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Activated carbon filter

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Hey all

I have been reading over at overgrow.com about an carbon air cleaner useing activated carbon that you use in the filter in a fish tank, what i want to know if any one here that has built one or know of some one that has, and if so how well did it work, i want to see if i can get some feed back on this before i kick my braine in to gear and build one as i love doing that sort of shit :P


Thanking you all

ozmade :P


Bong on aussie

Edited by ozmade
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hey pipeman that is were i was reading up about it, the

activated carbon is easy to get at any pet shop it is about $4 for a 1kg bag, i just wanted to know if any one here has had a go doing something like this a bit closer to home other than the US. I will give it a few days and see what comes up then i will have a go my self. :P


ozmade :P

bong on aussie

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