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Is there an end in sight to the Drug War?

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LEAP Blog - Is there an end in sight to the Drug War?



Last week in my biweekly LEAP blog I spoke of the fact that 80% of

Canadians polled wanted opium used for medicinal purposes. I commented

on what a smart population we have here in Canada. For more, see this

from Frontline .




It seems the United States has some ideas as well.

The growing of poppies was up 50 % in 2006 in Afghanistan and the U.S.

Authorities want something done.


In a sparsely populated area of Afghanistan this past year the local

police, with the backing of U.S. law enforcement, took shots at

farmers who were blocking the road in protest of their poppy crops

being eradicated. There seems to be no other crop that sells this well

in this region so farmers choose to take the risk of growing opium and

having their crops destroyed and lives ruined by local Afghan police

and U.S officials if they are caught. Wheat just doesn't sell in this

area of the world.


The local drug czars and the Taliban make one HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars

or more per kilo of opium that they sell to Europe, and which trickles

down to the United States, smuggled mostly through Pakistan. The local

farmers take all of the heat. For all of their toil and trouble,

farmers receive a mere pittance of approximately three HUNDRED dollars

per kilo. Do we now see just how one-sided the drug war is?


Farmers tell the Police




that the Taliban will attack them all when

eradication forces step in. Helmand Province, in Afghanistan, is the

biggest producer of opium in the World and farmers there have the most

to lose....



For more on this Blog go to:




Please pass on EVERYWHERE!


Love and stuff,





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I was under the impression that the Tale ban were the ones irradicating the poppy crops... and since the US invasion the opium production has grown 10 fold... i could be wrong... but the Vietnam war was funded by heroin coming from Laos... i was under the impression that the Iraq war was being funded from opium coming from Afghanistan...


i think that was the whole reason why the Tale ban were framed for the 9/11 attacks... something to do with the oil pipeline.. and how the Tale ban told the US they wouldnt have any part of it.. The head guys in the Tale ban were in the US at the same time the 9/11 attacks happened discussing the pipeline and the protection of that pipeline.. they refused... so the US went in and took them out.. 12 months later theres a pipeline built.. as well as multiple "permanant" US bases... oh.. is it any wonder that the Bin laden construction co were the ones responsible for the building of these US bases??? seeing as the binladens and the bush's have been in business to gether since the 70's.... any ways thats way off topic....


i could be wrong... but its not the first time the US has done shit like this... research contra cocaine... remember Oliver North.. the guy who took the fall for GW sr for importing cocaine into the US ... bad very bad...


the US cant do anything about it.. because they dont want to do anything about it.. theyre are the ones behind it...


any way.. opium crops are used for medicinal purposes.. we have poppy crops here in Oz down in Tasmania.. in "secret" locations...

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I agree Sukonmi Skunk...


The U.S are nothing but bullies! Not sure if you know but they are now invading Canadian waters in the Juan de Fuca straight out in Vancouver Island area of Canada because they feel drugs are being run rampantly through there to the U.S...


I say stay the FUCK out of our Country! I DO NOT want to become the 51st state!


Interesting that the Australian Government has a source of Opium in a secret location...

Sounds like the U.S Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) will soon be on their way to eradicate THAT!


Be forewarned...






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