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potting soil

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i deleted your other post which was exactly the same as this one, you need to wait more than a minute before posting the same thing again :thumbsup: anyways to get back on track i have no idea if that soil is any good, but 3ft deep and wide hole sounds reasonable, although if you are growing in an area with really bad soil you should dig a little deeper to give the roots more room to grow :)
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i deleted your other post which was exactly the same as this one, you need to wait more than a minute before posting the same thing again :) anyways to get back on track i have no idea if that soil is any good, but 3ft deep and wide hole sounds reasonable, although if you are growing in an area with really bad soil you should dig a little deeper to give the roots more room to grow :)

oh sorry man, didnt know about that :thumbsup:

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how do u find the soil??

of late (last 2 yrs):peace:

ive been finding it pretty hard to find a good consistent soil for the purpose of outdoor cultivation.

i mean other than the obvious fast growing vege mix by the sq metre at the landscape shop

the majority of the bagged to go brands are nothing but a bark and stick mix...

searles,dynamic lifter,those comporehensive 1s with the added water retaining bits

they all seem to be sticks and bark..does any1 else find this??

i was wondering if others have a secret brand...

a brand that focus' on soil..:) not the ammendments..

all help is appreciated


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