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Spy Laws Track Mobile Phones and Internet Browsing


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Totally right there, they arent stupid, thats why they didnt blow themselves up. Is there any reason you could think of that would possibly make you want kill yourself and loads of other people just because you hate a countrys government. Only to never see the outcome of your work?....Didnt think so. So if these people have just the same intelligence as you. What makes you think they would do something so insane? Inside you know the truth. But you've been "brainwashed" all your life by the people who did it to react exactly the way you do to this subject and many other subjects people take as the truth.


This argument makes no sense. People kill themselves all the time. It happens daily in Baghdad. Even rational people kill themselves, especially for something they believe in. Many examples throughout history.

I haven't been brainwashed. It didn't work with me. ;) I do not support Bush, Howard or the war in Iraq or the way post 9/11 politics have gone. You must have me confused with someone else.


Right again!, anyone can do that. But why? Would you do such a thing? Do you ever think about these things?. You may ask why would the government do this? Well you answered it in your own question. Ever heard of New World Order? Money does some crazy things to the mind. If you have watched this movie you will see its not only facts but visual evidence you can see with your own eyes. Take a look. If you have already watched this movie, then I will confidently mark you down as a fool as there is undeniable truth in it.


Glad you bought up money. I have spent decades watching conspiracy theorists make millions from books and television. Of course 9/11 suited the Bush administration. They saw a chance to tighten security at home and push the conservative agenda abroad and broaden American financial and cultural influence. And lets not forget the oil. Oh yeah, I have heard about the new world order. Please don't imply that I'm a fool because i don't agree with your point of view. I have looked at both sides of this argument and I dont think any of the myriad of conspiracy theories stack up. Happy to see your movie. I can recommend a good book on the new world order if your interested. Its called Future Tense: The coming world order, by Gwynne Dyer.


You get no argument from me regarding the media. ;)

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Well first of all i think people have got the wrong impression, i certainly do not have my head in the sand when it comes to political issues. I just have no time for conspiracy theories, does that make me ignorant? Fuck no, i just have better things to do with my time.


And Freddie is right, just because i don't agree with you doesn't mean im brainwashed by the man, you can eat shit, don't condescend me euph0rix. I'm not saying the majority is always right, but if this 911 theory had any legs it would be far more widespread. And then you argue that the mainstream media is blocking the info because it suits their evil plans and they're owned by America etc . But information about the "conspiracy" is readily available on the Internet. I'm not saying your wrong, as i said i've not read up on it, but i think its lacking credibility. Anyway i don't care to argue about the 911 topic, we disagree, so what?


In terms or Rudd vs Howard i'm definitely voting Rudd, i hate the libs. They're smug bastards and they continually lie. I just can't forgive that in the last election they argued that labour would increase interest rates, anyone that knows even basic economics knows its controlled by the RBA. Don't get me wrong Howard has done some good, but the negatives outweigh the positives in my opinion.



Edited by jojothepotfiend
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Sorry, but conspiracy theories like Loose Change etc just don't hold any water. Any person capable of the most minimal level of critical thought can punch holes in the nutballs' garbage with just a few questions. 'Course, that doesn't mean you should take off your tinfoil hats... ;)


With regard to how 2 airliners were 'allowed' to crash into the WTC vs. a small plane being intercepted over SYD during APEC, remember that on 9.11.2001, there was no flight exclusion zone over NYC- nor any expectation (rightly or wrongly) of such an attack.


Maxim #1: "Never attribute to malice what can be more easily explained by malfeasance/stupidity." Cops (even the American CIA) are people too- and they like to work hard about as much as the rest of us. Cops grab the low-hanging fruit first, in whatever they're doing.


If browsing the web, use Tor. If you're going someplace you don't want to be tracked, turn off your mobile. Easy.

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Sorry, but conspiracy theories like Loose Change etc just don't hold any water...


Maxim #1: "Never attribute to malice what can be more easily explained by malfeasance/stupidity." Cops (even the American CIA) are people too- and they like to work hard about as much as the rest of us. Cops grab the low-hanging fruit first, in whatever they're doing.


I haven't seen Loose Change so I can't comment, but trickery has been a part of warfare since time immemorial. Operation Northwoods is a prime recent example of how a government can plan to harm it's own population in order to gain public support for warfare.


So 'maxim #1' might be useful to work out which child is the naughty one(:(), but it hardly constitutes any form of proof to rebutt an argument :bow:

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Onus on providers to clean up web content


AUSTRALIANS with internet connection could soon have their web content automatically censored.


The restrictions are planned by the Federal Government to give greater protection to children from online pornography and violent websites.


Under the plan, all internet service providers will have to provide a "clean" feed to households and schools, free of pornography and other "inappropriate" material.


Australians who want uncensored access to the web will have to contact their internet service provider and "opt out" of the service.


Online civil libertarians yesterday warned the freedom of the internet was at stake, while internet providers were concerned the new measures could slow the internet in Australia to a crawl.


They said it was a measure usually associated with oppressive regimes and was no alternative to proper parental monitoring.


But Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said everything possible had to be done to shield children from violent and pornographic online material.


"We have always argued more needs to be done to protect children," he said.


Senator Conroy said the clean feed, also known as mandatory ISP filtering, would prevent users from accessing prohibited content.


"We will work with the industry to get the best policy," he said. "(But) Labor is committed to introducing mandatory ISP filtering."


Senator Conroy said the Australian Communications and Media Authority would prepare a "blacklist" of unsuitable sites.


It is unclear exactly what will be deemed inappropriate material.


The adoption of mandatory ISP filtering comes on top of the former government's offer of free internet filtering software for home computers.


Chairman of internet user group Electronic Frontiers Australia, Dale Clapperton, said mandatory filtering eroded freedom and would not improve online safety for children.


"China, Burma and Saudi Arabia and those type of oppressive countries are the only ones that have seriously looked at doing something like this," he said. "In Australia, which is supposedly a liberal democracy, the Government is saying that the internet is so full of this material that it must protect us from it by trying to block it."


Mr Clapperton feared that parents would be lulled into a false sense of security.


"Parents should not allow their children to use the internet unsupervised," he said.


"Stuff that should be blocked will inevitably get through and stuff that should not be blocked will not."


Family First senator Steve Fielding, who has campaigned for ISP filtering, said he would be watching the Government "like a hawk" on the issue.


"Australian families want more (internet protection) and deserve more than they are currently getting, and this is a real test for the Rudd Government," he said.


A report by the Australia Institute in 2003 showed 84 per cent of boys and 60 per cent of girls using the internet had experienced unwanted exposure to sexual material.



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Australians who want uncensored access to the web will have to contact their internet service provider and "opt out" of the service.


I wonder if this would give them reason/suspicion to track you in the first place.


Also, I don't recall any State/Territory that has maximum sentences under 3 years for Cultivating (although I may be wrong).

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