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Dope and Driving

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Had my first joint in 1971... Yes you may have not been born then ...

It is my opinion that THC, Speed (meth type) Alcohol and other legal & non-legal substances can cause us to be less focused

and less responsible. I take the lives of other road users very seriously as I have seen a lot of dead and horribly maimed men, women, children and babies. If you have this experience it makes you more responsible than most...

If you have a baby or young kids - Imagine them in 3 pieces at a smash scene and ask yourself - Is it worth the risk?

I think if you love your self, your family and life it's worth waiting till after you drive to get stoned - I think there is a wank factor in believing you drive 'better' under the influence of any substance. Many old musicians will admit that their they thought their gigs sounded better when they were stoned - Then be shocked by listening to a recording of the gig when they were straight...

I know people who drive and work really badly when they are stoned, but they disagree. It's all about perspective

Responsible drug use is not a bad thing - Only harder



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Had my first joint in 1971... Yes you may have not been born then ...

It is my opinion that THC, Speed (meth type) Alcohol and other legal & non-legal substances can cause us to be less focused

and less responsible. I take the lives of other road users very seriously as I have seen a lot of dead and horribly maimed men, women, children and babies. If you have this experience it makes you more responsible than most...

If you have a baby or young kids - Imagine them in 3 pieces at a smash scene and ask yourself - Is it worth the risk?

I think if you love your self, your family and life it's worth waiting till after you drive to get stoned - I think there is a wank factor in believing you drive 'better' under the influence of any substance. Many old musicians will admit that their they thought their gigs sounded better when they were stoned - Then be shocked by listening to a recording of the gig when they were straight...

I know people who drive and work really badly when they are stoned, but they disagree. It's all about perspective

Responsible drug use is not a bad thing - Only harder




That's generalization SH. Each person is different either under the influence of anything or not. I am more aggressive driving after a few beers and never aggressive after a joint when driving. I am full on concentration after a joint and full on I don't give a shit after drinking beer. I can work a lot easier after a joint than straight. THC actually gets me more focused on the task at hand than straight or after alcohol. As for music I reckon everyone should only listen to music stoned then if the musos are stoned no one would know. I do see your point though and respect your opinion, just that everything effects everyone differently. :thumbsup:

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I am glad that I got to see that clip thanks guys.

I have know for a long time that a Buzz while on the HIGH way is wonderfull and makes the trip seam to go faster. But I never thought that there might be proff that you could drive better high(KEY word could I have know buds that I would never let have the keys after a smoke out they are just to ripped to get up let alone drive) I have worked on metal working lathes, mills, serface grinders and other metal working tools both manual and CNC controled. Alll I have to say is that I worked faster and safer with small buzz running around in my head. I have two years of documented prof of that. I have my Prodution charts and it all ways slowed for the last month before our "random" drug test. The shop forman always gave us a month heads up before a test because if he did not he would have loss all of his top workers. Still The effects of pot are diffrent form person to person so I still have to say that unless you know how it effects you dont toke and drive or play with power tools. But for those that weed helps it dose wonders. and a side note In that shop the ones that got messed up the worst and most offten was the drunks they would come in hung over and tear stuff up. There was one guy who did not bolt down some thing the right way and a 400lb casting flew out of the lathe and sent him to the ER in parts He lost a foot and some fingers but not his life. He last I know quit drinking and has spent the past year on disablity with his remaning limbs. All because him and his buds went out all night to the strip club. so I think I have rambled on long enof Thanks wantdacronic for being bord

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That's generalization SH. Each person is different either under the influence of anything or not. I am more aggressive driving after a few beers and never aggressive after a joint when driving. I am full on concentration after a joint and full on I don't give a shit after drinking beer. I can work a lot easier after a joint than straight. THC actually gets me more focused on the task at hand than straight or after alcohol. As for music I reckon everyone should only listen to music stoned then if the musos are stoned no one would know. I do see your point though and respect your opinion, just that everything effects everyone differently. :peace:


They write the laws as a general rule.... Generalisation ( I doubt weather the authorities will ever let you do a seperate test to see if you can function stoned eh? ) That would be an interesting endorsement on a licence or machinery ticket -

Can operate shitfaced *chuckle :thumbsup:

Being closely associated with the medical profession I've studied many reports and have wide experience with drug use. Statistically.... the old addage "don't take un-necessary risks" is applied by responsible people. Straight or tokers.


I remember cruisin slower than usual one day in the burbs - A toddler ran out between two cars... I think I took the whiskers off his nose.... I stopped up the road and shook for 10 mins and had a smoke. (tobacco) It came to me that this incident was that one in a million that we least expect. When microseconds make the difference. Some people get away with drivin under the influence of substances - Some don't. Some of us choose to be responsible - Some imagine they drive better - Some actually do


There are many case histories that show the contrary regarding motor function and drug use. Not all of them are propaganda by idiots who sit behind a deck and don't have a life ... Probably never inhaled ha ha



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to group drugs like alcohol, speed and cannabis into one category and say they make you less "responsible" or "safe" in any given situation is ignorant.


The reason alcohol is so dangerous when driving is it not only impairs motor skills and judgement but in the vast majority of people the side effect is to make you more aggressive and careless. that is a dangerous combination so the blood alcohol level of drivers is policed with just cause.


cannabis is in a different category because unlike alcohol it doesnt tend to make people aggressive rather its tendency is to make you more cautious. State of mind is the major factor in road safety. This is why older drivers have less accidents than their younger counterparts, even though their reflexes and motor skills are not as good.


yes if you were in a race or test of skill or reaction time most likely you would do better if you werent stoned. but thats got little to do with how safe you are in general traffic.


I'd rather the roads be full of cautious stoned drivers than angry dickheads speeding through traffic. what do you think causes the most accidents?


I've been driving stoned for years and never had a problem.

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I agree with the effect of MJ different person to person but in general, I believe that it all depends on how your brain works. All my pot smoking friends tell me that I am a bit different because my driving skills improve when I am stoned. I always inhale just before I go for a drive. I have better sense on speed limits and road regulations. I got three speed camera tickets when I had to stop smoking for two years. Before then, I hold a gold license and my demerit points were only 3 over the 10 year of driving period. I can even sense better how fast I go without looking at the speedometer constantly. My foot on the accelerator tells me how fast I go. I never exceed the speed limit and still enjoy driving. I guess without much research, it is fool to say that taking MJ will effect driving skills in negative ways. I have been doing 4x4 many years and always enjoy driving and taking MJ for me does improve not only the skills and also how fun the driving is. I dont drink or smoke ciggies and take MJ for medical reason if that makes different to others who does not like driving while stoned.
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cannabis is in a different category because unlike alcohol it doesnt tend to make people aggressive rather its tendency is to make you more cautious. State of mind is the major factor in road safety.


For me, pot can tend to make me a bit vague and drift off. For example, I can sit in front of the computer screen for 10 minutes, and then in an instant completely forget what it was I just thinking about for 10 minutes. :twitchsmile:


So I tend to not drive after I've smoked. I try to get everything I need to get done first, then kick back :bongon:


That's not to say I haven't, or don't, but I try not to drive if I'm really smashed. But I also know of a lot of pot smokers who are quite good drivers when they're stoned, and I've never had a problem being a passenger in a car with a smoker. Ever. Dunno I can say that about alcohol though.


I still think there should be a sobriety test for canna driving, and you should be able to drive somewhat "under the influence" - same as alcohol. But there also has to be a share of personal responsibility.


I've also been to my share of fatal car accidents over the journey and, no, they're not a pretty sight at all. Quite the opposite. But I still wouldn't use those experiences to advocate a blanket ban.

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