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Top UK cop says legalise all drugs

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Top UK cop says legalize all drugs

Monday Oct 15 21:02 AEST

One of Britain's most senior police officers is set to call for the legalization of all drugs.


Chief Constable of North Wales Richard Brunstrom said drugs, including heroin and cocaine, should be legalized in a shift away from a failed UK policy based on "prohibition", The Independent newspaper reported.


"If policy on drugs is in future to be pragmatic not moralistic, driven by ethics not dogma, then the current prohibitionist stance will have to be swept away as both unworkable and immoral," Brunstrom was quoted as saying in the newspaper.


Brunstrom said current policy should be "replaced with an evidence-based unified system (specifically including tobacco and alcohol) aimed at minimization of harms to society".





His comments were contained in a report to be presented to the North Wales Police Authority as Britain's Home Office this week finishes gathering expert advice on strategy for the next decade.


Brunstrom will urge his colleagues to hand the report, entitled Drugs Policy - a radical look ahead, to Westminster and the Welsh Assembly, the paper said.



maybe we can have a bit of hope yet, if only it works for the UK maybe other countries around the world will follow!!!!!!!!

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i agree with him..thats always been my policy/philosophy too..to legalise ALL drugs.


..and his "minimization of harms to society"...is the same as what i call "harmlessness"..drugs are undeniably harmfull however the harm caused by making them illegal is more than the harm caused by allowing them..


..ive always thought..at the very least society could regulate the more harmful drugs like heroin...by requiring addicts to "sign in" everytime they wanted a fix..they would gain heroin of a higher quality than the street sold muck thats cut with all kinds of harmfull substances...doctors and shrinks would be able to observe them more closely and hopefully learn more about illegal drugs..and the effects on people....with the well known non-harmless type drugs ...PCP,smack...etc...you could 'dye' their hands..(a semi permanent tatto would work great?)..so that everyone they meet would know they were a 'smack addict'(groovy song..)..that is a radical concept...but it would help other members of society identify and avoid if they so choose screwballs wacked out of their gourd...i like the idea of everyones criminal history being known to everyone else..i like truth....full disclosure..yeah baby!! bring it on!!!..some people like this idea if it was applied to paedophiles....personally i think it would be great to apply it to everbody and everything...including any actions taken by 'criminals' to make recompense for their crime/harmfullness acted upon their fellow man.(life is all about learning..and 'mistakes' are a great way of learning)


as for the less harmfull drugs like caffeine,cannabis etc... full legalisation is the way i would go...including NO TAXES!!..


the funny thing about national soverignty is that countries are less free than we realise to implement their own policies..paticulary if they are 'radical'


.so good on yah Richard Brunstrom...not all cops are mindless slaves/servants of the politicans it seems...



:peace: truth and power to the people..

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i agree with him..thats always been my policy/philosophy too..to legalise ALL drugs.


..and his "minimization of harms to society"...is the same as what i call "harmlessness"..drugs are undeniably harmfull however the harm caused by making them illegal is more than the harm caused by allowing them..


..ive always thought..at the very least society could regulate the more harmful drugs like heroin...by requiring addicts to "sign in" everytime they wanted a fix..they would gain heroin of a higher quality than the street sold muck thats cut with all kinds of harmfull substances...doctors and shrinks would be able to observe them more closely and hopefully learn more about illegal drugs..and the effects on people....with the well known non-harmless type drugs ...PCP,smack...etc...you could 'dye' their hands..(a semi permanent tatto would work great?)..so that everyone they meet would know they were a 'smack addict'(groovy song..)..that is a radical concept...but it would help other members of society identify and avoid if they so choose screwballs wacked out of their gourd...i like the idea of everyones criminal history being known to everyone else..i like truth....full disclosure..yeah baby!! bring it on!!!..some people like this idea if it was applied to paedophiles....personally i think it would be great to apply it to everbody and everything...including any actions taken by 'criminals' to make recompense for their crime/harmfullness acted upon their fellow man.(life is all about learning..and 'mistakes' are a great way of learning)


as for the less harmfull drugs like caffeine,cannabis etc... full legalisation is the way i would go...including NO TAXES!!..


the funny thing about national soverignty is that countries are less free than we realise to implement their own policies..paticulary if they are 'radical'


.so good on yah Richard Brunstrom...not all cops are mindless slaves/servants of the politicans it seems...

:peace: truth and power to the people..


The only problem with your tattooing idea is that people would still buy illegal drugs to forgo the tattoo.


I don't agree with full disclosure, not that i've done anything illegal besides take a few drugs and occasional speeding, because people can make mistakes when they're young and it shouldn't be something that hangs over their head for all to see. People can change and grow. Also it would mean people who had made mistakes would probably be judged harshly by most members of society. But hey it would certainly discourage crime a lot more due to the social implications.


That said i have no problem with letting everyone know who a pedophile is because they deserve all the shit they'd get.....and i guess that would also apply to more serious crimes as well. But this doesn't really fit in with the whole prison system because after you've done your time(paid your dues to society) you'd always have it hanging over you're head for all to see. Which doesn't really fit in with having paid for your crime already. You don't really get a second chance.


Also the reason radical policies aren't implemented is because they need the backing of the majority of the population...or at least thats how its supposed to work.



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The war on drugs is such a waste of $$$ 'n police resources, it's not funny...


Like in my case, i haven't been able to work for a couple of years due to a buggered back over the years of labour intensive jobs 'n a few car 'n bike accidents. But some reason, i'm on a waiting list to go thru the public hospital system. It could be several years before i find myself going under the knife. But within 2 weeks of getting seeds intercepted, the same state government can find funds for the police to come bust my arse for growing a bit of personal.


Now, if the system worked the way it's meant to be. I would've been patched up 'n be back working full time again, and prolly wouldn't have to grow/smoke as much as i do to alleviate the pain i suffer. I could resume normal life like the rest of the country.


That's not the case though. They'd rather have me on a waiting list for years, while being a burden on the rest of the working folk.


Anyways, it's a fuckin' joke, that the same state government can find the $$$ to pay the police force to come bust my arse, but can't find the $$$ or resources to fix me back so i can have some normality back in my life. I've paid my taxes over the years 'n the time i need a bit back, they can't help me. But can still manage to fuck me over some more.


But as for what the Chief Constable was quoted as saying, seems to be on the money. it's a hard one to just legalize all drugs, but i suppose that's gotta happen before they can address the real problem of some drugs and the abuse of em. Responsible law reform would be something i'd like to eventually see one day.



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I think it should be noted that many legal drugs are harder to get hold of than many illegal drugs.


So the argument that drugs in general will become more readily available and widely used when legalised isn't correct IMO.


Obviously over the past 30-40 years the "War on Drugs" mentality of governments and law enforcement agencies have proven themselves an obvious failure, but despite this obvious failure our governments seem to want to escalate these laws, rather than rolling them back.


Reminds me of that movie Children of Men, where the human race has lost its ability to reproduce, and the government is happy to hand out suicide kits for people but at the same time ganja is still illegal. Seems completely insane doesn't it? Yet not so far from our reality when you think about it. :peace:

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