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Spy Laws Track Mobile Phones and Internet Browsing


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:wub: :wub:


:) :peace: they'll be prying my cold dead fingers from the keyboard if they think they're gunna stop me coming here. a teaspoon of concrete for everyones coffee's to harden yas up, this site is in its own way another way of thumbing our nose's at the law makers, cause we showing what we are doing right here in this beautiful country. YES right here!!! we are doing our little bits towards legalizing or decriminalizing MJ. yes i agree with tracking any kiddy porn or terrorist activists sites however if they want to waste time and funds or money on surveillance on my meager little grow then they can have it....and then i'll just move on and set up again and again and again....


so my friends be strong and stick out your chests(no offence ladies :)), and lets stand up for what is ours....and dont leave our wonderful community.


anyway enough of that ramble lets have a :peace:


:peace: to the stupid laws and the stupid law makers that can't see a good thing when it's stuck on the end of their noses. food, fabrics, fuels, medicines, cosmetics, building materials, just to name a few. oh and did i say "RENEWABLE" as well as doing our part to reverse the greenhouse effect.

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If this passes the terrorists are technically winning, they want to fuck up our way of life.



Yeah they sure managed to open up a door that has enabled the invasion of privacy of billions of people.

It's a big door, and a hard, if not impossible one to close.


Muthafuckers need a punch in the throat...do I mean the terrorists or the government?


I'm not sure...


Jimbo :peace: :peace:

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Muthafuckers need a punch in the throat...do I mean the terrorists or the government?

in this time and age is there really a difference between the two?


people cant even say what they want on this site(some topics are banned..eg 'dealing')

censorship is bad imo and shouldnt be used as its a form of control over other people, but if you are getting censored here it is because its for your own protection or that of current members. if the marijuana laws in this country were the opposite of what they are, pretty much the only censorship you'd see on here would be flaming wars which would get deleted :peace:


back to the point of this thread, i think these new laws are fucked and i hope they dont get passed, it will be a very sad day for our right to privacy if it does :peace:

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If this passes the terrorists are technically winning, they want to fuck up our way of life.





Well said jojotpf.

They're winning mate yep. They can write all the new laws they like now days and erode the illusion of liberty completely.


The concern is they are working on making it legal, to do something they can already do.


I don't hold much faith in the security of yahoo if the laws are changed here..


e.g. Yahoo already rolled on a chinese journalist - "Information supplied by Yahoo! helped journalist Shi Tao get 10 years in prison"


Best for stealth all. :peace:

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If this passes the terrorists are technically winning, they want to fuck up our way of life.




Umm just think for a moment.


Who do you think the terrorists are?


Do you really believe that all of this isn't just some script being played out to gain more control?


9/11 ----- 2750 Americans died.


Since then 500, 000 Iraqi children have died. Just children.


How fucked up is that?


When they commemorated 9/11 the other day there were so many mixed thoughts going through my head. Osama with a strange face and nose and died black hair was suddenly putting out his new music video. Tell me another one.


So many other people die every single day. The people who died on 9/11 mean as much to me as those people ie. I don't give a rat's arse. Neither do the developers who are building a new tower on the site of the WWC buildings.


Fuck them. Why should I care? I'd be the first to volunteer to cut off the balls of a real terrorist but the bullshit that we're facing to catch these mythical terrorists is just too much to bear. It's so fucked up it's not funny.


Anyone want to catch a unicorn?


The government ARE the terrorists. They are the enemy. They are the oppressors. And yes they are winning.

Edited by zulunovo
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