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Dope and Driving

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unlike all the other studies done about the effects of marijuana on drivers, this video clip i found at i-am-bored shows a UK test that got a person to drive a real car while under the influence on marijuana instead of playing a video game simulation :P suprisingly they find out that after the dry run, the guy does the test better stoned so on that basis alone this clip is more than worth watching, even if you are on 56k B)


video clip from i-am-bored

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what a find WDC...


i think this topic should be pinned... any one want to second that???


for me.. i drive fine when stoned... even when im stoned to the eyeballs... all be it i do tend to obey the speed limits more when im too stoned... so this little experiment isnt at all news to me.. however its good to see some one do a real test on the subject... very very good find i think... and well done to the people that done this... B)

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I just watched this clip while my Mum was in ear shot... geez aren't I brave? although I felt fearless, because I knew what the results would be. Although I don't particularly like driving while stoned, sometimes it's unavoidable and if the test was performed with myself as the driver, my responses would have been fairly similar. You do feel like you're driving slower and the mix of paranoia and concentration make you more aware of what's going on around you.


This guy is absolutely correct though, as with alcohol there needs to be a "safe amount" able to be consumed before you become a risk on the road.


I think there are several factors that would determine a "safe amount" of weed that can be consumed before driving, such as: the strain you smoke, your sex (as with alcohol), the method you use to smoke etc


I would then also like to see a comparison done with volunteers over the legal limit for alcohol vs marijuana (i would pick pot as the winner personally)


Anyhoo, that's my 2c


B) and :P



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It is probably safe to assume that driving anything under the influence of anything is more dangerous than being straight - but I drive stoned to the tit every time and find it much more enjoyable and I don't speed, much....


But there is nothing better than operating heavy machinery under he influence of strong weed! Woo-hoo! :P


Jimbo B)

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Great clip, thanks for the link :P


I don't drive myself (31 and never got my Ls B)) but I have walked stoned plenty of times, and I think I tend to walk more carefully, watching for potholes, bees and other potential hazards. I definitely don't go anywhere near the speed limit and would say that I generally walk more slowly when stoned. I've yet to cause an accident whilst walking stoned, which I certainly can't say the same for when I've been drunk.

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