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Marijuana Policy Project Update

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yeah granny..taking the guys kids away..making them feel like they had been 'bad'..that was a sad thing to read.


..the other part which stuck out for me was the idea that the feds are getting tougher on medical marijuana because they realise they are losing the 'war on drugs'...i believe that to be true...they are losing...although they havent surrended yet (legalised cannabis)....they cant stop us smoking cannabis..all they can do is it make it harder...so for our side to combat this we need to make it easier/cheaper/free/grow your own.


...and yeah just cause hes a christian doesnt mean we have to throw him to the lions.....spirituality is very important to me and one of my axioms is 'harmlessness'...to live my life so as to cause as little harm as possible...another is 'truth'......i dont feel that the christian religion incorporates either of these two philosophies very well..eg..the crusades(holy war..killing the infidels..12th century..)...or..hmm..oh!! reincarnation...how many christians know the truth that their religion used to encompass reincarnation?....it was removed from the bible at a meeting of high level churchy types in Constantinople...in approx the 4th century A.D.(cant remember the date)..or that the bible is known to have over 30,000 mistakes in translation alone?..


the fact is though if you CHOOSE to break the law (even if the law is stupid)..you should realise the law enforcement types police/courts may one day punish you..so...sad as it was...the guy made his bed..now he can lie in it....geez..just accept the potential consequence of being a weed warrior.....we are all 'weed warriors' in this 'war on drugs'...so lets continue to fight the good fight by overgrowing the governments and choofing and growing cannabliss.. lol love and :wave: to y'all

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Well said grok.

I suspect that this family are the poster children for the uninformed to wake up and see whats happening

to the sick and suffering. State law is in conflict with federal law. Under state law there was no crime,

everything was done correctly.

The feds have been very active lately also going after the candy and edibles makers, (there was another

post here about that) It seems that with an election coming up next year, they're either trying to justify

the need for this "war" or show they're doing their jobs. What I think they actually did was make themselves

look like Nazis!

If the MPP can spread this story far and wide, all it will do is gain support for the people in

the 12 states that allow medpot, who are being persecuted, their states rights ignored.


All but one presidential candidate has promised to end raids on states that have laws allowing medpot.

So the DEA is soon to lose some business...hopefully...



Hopefully we won't elect someone who says that the feds don't arrest the dead!

(end of my last post) Because this lunatic is the only one that seems to still have his head up his ass

when asked about medical marijuana. He actually physically stepped back from the questioner as if

he was afraid, or angry. More like angry since the woman was in a wheelchair.


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Are Christian smokers not worthy of sympathy?

Aren't you dividing the cannabis community into Christian stoners and non Christians?


By the way I am not Christian or religious in any way. I just think your making a connection between this persons beliefs and the Christian Right which seem to be separate issues here.


No I'm not saying there not worthy of sympathy(hell everyone is entitled to a bit of sympathy), he'll just get none from me.


Sure I'm dividing the cannabis community, is there anything really wrong with that? The cannabis community is very diverse.


I guess I'm judging him based on his religion, I'm sorry I just don't have respect for Christians, for what they're done in the past and for their outdated ideas.




and I totally agree grok

Edited by jojothepotfiend
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"They" as individuals or "they" as a group?


Individual Christians can be just as nice or evil as the next guy who's an atheist. (my own personal tendency)


I dunno, blaming a person for being gullible enough to believe in a fairy story isn't really enough reason to dislike em. If they do something that I disagree with, sure, but I doubt this case fits that bill....

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"They" as individuals or "they" as a group?


Individual Christians can be just as nice or evil as the next guy who's an atheist. (my own personal tendency)


I dunno, blaming a person for being gullible enough to believe in a fairy story isn't really enough reason to dislike em. If they do something that I disagree with, sure, but I doubt this case fits that bill....


I think you hit the nail on the head here. Some are brainwashed to the point of being unable to see any "gray" everything is either black or white, and they judge everything.

The last few US presidents have been connected to the "religious right" , and I think that's been a big part of why this country is so badly screwed. Everything is either black or white. If you try to tell them different, well, then you're just wrong and they close their minds. It's out of fear, but these ppl have been raised with fear.

I'm not trying to defend them, this is how I have rationalized myself out of my intense feelings similar to Jojo's.


The article isn't really about this individuals religious affiliations. It's about someone running a non-profit compassion club in order to save his neighbors a long drive to get medicine. He was abiding by state law, by all accounts a good man, and yet his family was torn to bits by a federal government that seems to need to justify a war against it's own sick and suffering population.

The story is both horrible, and at the same time uplifting. To know that there are compassion clubs that can be held up as examples of the right way to do this, is a great thing for the movement. It is just a rotten shame that the price of recognition had to be so high.

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"They" as individuals or "they" as a group?


Individual Christians can be just as nice or evil as the next guy who's an atheist. (my own personal tendency)


I dunno, blaming a person for being gullible enough to believe in a fairy story isn't really enough reason to dislike em. If they do something that I disagree with, sure, but I doubt this case fits that bill....



Yeah you're right, but I'm gonna stereotype them and slightly bash them. I think the fact that they intensely believe in this fairytale just makes me think, well you're a bit stupid and I don't necessarily respect stupid people....I guess that makes me a snob



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I love God and I love Cannabis.


After all, he gave it to us

Genesis 1:29 "And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruits yield seeds; to you it shall be for food."


food /fud/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[food] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.

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