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what ph to soak rockwool cubes?

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From what I know they don't recommend adding rhizo before rooting?


But yeah, make it mildly more acidic. It depends to a large degree on the hardness of your own water supply and the pH buffer that gives it. Pure water like RO or Rainwater will likely require a slightly lower pH adjustment than high e.c. waters from coastal areas like Perth. (pH 8.5 and an e.c. of 0.8 out of the tap where I am.)

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Grodan suggest you soak cubes for 24hrs in ph5.0, then drain the cubes fully- I use a salad spinner. This 5.0 soak will react with any remaining limestone dust in the cube and prevent a persistently rising pH through the life of the cube. After that, just apply nutes at appropriate strength @ pH 5.3-5.8, as you do for rockwool cubes, slabs or floc. If you're using RW cubes to start but another medium like clay pellets for the rest of the life of the plant, set pH to 5.5-6.0 once roots are grown into the pellets.
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