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Dope and Driving

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My best mate can have 10+ cones and drive all day long and i'll sit happily in the passenger seat, Me on the other hand, had 2 cones the other night and drove home about 4 hours after my last cone, and was scared shitless, so paranoid about being pulled over, i drove down a 1 way street in the CBD because i was shitting myself so much. I will never smoke and drive again, i guess there's some people that can do it fine, and others , well best not to :)
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i passed my practical driving test (NSW - L's to P's) while stoned when I was 17. The testing person naturally had no idea. However I dont want to send the wrong message, smoking and driving in general should be avoided. In the 10 years i have driven (about 50% stoned) i had 3 accidents; fortunately not serious and none where i was at fault.
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What a lot of people don't realize is there's a huge difference Between driving well stoned when you have no tolerance to weed, than a person who drives stoned when they have a high tolerance.


For a heavy smoker, even being completely smashed while driving is no more dangerous than driving to work in the morning just after waking up. But if you have no tolerance to cannabis, then it's not just a mild buzz, it's a full on  psychedelic drug. 


But having said that, cannabis usually lowers your confidence, so if your incapable of driving your unlikely to try. That's what makes alcohol so dangerous, it makes people over confident and there for causes them to do things there not actually capable of doing.



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iv drove a few times while high and its a different experience. I would say my driving skills are about the same however i personally am prone to laughing fits in that state which i totally don't trust my self to drive during. So i tend to not drive while high for that reason, just in case :)


Don't think i have ever seen someone else drive while stoned before though. Might have to go video searching *opens firefox*

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I tried driving the first time I smoked in 1970 and it was very intimidating. Since then, I have gained considerable experience at driving stoned :rolleyes: and I have never had an accident. Like most others, the weed slows me down to compensate for the deterioration in depth perception.
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I always drive when I'm stoned, I come home from work, have a couple of cones and I want food, off to maccas for me, I also sometimes smoke before work, not often though, but I've never been in an accident, I find I obey the road rules a lot more when I'm stoned and I can concentrate a lot more as well.
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