle of JD and a case of beer on the way home, but they're worried if my cannabis is 6% THC in stead of 4%. I wish these guys would get their hand off it ffs.


Meanwhile the US president has asked for another 40 billion to continue his wars in the middle East.


What a society we've built for ourselves. lol

Well doctors and the like would need a guide to what strength is applicable in each case - just like anti-depressants such as Efexor, Luvox etc, because people suffering from mental disorders and depression related illness such as bi-polar 2, mania etc tend to react very differently to the average Joe when over stimulated with drugs that have a bearing on serotonin levels.

You may flake out and hit the snore zone but those people might have the exact opposite reaction including but not limited to mania, hearing voices, abnormal paranoia and violent mood swings.

I can attest to one case I have witnessed frequently of a nice young chap who has bi-polar 2. When he has a moderate amount of cannibis he will be great company and relaxed but one cone more and he changes into a dribbling mess and usually leaves talking to himself.

I was interested to see the effects of my WR smoke on him as it put everyone else deep into the couch or the snore zone.

He reacted exactly the opposite and became manic and hyperactive even though it is a very heavy, couchy stone.

It obviously wasn't the smoke but his brains reaction to the chemical. Was very interesting and slightly sad to watch actually.


Pharmaceutical company's would be very happy to produce anything that had such a large market like this, and producing it synthetically helps them sell it to Governments who cringe at the thought of approving a trial for a drug that is a derivative of anything considered immoral and illegal like natural cannabis which inevitably results in an approval backlash.


An excellent post Frazzle, thanks!


Let's hope that this research is not swept away or put into the too hard basket.


Jimbo lol

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