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Dutch Master nutrients

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For a closet grow using a drip feeder for veg and a ebb-n-flow for flowers, what dutch master nutrients would be right? What would you recommend?


At the moment I am looking at the:

1ltr Advanced grow 20$ shipped

1ltr Advanced flower 20$ shipped

APS for clone Probably about 20$ shipped

dutch master clone fast 10$ shipped




1ltr Sensi bloom $22.50 shipped

1ltr sensi grow $22.50 shipped

APS for clone Probably about 20$ shipped

dutch master clone fast 10$ shipped


So it really comes down to, is the sensi better than the dutch master?

Also why is the dutch master super bud discontinued?


Edited by thekilla
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The DM clone gel is actually called replicator. Not sure where you're going through but it may be old stock.


At the moment I'm running (again) a trial of DM Gold + zone (disinfectant) vs AN sensi + organics/biologicals. Last time I lost a significant proportion of my crop due to disease issues, unrelated to their nutrition. Although it played merry hell with it!


Don't worry about the clone food, just use a mild grow solution, say 1/5 strength. If you have an e.c. meter make it around 0.4-0.6 ec.


The sensi is supposed to be tissue sample tested and they've got a big rep in canada, but whether they're the absolute shiznit be all end all is something I'm trying to find out.... Most A+B nutrients will be comparable really, unless they're organic based or have other additives.


The superbud was made of paclobutrazol. A PGR (plant growth regulator) used in the stonefruit industry and which has a stunting effect on plant development. (this is a good stunting though, as it tightens the stretch during early flower but allows otherwise normal development of flowers)


It's not registered by the government for use in crops you smoke. Not much is really. That's why it was recalled. Well, that and a really bad series of publicity errors. But yeah, it's just plain not known what kind of buildup, if any, using this product may cause and if this could be potentially harmful to people who consume it. In the fruit species it's used on in agriculture it's mostly located in stones or pips, which people don't eat. And certainly don't ignite.


You may still be able to find similar or even better forms of these PGR type products at some hydro shops. Some other types are Rock Juice, Bonza Bud, Yeild Masta, Quick Turn... there may be more available in your local area with different names. They're sorta, "under the counter" really but it's hard to police such things as the APVMA don't usually run around hydro shops making sure they're up to pesticide regulations.... They're typically pretty expensive too, mostly due to a wholesalers markup that defies logic. The Bonza bud is a cheaper version, but usually applied differently. Some brands have become cheaper in a bit of a price war on the products. btw, you should be able to find Superbud somewhere, but don't be terribly surprised if you have to hunt for it.


I prefer biological PGR like substances that beneficial bacteria and fungi give ya rather than crude versions humans make. Once again though, it's to each their own.


I wouldn't, but that's me. :D


I'd recommend the Advance grow myself, but that said you could do absolutely fine with the sensi. I've used the Advance A+B and was pretty happy with results. Their GOLD nute seems to be pretty darn good too, although more testing on my part is really needed. The first bottle of sensi grow I got seems to have precipitated out but a new one seems fine and they do use some neat chelators in their nutes. Dunno if it makes a spectacular difference though.


Get a good clone gel too, I'd recommend the dutch master replicator (ask for that name or you're likely getting old stock) which I've had excellent strike rates with and is easy to tell when it's off as it changes colour. It's a little more liquid than the clonex brand, but to each their own really, clonex has been round for years and years now and does a great job too.


If you're growing hydro I'd highly recommend that you get a 5l bloom and a 1l grow set. You'll be spending most of your time in bloom (once you have a clone line going) and the price difference can add up.


Hope that helps.

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Well Luke knows his stuff so pretty much everything he said.


I recommend the Sensi - just used it and it was very friendly to use, kept ph in good range and was easy to calculate how much to mix.


I use Clonex with great results, haven't tried the DM stuff...but I will shortly, cheers Luke! lol


The clone food is a good idea if you are beginning as it takes away the risk of overfeeding your seedlings and clones.

I just use the stuff called 'Seed & Clone Food'. I think Hydromasta sell it on eBay (nice fella too) and most hydro shops. It's only $12 or something. You only need a very small bottle - lasts for ages...


As Luke mentioned - a EC meter or truncheon would be a great asset but they are between $100 - $200 most of the time.

I couldn't live without mine but plenty of people do. In the hind site my truncheon is probably the most important piece of equipment I have and worth every penny.


A lot of the less known brands of nutes for sale on the internet are complete shit and you take a huge gamble using something that no-one else is as you have little support if things go weird.


I also think that holding onto your money until you need the nutes is a good idea. I didn't buy my flower nutes until a week before. In the mean-time you can read more, and spend that money on something else you probably need.


Jimbo :D

Edited by jimbojones5678
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WOW luke skywalker! You have truely lived up to your jedi status. What a post man, thanks!! You have given me lots of good advice, regarding sensi and dutch tho I am still undecided as even your own trial hasn't come to a conclusion yet. However I will take the advice of using lesser strength veg for clone and getting the replicator.


Jimojones5678, good tip on the EC meter ive been meaning to get one and I guess I should just get it. Another good tip on waiting till I need the nutrients before I buy them, as it is gonna be a while before I need the bloom.


Gazza2001au, man you saved me again. I definetely wont be getting the APS clone food now, what a waste of my money that could've been.


And as a little teaser, I just found out I got some freebie seeds! lol mexican sativa x blueberry... MMM sound delicious :bongon:!

Peace out, thanks!!

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