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Generally if you want only 4 main branches grow it till you get 4 branches just starting and cut everything above that away as high as you can above the 4 branches you wanna keep. 6 8 10 etc its all the same no need to take just the tip but doing it early as possible allows them to adjust quicker


WantDaChronic thats a spot on idea I love those main colas lol but i gotta say the small amount of stress is over come very fast just the cola goodness is spread about more.


(:huh:thats some chemical nerdy thing with the cola so ive read and though hell thats deep and forgotten after the next billy :D B) )

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you can tip a plant two ways you can either aim for a tall tight bush or a lower wider bushy plant in this picture shows the nodes pointing outwards this will bush the plant out sideways u should tip all the main stems leaving the last tips on the branch pointing outways instead up if that makes any sence heres another picture showing a plant i tipped this way u can see some of the side branches and how i tipped them for a more bushy plant


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