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Guest weekprik

my 0.02c,


It depends on how your growing the plant, if height is a problem then you need to tip the plant, if its not a problem dont tip the plant, even though u get 2 heads(growing tips) they produce 1/2 each of the final result, so u end up with tha same amount of weed than if u didnt tip them,


How to do it is called FIM do a search, but basically you gently pull the tip apart and take 1/2 of the tip off, leaving 1/2 of the tip behind, dont take the whole tip, this way it will produce 2 or 3 tips instead of just 2.

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tipping does increase yield a lot of the time. Bushier plants with more bud sites = more bud overall, even if main cola isn't there. It can also make the top of you plant more even, rather then one big cola sticking up like mount everest, so you can get your light closer to more of your plant.
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Guest weekprik

pipeman, you have found it to produce more by experiance??


Im pretty new but read alot about tipping and not from experiance,

so the bushier the plant the more bud it will produce? hows this work?


Do you think straight tipping or FIM is the key??

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pipeman, you have found it to produce more by experiance??


Im pretty new but read alot about tipping and not from experiance,

so the bushier the plant the more bud it will produce? hows this work?


Do you think straight tipping or FIM is the key??

no mate I don't know by experience, just by what numerous other growers have said.


I'm not up with the difference between tipping,fimming, supercropping etc etc. I do have one plant in veg. now that I just pinched off about half the main grow tip with my fingernails and it bushed out like crazy


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*sigh*... doing things with a bit of style nowdays, huh, pipman?? Was a little curious about that but sounds like what I thought it was... topping is the same thing... just has a slightly more brutal approach, and a there's a name for when it's done right at the very top.. FIM.. at least that's how I understand it... FIMMING goes even further... some people say they are fimming when they tie the tops over (somestimes right back onto the main stem - like bent back on itself). So, I don't know where this fim thing originated but i think it's another yankie word for style..hehe :)
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Guest weekprik
shit thats going to be a big bitch mate!! lloks just like my first grow (still in flower) which has foot long buds :), I tipped it, but the ones ive just put to 12/12 ive just tried FIM so far i got 4 tips instead of 2.
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