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Higher the better I suppose, removing layers of atmosphere would certainly help. Coulda sworn I read something about uv levels in high altitude sub-trops to temperate areas being rather high... but perhaps I was.... lol


So how much total energy of uv we talking? Would be near tiny wouldn't it? I had read that the glass bulb has to by law remove the uv content for basic safety reasons, but that's obviously not the case. A bit of googling has discovered that hps emits very little compared to MH lamps....


UV has been shown to influence thc production, but it's definitely not the only, or perhaps even main pathway for thc synthesis. A potency comparison between MH and HPS lamps wouldn't hurt.... More research is desperately needed in this field of cannabinoid biosynthesis. Many myths exist. Exposure would generate it in the right circumstances, but there should be a link somewhere in here for an article regarding thc synthase genetic code being implanted into tobacco root cultures.....


It might be worth trying, after all, you could get a lamp for a pretty reasonable price. The difference wouldn't be spectacular I should think, but you'd want to have one side of the plant or another plant altogether exposed to it and the other to "normal" hps lighting. Then you'd have a reasonable comparison of effect, but even then you're talking subjective because you're smoking it to determine potency, and unless it's significantly higher in thc you probably wouldn't be able to give an honest judgement imho.

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Luke, science is hard bloody work! Organising a double-blind comparison could be done in the avg grow op but there's a lot to it to get it right enough to ensure that the results are meaningful, up to and including the neutral observers. Absent such data, it doesn't make a lot of sense to go installing UV lights in every grow. I suppose the upside is that as long as your UV light is not a 20kW carbon-arc searchlight, it's probably not going to hurt anything.


I've Googled about a bit looking for HPS & MH spectral graphs but most I find are not very good quality or don't have a lot of resolution in the UV region.

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i am not too sure.. but i wouldnt be saying that HID's dont put out UV... if that was the case then you wouldnt need to use UV-PVC poly plastics in the grow room... would you... :whistle: i made the mistake of getting cheap panda film once... only to find out it wasnt UV proof.. was trashed with in just 3 months.. went brittle and started to break down... exactly what you would expect from a NON UV proof plastic out in the sun light....


so what ever this guy is on... :peace: its something the rest of us will just never get ... there is definately UV being put out by my HID's... maybe this fella just has crappy lights... lol.. and needs to use sunmaster globes.. or something.. lol

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lol Maybe theres another test...



"Sunburn is caused by exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. There are two types of ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB. UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply and can cause melanoma in susceptible people. UVB rays, which don't penetrate as deeply, cause sunburn and wrinkling. Most UVB rays are absorbed by sunscreens, but only about half the UVA rays are absorbed."




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Well it seems like the guy makes a very good argument, "Uncle Arthur" in "the Hoax" talks about UVBand stuff being needed to make truely mature and phenominal budss s i was figureing id just get a couple 4 footers with the highest UVB i an get my hands on and altwenate them with my normal flourescents in my grow room to see if there is any real ubstance to what the guy said, but i dont know if ill still be able to use HPS and MH lights, if anyoen ahs ny tips on how to build a grow box about 10'x10'x6'-10' with al lights incorporated i think i could play around alittle put the UVBs on little out riggers lower down from the MH's and HPS's but i would liek to here soem ideas so i can rally build something to test the theory...
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Well im gonna test the UVB hypothesis im gonna set up my growbox with fluorescents for the first one and use UVB lights from the pet store... and normal grow flourescents and just alternate them or put a UVB every so many and then have a secondary box wit heverything else the same except no UVB flourescents and then ill compare... if i have enough wood i might even try toset up one that is just flourecents so i could cover all the angles...
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this topic of UVB and the vpotential interaction in maximizing THC conversion is being discussed in a couple of different forums elsewhere, and I remain curious what if anything the participants in this forum have to contribute to this discussion? I welcome all comments, and criticsm, experience and conjecture, opinion and theorization?
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