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Sure the government suck, but they aren't trying to blow me up.....at least i don't think they are.




If you believe that a bunch of towel heads got 3 planes and disabled transponders and crashed planes into some buildings without being shot down then you probably believe in Santa Claus too.


Sydney. APEC. Single small plane enters no go zone. Within minutes jet planes are all over his arse.


New York. Two freaking big jumbos. No jets. No response. Pull the other one.

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If you believe that a bunch of towel heads got 3 planes and disabled transponders and crashed planes into some buildings without being shot down then you probably believe in Santa Claus too.


Sydney. APEC. Single small plane enters no go zone. Within minutes jet planes are all over his arse.


New York. Two freaking big jumbos. No jets. No response. Pull the other one.


Yeah the world trade centre seemed a bit dodgy. But its not like anyone can prove it was a set-up, yet(that said my knowledge is about 6 months old). Besides I'm over conspiracy theories, sure they're interesting and thought provoking, but who cares. I've got stuff in my life to worry about and focus my energies on. That may be a self centred view, but hey, I'm 22 and i come from the "its all about me" generation...so I'll use that as my excuse. I'm more worried about cops pulling me over with a stash in my car than whether governments are slightly evil or truly evil.



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jo jo.. i totally agree that its fucked up and you should live your life as you see fit.. but the thing is.. if we dont fight whats going on right now.. then your little 22 year old ass wont have much of future let alone any children you might decide to have...


go check out the 9/11 thread i posted in the Xfiles section... some very interesting comment and pics...


the 9/11 attacks was certainly a false flag op.. theres absolutely no doubt about that at all.. .and just look at whats happened since should tell you something is very wrong with this system..




the best thing we can do in this country is vote Howard OUT... and Rudd IN... altho i dont think it matters much who is in power.. the powers that be will manipulate who ever to push their own agenda...


orwells vision is certainly ringing true...

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If you believe that a bunch of towel heads got 3 planes and disabled transponders and crashed planes into some buildings without being shot down then you probably believe in Santa Claus too.


I got to point out that "towel Heads" are human beings with the same brain and intelligence as anyone else. Just because they dress as Islamic fundamentalists doesn't make them stupid, uneducated or unsophisticated. So, of course they were capable of crashing planes into some buildings just as they are capable of being physicists, doctors or rocket scientists. it is arrogant to assume otherwise.


New York. Two freaking big jumbos. No jets. No response. Pull the other one.


Of course there was no response. Back then no one was expecting it.


If you watch the movie Loose Change second edition. It pretty much gives you all the proof there. No doubt about it.


Anyone can make a movie and present whatever biased facts they like. Governments do it all the time. The Americans used 9:11 as an excuse for increased social control and to push a conservative agenda but you will have a hard time convincing me they set the whole thing up.


I'm more worried about cops pulling me over with a stash in my car than whether governments are slightly evil or truly evil.


jojo, I don't think you understand how much politics effects YOU directly.


orwells vision is certainly ringing true...


These new laws are totally Orwellian. I cant believe we give away our freedom so easily. The Liberal party are turning into a bunch of facists.

Edited by freddie
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Of course there was no response. Back then no one was expecting it.

The US intelligent agencies had been informed repeatedly for years that terrorist groups planned to target the WTC, so if they weren't expecting it, it can only be because their heads were buried so far up their own arses ;) and I'm pretty sure their heads remain there to this day ;)

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I got to point out that "towel Heads" are human beings with the same brain and intelligence as anyone else. Just because they dress as Islamic fundamentalists doesn't make them stupid, uneducated or unsophisticated. So, of course they were capable of crashing planes into some buildings just as they are capable of being physicists, doctors or rocket scientists. it is arrogant to assume otherwise.
Totally right there, they arent stupid, thats why they didnt blow themselves up. Is there any reason you could think of that would possibly make you want kill yourself and loads of other people just because you hate a countrys government. Only to never see the outcome of your work?....Didnt think so. So if these people have just the same intelligence as you. What makes you think they would do something so insane? Inside you know the truth. But you've been "brainwashed" all your life by the people who did it to react exactly the way you do to this subject and many other subjects people take as the truth.


Anyone can make a movie and present whatever biased facts they like. Governments do it all the time. The Americans used 9:11 as an excuse for increased social control and to push a conservative agenda but you will have a hard time convincing me they set the whole thing up.
Right again!, anyone can do that. But why? Would you do such a thing? Do you ever think about these things?. You may ask why would the government do this? Well you answered it in your own question. Ever heard of New World Order? Money does some crazy things to the mind. If you have watched this movie you will see its not only facts but visual evidence you can see with your own eyes. Take a look. If you have already watched this movie, then I will confidently mark you down as a fool as there is undeniable truth in it.


Try find some evidence that proves they didn't do it. It does not exist. But all in all everybody will know the truth sooner than you think. I also advise the people that think they have freedom to go and educate yourself with real news. Find out whats really happening in your world. The media suppresses almost everything truthful and fills it with lies and misinformation. www.rense.com is the best news source around today. No lies. No misinformation. Only truth of whats going on in this world. Open your minds people. Trust your thoughts and instincts throw away your taught knowledge. Find out whats real for yourself. Thats the only way you will ever KNOW.


Edit: Thought I might add this for people that don't look for things. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/20...sdropping_N.htm Ring a bell anyone?.

Edited by euph0rix
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I think the problem is its a basic flaw in the human psyche. When someone is put in charge of a person, or a group of people, the natural instinct seems to be that you know more than them, and the best way you can protect them, is to control them. And if they fall out of line, you must punish them, so that they learn to obey your orders, for their own good. Its how parents act all the time, so it is any real surprise that this is how the kids behave when they get into positions of power? ;)
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