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advice on hydro,

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mmmm, all this talk of hydro mj, is getting me keen,, i have grown bushys plenty and always had good results, but i do luuuurrrvvee hydro smoke,, so i was wondering,, what would i need to get started, ive got a cupboard i could do it in,, spare pots, and i have some nice seeds nearly coming up,,,,,, anyone got any thoughts,,,, also i really dont want to spend thounsands,, or something too time consuming " i gotta work too" but i realize it will cost and it will take time,, i should keep them in the ground, but i do love hydro pot,, i throw it over to u guys?????
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g'day; is it 'hydro' you want, or do you want 'indoor' buds?

you can grow same indoor as you do outdoors, just add light and air circulation, that is cheapest.

if you want to grow full hydro, try bubbler setup or deepwater culture, easy setups are cheapest and work very well.you can spend as little as $50 to setup or spend 1000's, up to you.

most often, 2nd hand is as good as new.just shop carefully :rolleyes:

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