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Queensland: STOP Cannabis Arrests and Prosecutions Now 1 2
By MongyMan,
- cannabis
- queensland
- (and 2 more)
- 18 replies
A Chronology of Cannabis
2737 BC
Cannabis referred to as a "superior" herb in the world's first medical text, Shen Nung's Pen Ts'ao, in China
1500 BC
Cannabis-smoking Scythians sweep through Europe and Asia, settling and inventing the scythe
1400 BC
Cultural and religious use of ganja or cannabis, and charas or hashish (resin) recorded used by Hindus in India
600 BC
Zend-Avesta, Indian scripture, speaks of hemp's intoxicating resin
500 BC
Gautama Buddha said to have survived by eating hempseed. First botanical drawings of cannabis in Constantinopolitaus
450 BC
Herodotus records Scythians and Thracians as consuming cannabis and making fine linens of hemp
300 BC
Carthage and Rome struggle for political and commercial power over hemp and spice trade routes in the Mediterranean
100 BC
Chinese make paper from hemp and mulberry
70 BC
Roman Emperor Nero's surgeon, Dioscorides, praises cannabis for making the stoutest cords and for its medicinal properties
30 AD
Jesus teaches: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man (Matthew 15:11).
100 AD
Roman surgeon Dioscorides names the plant cannabis Sativa and describes various medicinal uses
101 AD
Pliny reports of industrial uses and writes a manual on farming hemp
400 AD
Cannabis cultivated for the first time in the UK at Old Buckenham Mere
500 AD
First botanical drawing of hemp in Constantinopolitanus
600 AD
Germans, Franks, Vikings etc all use hemp fibre
800 AD
Mohammed allows cannabis but forbids the use of alcohol
1000 AD
The English word "hempe" first listed in a dictionary. Moslems produce hashish medicine and social use
1150 AD
Moslems use hemp to start Europe's first paper mill. Most of the paper is made from hemp for the next 750 years, including Bibles
1379 AD
Emir Sheikhouni of Joneima prohibits cannabis consumption amongst the poor, destroys the crops, and punishes offenders by pulling out their teeth
1484 AD
Inquisitor Pope Innocent VIII outlaws hashish
1494 AD
Hemp paper industry starts in Englan
1554 AD
The Spanish grow hemp in Peru
1563 AD
English Queen Elizabeth I decrees that land owners with more than 60 acres must grow hemp or be fined 5 pounds
1564 AD
King Philip of Spain orders hemp grown throughout his empire from modern Arhentina to Oregon
1600 AD
Dutch achieve the "Golden Age" through hemp commerce. Explorers find "wilde hempe" in North America
1606 AD
The British take cannabis to Canada for maritime uses
1621 AD
The Anatomy of Melancholy claims cannabis is a treatment for depression
1631 AD
Hemp used as money throughout American colonies
1632 AD
The Pilgrims take cannabis to New England
1637 AD
The General Court at Hartford, Conneticut, orders that all families plant one teaspoon of cannabis seeds
1763 AD
New English Dictionary says cannabis root applied to skin eases inflammation
1776 AD
Declaration of Independence drafted on hemp paper
1791 AD
President Jefferson calls hemp a necessity and urges farmers to grow hemp instead of tobacco
1857 AD
Smith Brothers of Edinburgh market cannabis Indica extracts
1860 AD
First governmental commission study of cannabis and hashish conducted by Ohio State Medical Society. It catalogues the conditions for which cannabis is beneficial: neuralgia, nervous rheumatism, mania, whooping cough, asthma, chronic bronchitis, muscular spasms, epilepsy, infantile convulsions, palsy, uterine hemorrhage, dysmenorrhea, hysteria, alcohol withdrawal and loss of appetite
1868 AD
The Emir of Egypt makes the possession of cannabis a capital offence
1870 AD
South Africa worried about cannabis use among Indian workers, passes a law forbidding the smoking, use or possession of hemp by Indians
1894 AD
British Indian Hemp drugs Commission studies social use of cannabis and comes out firmly against its prohibition
1910 AD
African-American "reefer" use reported in Jazz Clubs in New Orleans, said to be influencing white people. Mexicans smoking marijuana in Texas
1915 AD
Utah State, then California and Texas outlaw cannabis. Cocaine banned in the USA
1919 AD
Alcohol is prohibited throughout the USA. Cannabis is still legal in most States
1923 AD
South African delegate at League of Nations calls for international controls on cannabis, claiming that it makes mine workers less active. Britain insists on further research
1927 AD
New York outlaws cannabis
1930 AD
Henry Ford makes his motor cars out of hemp with hemp paint and hemp fuel. New machines invented to break hemp, process the fibre and convert the pulp or hurds into paper, plastics etc. 1200 hash bars in New York City. Racist fears of Mexicans, Asians and African-Americans lead the cry for cannabis to be outlawed
1930 AD
Louis Armstrong arrested in Los Angeles for possession of cannabis
1931 AD
Federal Bureau of Narcotics formed with Anslinger at the head. By now 29 US states have banned non-prescription cannabis
1934 AD
Anslinger refers to "ginger-haired niggers" in FBI official circulars
1943 AD
US Military Surgeon magazine declares that smoking cannabis is no more harmful than smoking tobacco
1944 AD
New York Academy of Medicine reports marijuana use does not cause violent behaviour, provoke insanity, lead to addiction or promote opiate usage. Anslinger describes the authors as dangerous and strange
1944 AD
Anslinger threatens doctors who carry out cannabis research with imprisonment
1948 AD
Anslinger now says cannabis users are peaceful and that cannabis could be used during a communist invasion, to weaken American will to fight
1948 AD
Hollywood star Robert Mitchum arrested for cannabis
1952 AD
First UK cannabis arrest at Number 11 Club, Soho, London
1961 AD
UN Treaty 406 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs seeks to outlaw cannabis use and cannabis cultivation worldwide and eradicate cannabis smoking within 30 years (by 1991). USA representative is Anslinger
1962 AD
President Kennedy sacks Anslinger. Kennedy using cannabis as a pain relief
1966 AD
Donovan becomes first UK celebrity to be busted for cannabis
1967 AD
3,000 people hold a 'smoke-in' in Hyde Park. Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones are arrested and imprisoned for cannabis. This prompts a Times editorial 'Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel?’ The convictions are quashed on appeal. In the UK 2,393 persons arrested for cannabis offences
1968 AD
John Lennon arrested for cannabis possession
1968 AD
UK Government Wootton Report recommends cannabis possession should not be an offence. "Having reviewed all the material available to us we find ourselves in agreement with the conclusion reached by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission appointed by the Government of India (1893-94) and the New York Mayor's Committee (1944 - LaGuardia) that the long-term consumption of cannabis in moderate doses has no harmful effects."
1969 AD
George Harrison arrested for cannabis
1971 AD
British Misuse of Drugs Act classifies cannabis as a Class B drug with stiff sentencing. This bans the medical use of cannabis
1973 AD
UN Convention of Psychotropic Substances: cannabis is a narcotic
1975 AD
Alaska legalises cannabis for personal use. Limit on amount is one ounce
1976 AD
Holland adopts tolerant attitude to cannabis and many coffee shops and youth centres allowed to sell cannabis
1980 AD
Paul McCartney arrested for cannabis and spends 10 days in prison in Japan
1983 AD
In the UK over 20,000 convictions for possession
1983 AD
The USA government (Reagan / Bush) orders American Universities to destroy all 1966-76 research work on cannabis
1988 AD
UK 23,229 people arrested for cannabis offences
1990 AD
Alaska recriminalises cannabis possession
1991 AD
UK 40,000 people arrested for cannabis
1991 AD
'Mr. Marijuana', Howard Marks, arrested, taken from Spain to USA, and given 25 years imprisonment for trafficking in cannabis
1992 AD
USA over 340,000 arrests for cannabis
1992 AD
USA President Clinton admits he smoked cannabis but did not inhale. Howard Marks admits that he smoked cannabis but never exhaled
1992 AD
USA Jim Montgomery, a paraplegic who smoked cannabis to relieve muscle spasm, busted for two ounces of marijuana in Oklahoma, arrested and sentenced to life plus 16 years
1993 AD
22 British MP's call for the establishment of a Royal Commission
1993 AD
44 British MP's call for a Royal Commission
1993 AD
55 British MP's call for cannabis to be recognised and allowed for treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
1993 AD
Over 72,000 UK citizens arrested for cannabis offences
1995 AD
Clare Short MP (Labour) calls for a Royal Commission on Cannabis and is reprimanded by her party bosses. (October)
1996 AD
George Howarth MP (Labour) says his party do not want a Royal Commission because it might conclude that cannabis should be legalised which a Labour Government would not do anyway
1997 AD
July: The British Medical Association (BMA) recommends the provision of medicinal cannabis in the UK
1997 AD
November 5: EU Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties suggests that soft drugs should be legalised
1997 AD
December 20: British Home Secretary, Jack Straw (Labour) is told by the Daily Mirror that his son, William, sold 10 pounds worth of cannabis to a reporter Dawn Alford. Straw immediately escorts his own son to a police station to turn himself in. The lad is cautioned several weeks later
1998 AD
June 12: The UK Government has granted a license to grow and possess cannabis for the purposes of medical trials, to Dr Geoffrey Guy of GW Pharmaceuticals. Electrified razor-wire fences, security cameras and guard dogs guard the crop at a secret location in southeast England
1998 AD
A group of Welsh Cannabis Smokers headed by Chris Rawley lays prosecution papers upon Jack Straw, Tony Blair, Lord Bingham, a Crown Court Judge and Tenby Magistrates, in the process of a public prosecution for crimes against humanity and peace, and crimes against children, for upholding an illegal prohibition of cannabis
1998 AD
December 24: Prince Charles tells a sufferer of Multiple Sclerosis that he has heard that cannabis can help.
1999 AD
February 23: UK: 55-year-old arthritis sufferer jailed for one year for using cannabis to relieve his pain
2000 AD
UK: MS Sufferer Cleared Of Cannabis Charge
2000 AD
October 20: UK: Cannabis Less Harmful Than Aspirin, Says Scientist: The Independent
2001 AD
22 March: UK: Lords Urge Legal Use Of Cannabis
2001 AD
1 July: UK: Drug Czar Recants: Cannabis Use Does Not Lead To Heroin
2001 AD
5 July: UK: In One Part Of London, Police Turn Blind Eye To Marijuana To Target Harder Crime
2001 AD
15 October: First UK Coffeeshop, Dutch Experience opens in Stockport, Manchester
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