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Dope and Driving

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Great clip, thanks for the link ;)


I don't drive myself (31 and never got my Ls :P) but I have walked stoned plenty of times, and I think I tend to walk more carefully, watching for potholes, bees and other potential hazards. I definitely don't go anywhere near the speed limit and would say that I generally walk more slowly when stoned. I've yet to cause an accident whilst walking stoned, which I certainly can't say the same for when I've been drunk.

B) :P ;)

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Great clip, thanks for the link ;)


I don't drive myself (31 and never got my Ls :D) but I have walked stoned plenty of times, and I think I tend to walk more carefully, watching for potholes, bees and other potential hazards. I definitely don't go anywhere near the speed limit and would say that I generally walk more slowly when stoned. I've yet to cause an accident whilst walking stoned, which I certainly can't say the same for when I've been drunk.



The bees, they always get me when i'm walking drunk.



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i dont drive when stoned...not anymore..i also dont drive drunk anymore...a little older..a little more responsible?..nuffin to do with the law.. i just realised its not a good idea for me to drive in an altered state of consciousness..pretty obvious i suppose.


i did notice that when drunk i liked to drive faster..even though my reaction speeds were slower..

i did notice that when stoned i drove slower(it still seemed fast...is that speedo broken?..:wacko:)

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I think you hit the nail on the head grok the reason alcohol is so dangerous when driving is because it makes you more aggressive. Whereas weed has the opposite effect if anything. Its not the physical ability and reaction time of the driver that is the major factor in safety, its your state of mind. This is proved by the fact that young drivers have the highest accident rates. :wacko:
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Many, many studies have shown only limited impairment (if any) when driving under the influence of cannabis alone. I'd personally never drive intoxicated, but that's me. Some may think they're okay, and I'd hesitate to get into a car with a toasted driver, but I'd still feel more confident with a stoner than an alcoholic at the wheel.


Driving under the influence is dangerous. No two ways about it. But so is driving with a mobile phone in your ear, (several studies showing it to be equivalent to a couple of beers in impairment stakes) and plenty of people do that without even thinking....


IMHO, drivers should be tested on their actual impairment with a series of simple co-ordination and reaction time tests. Not arrested on the basis of a limit that works on the lowest common denominator. (i.e. x amount of the population is impaired significantly when consuming x amount of substance.)


What you really would need to have an effective control over drivers being stoned behind the wheel is an "active impairment measure" using some way to define when and how much cannabis has been consumed, as well as biological tolerance levels. Not easy. Until then, we'll just have to put up with blanket bans on drivers who have cannabis in their bloodstream/saliva regardless of when actual use occurred.

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who is safer.... a road raged executive weaving between traffic in his SUV cause he's late for a meeting or a stoner cruising in the slow lane. Traffic control should be based on safety risks and policing should be focused on factors which cause accidents.


Smoking pot has not been shown to be any kind of problem in terms of road safety and therefore should not be policed on the roads. Its as simple as that. There may not be much I can do about it, but I don't agree with it, or accept it. :wacko:

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i don't drive stoned anymore but when I did I noticed that country drives were pretty good but city driving was terrifying. I remember driving across the harbour bridge one night scared that I couldn't stay in the lane and worried that I was going to hit something. Whilst I never had an accident stoned I sure as hell had a few near misses due t a lapse of concentration so I wont be convinced that stoned driving is safe. There can be too much stimulus (light, traffic lanes e.t.c.) for stoned drivers in city traffic.


Also a big difference between driving after a trippy sativa and a nice relaxing indica.


To be honest I support a ban on driving on any drug.

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Also a big difference between driving after a trippy sativa and a nice relaxing indica.


I totally agree...I can't do anything well on pure indicas.


I noticed that country drives were pretty good but city driving was terrifying


I agree again, country road cruising is much more fun stoned but it turn peak hour in the city into a nightmare!

Sometimes hard to see the roo's when you are stoned at night on a country road though...I usually don't see them until they are going over the bonnet! :peace:


Jimbo :peace:

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