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Looked in the mail box today?

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Did anyone else get the 'Talking with your kids about drugs' propaganda? I do not disagree with helping out parents with dealing with drug use by the their children... but the fact that this slip by under everyone's noses is disgusting. Boasting figures over a billion dollars in fighting the drug trade and comparing figures such as the rise of cannabis convictions vs the amount of ice users (weird how as more people are charged for soft drugs the hard drug rates rise...).


Reading it, it appears to be more anti-illicit drug propaganda to fuel the election (of course I knew this as soon as I say the side that said 'drugs and young people an important message from the prime minister) now i suspect a group of wavering grey area citizens will fall over into the anti-drug bias. Funnily it still doesn't address the major tobacco and alcohol impacts, quoting the 1705 deaths from illicit drugs factor... but doesn't seem to include the usual figure of 200000+ who have died from alcohol and tobacco... obviously because they aren't going to rush to change laws (just sit back and let burn the other ones already in place).


But... seriously how does all this shit get out, laws remained untainted, people get charged and people get the wrong idea about the wrong drugs and we still don't have some sort of stable party in support of us? HEMP is pointless, NORML don't really do shit i mean the cancer council has a better argument than most stoners: http://www.cancercouncil.com.au/editorial....;fromsearch=yes



so... is it because its illegal, most dealers and growers wont support rallying as legalisation will decrease their profit margin? is it because we are all too lazy/busy we dont try, is it because it seems too hopeless/dangerous we just let age old propaganda continue to litter the streets? Anyone read this? http://undergrowth.org/reefer_madness_by_r...60f6ecaeb8d7491



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Just a quick reply(since I am going to tear this apart) but yeah I got that propaganda in the mail today as well. What I find really ironic is the amount of times is spcifies to "talk to your child honestly about drugs". Well sure but they better throw that document out because it contains a lot of misinformation.
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Datura and Angels Trumpet as a street name for psilocybin, that's just wrong, hopefully no one screws up with this, although it could be a good case to take the government to court, telling me that dangerous drugs are another name for a relatively safe drug, sounds like trouble to me.


That is a major stuff up. If they wish to look at any plant that can send people down lala lane and possibly kill themselves then Datura is the one to pick.


Did anyone see if it was in the news tonight? I didn't catch it.

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I know where the pollies want to go with their anti-drug campaigns. They don't give a shit if parents talk to their kids about drugs or not, but hey, make sure the ads are on at a time when teens and kids are around to watch it, and again in the evening around mealtimes. I'm sorry but unless you have all the facts (not just the published wastes of taxpayer money) to why "drugs" are so bad then I don't think your kid is gonna want to sit down and listen to the dribble. In fact, I reckon the very people they want to send their message out to are off hanging with their friends doing exactly that.


I believe the figure is about 90% or more, that kids/teens will have their first drug experiences with their friends.


I still think that if their real goal is to educate, they should have a wider scope of information for both sides, which doesn't neglect even the most basic common sense.


If I was a parent I would want to know what the draw is. What is this drug supposed to do and why would my kids want to use it.


Anyway... I'm gonna go light a bonfire, chuck in this junk mail, toke up and watch the pretty flames dance about here there and everywhere. :toke:


Peace :(


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Pebbz, at least this booklet will burn, making it good for something. I couldn't even burn my terrorism fridge magnet. :toke:


Indeed, this publicly funded partisan ad campaign is a bit of electioneering, not unlike the terrorism spots. It's partisan because it's zero-tolerance; ZT is the Lieberals' barrow du jour on drug policy.


Prohibition (aka ZT) doesn't work. It doesn't stop ppl from using drugs. It similarly doesn't make drugs unavailable- it just makes them more expensive. If 11 years of Little Johnny's ZT 'Tough on Drugs' strategy had actually worked, the 'ice epidemic' wouldn't have happened- and it did, on Howard's watch.

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yeah i noticed that datura bs too, fuck some of those aliases id never heard of, geez... maybe they were the ones using and naming the shit to begin with thats why they knew... just grew smart n figured they get more money from taxpayers than other jobs.... heeeeyyyy... nooo waayyy.... dont tell me these dudes just do this shit so people mindless hand over tax dollars to increase their salaries!?! (and sarcasm oozes from my veins).


Fuck it, thats it: 1) I want my tax dollars back. 2) For every kid growing up believing this shit, im gonna... wait... theres nothing I can do...


ever notice how freedom of conscious/speech/movement can eventually lead you into trouble? ugh.... too depressing... i gotta sleep before anyone busts through my front door.oh wait... lmao.... my old dealer got busted for importing steriods they seized it and some old meth (its a living... stupid ass) he never sold, the cops send that 'they'll be in contact'... wtf? then a few days later he received his second package, no police...

he always told me two things... 1) hes gonna be a cop (seriously), and cops love/do steroids 2) he always has the best steroids. go figure.




:toke:/// maybe they should work out this statistic... how many people will roll up a fatty with the pic of the mj?

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:chef: the steroids thing is true! when i was doing parties in sydney we used to do free one on bondi beach for all the english and internationalson Christmas day (before the council prison camp fence fiasco that followed)

The local bondi cops busted me and the equipment from the back of our truck and they were HUGE fuckers and nasty too! anyways i got off as i was only breaking the music on the beach bylaw , weeks later those same cops got caught with a shooting gallery house for steroids and ecstacy distribution , the same cop station that later supplied the murderous cops that shot the french guy on the beach whilst someone was jogging behind him he was only carrying a knife and was pissed off but not a threat to 4 armed police 25 ft away!!! :bongon: , steroids are Bad news!!!!!!!

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This thing finally appeared in my mailbox this week and man, it really irritated me... for a number of reasons:


* The cover letter is printed on two single sided, plastic coated, non-recycled pieces of ultra-bleached A4 paper. Sure, each one isn't that big a deal, but when you consider this package has gone out to every home in the country, that's one hell of a shitload of wasted trees, power and other vital resources. This government is clearly NOT serious about environmentalism. They pay lip service to it sure, but this outlandish waste of materials is like a big 'fuck you' to anyone who cares about the environment. What's even more pathetic is that Howard also has a letter that serves as an introduction in the actual booklet. Surely we don't need both?!?!


* The booklet goes on and on about "being honest with your children" about "how you feel about drugs" (fine so far) but then goes on to say "make sure you let them know you don't want them trying drugs. Ever." But that's not exactly honest now, is it?!


* Absolutely no mention of alcohol. Apparently it's not a problem - news to me!!!


* Illicit drugs cost so many billions of dollars apparently. What they don't mention is most of this money is spent on law enforcement. According to the booklet 72% of arrests involve cannabis (from memory - I've actually already recycled my copy, assuming it's might just be slightly better than toxic waste), so that means that most of this 'cost of illicit drugs' goes towards apprehending, prosecuting and detaining cannabis criminals. That is such a monumental waste of time / resources that it makes my head spin (and not in a good way).


I could go on, but I'm feeling the anger engulfing me... ARGH


Is it 4:20 yet?!



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