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Good old piss

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I read on another site about a bloke who urinates in his nutrient every other day.....says it makes his plants grow faster.


The chinese also used it to make gunpowder in the olden days, and inmates in cold third world prisons use it to heal chilblanes and other ailments.


Anyone heard of other uses without mentioning "golden Showers" :P

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Dude, unless you are using a soil mix or a soiless media innoculated with the correct microbial life, all you're doing is making life difficult. The piss in a straight, sterile nutrient tank feeding a sterile media cannot be converted from the urea form of nitrogen (ammonia) to the useable form for plant (Nitrate). The plant can't absorb it because the microbes which convert it to a useable form for the plant, which are normally present in well composted, healthy soil, simply aren't there because you are probably, (if using a nute tank at all I assume that you are using hydro, I may be wrong) using a sterile media, and as such is not conducive to their life. You can buy some "Bio Bugs" which go into the tank, and these are said to be greatly beneficial to plant growth, but really, if you're that desperate for nitrogen in your tank, then use a good vegging nutrient! Skimping on nutes is one of the easiest ways to create a disaster with hydroponics. You don't have to spend a fortune, but at least get some advice and go for a tested, commercial brand, because you know it will work.


Piss in the nute tank? :P I think not, young padawan! :P



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It would have to be a pain on the ph side of things too.


As the Jedi points out, if growers use the correct mj specific nutrients they won't need to resort to such piss-poor methods to try and supplement their cheap nutrients.



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Anyone heard of other uses without mentioning "golden Showers"  :P

:P Piss in the nute tank hahahaa, some people try everything.


My dad told me as a kid to piss over the places where you touched Bigsting/ Stinging nettle/ Common nettle,...Urtica dioica in Latin, with your skin. A plant that gives a burn when touched.

I have heard this before but must admit I never tried it myself, simply becouse I've allways been carefull not to touch the leaves of this plant


I have also heard of this group of people that believe it's good for your health to drink it in the morning to start of your day, these people really excist.


and eh...I'm not mentioning "golden showers" :P

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I have also heard of this group of people that believe it's good for your health to drink it in the morning to start of your day, these people really excist.

Yeah, Iv'e heard of this practice too, its common among a certain group of monks and those with extreme fetishes.


I think I,d have to be on my last legs in the desert before I'd partake.

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Guest Urbanhog

I read a articile while ago about the "medical properties" of the human piss.....


A certain group of health/new age devotees, they drink the piss first in the morning when they get up out of bed, they claimed its best to use the piss in the "middle" of your pissing into the loo, because they reckon that most of the "rubbish" in the piss is at the start and at the end of your pissing, they reckoned that in the "middle" is cleaner. :P


The Holy Hindu men in India/Pakistan/Nepal they drink the cow's piss, they reckon its scacred and very "honourable" to be offered a cow's piss by the holy men.


Some groups claimed that the piss has some small kind of antibotics type of effects properties.....


I will have to check out.........as long I can find the website addy :P ::P:


Also when I was in High school, my history teacher told me years ago, that in the Roman Times or whatever (can't remeber which period, but centuries ago) that the poor used collect the piss of the rich after they consumed Magic Mushrooms and other hallucinogenic drugs, because the poor were often slaves and they were trapped and had limited freedom, so they tripp'in from their "master's" piss..........


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Anyone heard of other uses without mentioning "golden Showers"  :)

:) Piss in the nute tank hahahaa, some people try everything.


My dad told me as a kid to piss over the places where you touched Bigsting/ Stinging nettle/ Common nettle,...Urtica dioica in Latin, with your skin. A plant that gives a burn when touched.

I have heard this before but must admit I never tried it myself, simply becouse I've allways been carefull not to touch the leaves of this plant


I have also heard of this group of people that believe it's good for your health to drink it in the morning to start of your day, these people really excist.


and eh...I'm not mentioning "golden showers" :D

Funny that my dad told me its great if you pee on your blisters. :huh:

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Guest Urbanhog

Found this at shortnews.com:


Country Warns About Dangers of Drinking Urine


Some people in the African country of Cameroon believe that drinking urine has health benefits. The government has seen a rise in "urinotherapy" advocates who say it can cure things like infertility, haemorrhoids, cancer, ulcers, etc.


Cameroon's Health Minister Urbain Olanguena Awono is telling people that drinking urine is bad for their health. He says the government may even prosecute those who advocate drinking urine. He against the toxicity from drinking urine.


Apparently, drinking urine is part of traditional medicine there and many people may just do it in secret. An unnamed judge told the press it helped him grow hair back. Others say it helps slows snake venom from getting to the heart.


Source: news.bbc.co.uk




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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:P just got this email and thought I'll share this info.

haha, there's more ppl drinkin' piss than you might think.


JCT: Okay, I've never pointed out in court that I believe

I'm healthy for two reasons:

1) consuming cannabis; 2) drinking my urine.


Of the two medical marvels, I rate urine therapy superior.

And just as the slavemasters have banned cannabis so the

debt slaves don't have any cheap herbal medicine and so

continue to be beset with their drunken poverty-stricken

woes, and just as the slavemasters have dissed Vitamin B17

so the debt slaves don't have any cheap cancer cures, so

too, you would expect them to ban urine therapy it it's any

good so the debt slaves don't have any free medicine and

cancer cure!


Ottawa Citizen

March 16 2003

Cameroon bans urine drinking after best-seller touts



JCT: Ever since Conrad Black took over the Citizen years

back, they dropped the attribution of the source of the

article. So in the Citizen, you can rarely know where the

information is coming from. Reuters? AP? CNN? What? I guess

they like taking credit for having a Citizen reporter in

Cameroon. But the story in the Citizen was so short, I did a

search on the net for it and found the whole thing and found



From: Habshi (habshi@anony.com)

Subject: Naturopathy

Newsgroups: sci.med,soc.culture.indian, soc.culture.pakistan,


Date: 2003-03-16 03:50:12 PST


The sensible thing to do is to find out the trace elements

which might be beneficial. Maybe the Prophet was right about

the camel stuff and Muslims need to change their diet.


The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk

Cameroon threatens to jail urine drinkers

By Jane Flanagan


JCT: Nice to know who wrote the article. It wasn't a Citizen

writer. It was a Telegraph writer. I think lack of such

attribution is bad journalism. Anyone disagree?


JF: Johannesburg - A dramatic surge in the popularity of

"urine therapy" in Cameroon has prompted the government to

ban its consumption and threaten persistent offenders with

jail. The health minister acted last week after a book about 

"urinotherapy", published in Switzerland, entered the best-

seller list in Cameroon, prompting enthusiastic 

experimentation by readers. One newspaper hailed

urinotherapy as a universal cure-all which could tackle

scores of afflictions, including cancer, snakebites and

infertility. Testimonials to the benefits of urine

consumption dominated radio phone-ins and the letters pages

of newspapers.


"I had haemorrhoids for five years and nothing gave me

relief. But six months ago, I started drinking half a glass

of my urine every morning and I am practically healed," a

shopkeeper from the capital Yaounde wrote to Le Messager

newspaper. A magistrate claimed: "For several years I

haven't had a hair on my head, but since I started drinking

my urine it's started growing again - it's extraordinary."


JCT: I've been drinking my urine for 5 years and it was only

when I started massaging urine directly into my scalp that I

started regrowing new hairs from the rejuvenated follicles.

What's interesting is that all the new hairs are in the

color of my youth, brown-blond, instead of the completely

white I've been for the last 10 years.


JF: Omer Otabela telephoned a radio station with the story

of his 80-year-old grandmother. "When she was bitten by a

snake in the fields, she drank her own urine. This slowed

down the progress of the venom to her heart until she got to

hospital," he declared.


JCT: When my best girl-friend Pauline Morrissette got food

poisoning after dining out with co-workers, she went home,

drank two glasses of urine and was up and about later that

evening. When she got to work the next day, the other two

co-workers were still ailing.


JF: Urinotherapy is practically as old as man himself. About

95 per cent of urine is water, 2.5 per cent is urea and 2.5

per cent is a mix of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes.

Some practitioners believe that when rubbed on the skin or

drunk, it can purify blood and tissues, and provide



JCT: I wish she'd explained where where the mix of minerals,

salts, hormones, enzymes comes from! People have been

conditioned to get puked out at the thought of urine but

just like milk is a mix of minerals, salts, hormones,

enzymes, taken by the mammaries

from the blood, so too, urine is a mix of minerals, salts,

hormones, enzymes, antibiotics, disinfectants, taken by the

kidneys from the blood. The amneotic fluid we're all created

in is basically the same wonderful stuff.


What's incredible and makes one believe in wise God is that

this is Kidney milk, taken directly from the bloodstream!

And the kidneys don't grab the shit going by the recycle out

the front end, they only grab the best medicinal components

going by that were just recently produced by your own bone

marrow to respond to whatever particular disease is ailing

you at the time. I've you've got a cold sore, the kidney

isn't going to grabbing the medications out of the blood to

help hemmorhoids. Kidney Milk is tailor-made medicine of

exactly the right medications you need for what's ailing you

now. What incredible "sustainable bio-engineering."


JF: DHEA, a hormone found in large quantities in urine, is

also believed to have anti-ageing, anti-cancer and anti-

obesity properties.


JCT: Boy can I vouch the the anti-ageing and anti-obesity

properties. Within 3 months of my starting to drink my own

vitamin-laden kidney milk, my hunger was greatly reduced and

I dropped 35 pounds in 3 months without even trying. This

included a 3-week binge at the Taj Mahal with free

banquetting every night which would usually fatten me up by

about 10 pounds but this time didn't add a pound though it

did halt my drop for those three weeks. But having a super-

power-packed dose of nutrients that are already tailor-made

for the physiological problems cuts the body's demand for

them and cuts the hunger pangs during weight loss as well.


JF: The Chinese have treated themselves with urine both

externally and internally for centuries; a more recent

advocate, the British actress Sarah Miles swears by its

health-enhancing properties.


JCT: Coming right out of the tap, kidney milk is odorless

and often tasteless. But its medicinal components soon start

converting into ammonia compounds which have an incredible

cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the outside skin.

Pauline's often prone to doing rash moves but a few years

ago, she had some sort of gum disease and the dentist was

suggesting removing all her teeth. She grabbed some 30-day

stuff and swished away, eventually burning off the skin in

her mouth, silly girl, but she saved her teeth.


My most notable Urine Miracle was curing an infected nerve

that two dentists had said needed a root canal operation for

which there was no cure. After 3 weeks of 2 Tylenols every

12 hours for 3 weeks and with the operation only 4 days

away, I started swishing for two straight days while I

worked at my computer and by the end of the second day,

urine's medications passed through gums to disinfect the

nerve and I didn't need the Tylenols anymore. My impossible-

to-cure root-canal nerve infection has been cured for the

past 4 years though I still make sure to floss and swish to

keep it clean.


I vouch for other curings of cuts, scrapes, but the very

best effect over all these years is that urine contains a

"base" or "anti-acid" that neutralises acid indigestion. I

used to go through a pack a Rolaids a week, year after year,

and drinking my own urine has eliminated any but the rarest

need. If I feel such acid indigestion coming on, a quick

glass of kidney joy juice and the heat is gone. Only if it

persists do I ever need to rely on Rolaids. Down from 100

packs a year to a couple!


JF: During the First World War, doctors dosed patients with

urine to ward off gangrene.


JCT: My mother has been on disability suffering Raynaud's

disease for 30 years. It's a problem with circulation to

the extremities and ends up with the extremities getting

gangrene and having to be cut away. But going to warmer

climes, avoiding stress, etc, has lengthened an original

prognosis of "death by 1976" to "still alive today." But in

October of 2002, mom was diagnosed with cancer and was going

to have to stay in Canada to have 33 daily radiation

treatments so inevitably, the cold got to her extremities

and her feet and toes erupted in huge boils and it was

turning black between the toes. The expected gangrene? I was

shocked. So I insisted she bathe her foot in her oldest

urine and within a week, the boils and gangrene were gone

with only one sore left on a toe to drain the pus. Within a

month, the skin was baby-pink and there was nothing but a

little scar on the toe. And she was able to walk to her

radiation treatments instead of me having to carry her

around with amputated feet. Another Kidney Milk miracle that

can be attested to by the Turmel family.


JF: Morarji Desai, the Indian prime minister from 1977 to

1979 who lived to the age of 99, drank a pint of his own

urine every day.


JCT: What a great man. I heard about urine therapy first

from him in the newspaper articles laughing at the old guy

in India who told the world he drank a glass of his own

urine every day. Took guts to stand up to an ignorant world

and tell the the truth. It's the reason I included a

cryptic reference to him in my LETS poem to the Queen.

>From http://www.cyberclass.net/turmel/pomlizas.htm


Dec. 11, 1996




The day I got my 1997 Guinness Book,

Of Worldly Records, for my name, Turmel, I had to look.

I noted on same page, Elizabeth, Your Majesty,

Holds record among ruling Queens for Your longevity.

Perhaps P.M. of India, Morarji "wise" Desai,

Who holds a record on next page for age at work most high,

Imparted to Your Majesty the secret of his youth,

A secret I have verified as nature's greatest truth.


JCT: So now you know what I was talking about. Maybe the

people who are living the longest are doing so because we

have the knowledge of the Healer From Within that we're too

prudish to bring up in discussion. Fortunately, I'm brutish

and all my friends find out real quick how to get strong

too. And I berate the slower ones who are too scared to

taste their own kidney milk. They always thought it had been

mixed in with the caca.


And Morarji Desai also made the Guinness Book in the same

Royalty and Government page as me and the Queen for his

attaining leadership at the most advanced age, her for being

Queen the longest, and me for contesting the most elections.


JF: No independent research has been carried out into urine



JCT: No independent research has been carried out into

cannabis consumption either. Is that because they're both no

good or because someone hid both good stuffs from the



JF: But kidney specialists warn that consuming large volumes

may cause a build-up of toxic waste similar to that seen in

patients who suffer kidney failure.


JCT: And we've been warned that consuming large volumes of

cannabis "may cause athlete's foot" because the specialists

can't say that consuming cannabis "does not cause athlete's

foot." The use of the word "may" implies odds,

probabilities, statistics that many people believe are used

to lie with. To people not versed in odds, that is. I've

never heard of anyone ever suffering from consumption of

their own kidney milk no matter if we can't prove that

drinking urine does NOT cause athlete's foot.


JF: "Given the risks of toxicity associated with ingesting

urine," wrote Urbain Olanguena Awono, Cameroon's health

minister, "the health ministry advises against the

consumption of urine and invites those who promote the

practice to cease doing so or risk prosecution."


JCT: Imagine, Cameroon's Minister of Health is a medical

imbecile. He has not checked to find out that urine coming

out of the tap is a "sterile" "antibiotic" "disinfectant."

But then again, I'd bet the Cameroon Health Minister is not

a medical doctor and may plead the same incompetence that is

being pleaded by Canada's Health Ministers, Allan Rock,

former shyster for the pharmaceutical companies, and Anne

McLellan who I doubt holds any medical credentials either.


JF: Last night The Sunday Telegraph contacted Dr Christian

Tal Schaller, whose book, Amaroli 2, started the health

craze in Cameroon, to inform him of the ban. "What a crazy

thing to do," Dr Schaller said from his home in France. "I

have had hundreds of letters from followers in Cameroon

whose lives have been changed by urine therapy. I will

contact the government to explain what this therapy can do."

24 February 2003[Health]: A wee drop of amber nectar


JCT: Keep us informed. But I've added another program to my

Abolitionist Party Platform to the good ones like abolition

of prohibition on gambling, sex, marihuana, and now,

abolition of prohibition on urine therapy.



What originally got my attention was 1996 article about the

first "Urine Therapy Conference" in India where they were

touting a 73% cancer cure rate. That's when I started to

take it seriously and did some research. I leave you with a

few more choice words on the subject but I'm a believer. 


Getting http://netmar.com/users/ovigher/story92.htm

Freshly squeezed urine good for you.

Source: Reuter

  GOA, India, -- More than 600 scientists, representing

17 nations, gathered for the first World Conference on Auto-

Urine Therapy held in western India.

  They presented research evidence that human urine can

have healing powers and be very efficient against cancer,

hepatitis B, influenza, diabetis, and even AIDS.

  "Yes, urine can cure cancer," vice general manager of

the Long Life Biomedical Co Ltd Dr. Ming Chen Liau said.

  Many of the atendees to the conference drink their own

urine, and use it for body massages. Dr. Shigeyuri Arai of

Japan, has studied 1,752 people who practiced urine therapy.

60 percent of his patients reported that their symptoms have

disappeared, and as much as 73 percent in the case of cancer

patients. "Many patients on auto-urine therapy recovered

from serious illness," he said.

  Dr. Ryoichi Nakao, chairman of Japan's Miracle Cup of

Life Institute, said about 200,000 Japanese and as much as 5

million Germans gargled their own urine. 

  Several doctors claimed that urine therapy can ease the

painful symptoms associated with AIDS.

  Some doctors remain skeptical of the therapy, however,

they all agree more research has to be done.


"Urine Therapy Devotees Flock to India"

Reuters (02/23/96);  Graves, Nelson

  Hundreds of doctors and scientists from 17 countries

are attending the first World Conference on Auto-Urine

Therapy, a controversial treatment for many diseases

including AIDS. The three-day meeting, being held in the

western Indian state of Goa, brings together proponents of

the 5,000-year-old therapy, which involves drinking one's

own urine.  Former Indian Prime Minister Moraji Desai, who

died at 99 last year, surprised the world when he revealed

that he drank his own urine every day.  Some doctors say

urine contains hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals

that can cure diseases, and lessen AIDS patients' symptoms. 

But many mainstream doctors say that while small doses of

urine are not        harmful, they offer no therapeutic



Getting http://www.transort.com/~kids/bcr.html


Truth though the heavens fall - Herbert Shelton

Auto-Urine Therapy

Briton J.W. Armstrong, Dr. G.K. Thakkar, Dr. Ming Chen Liau,

Dr. Shigeyuri Arai, Morarji Desai, Dr. Ryoichi Nakao

Chinese Scientist Backs Urine Cancer Cure Claim         

  "Dr. Ming Chen Liau, presented his research findings

at... the first World Conference on Auto-urine Therapy in

[Panjim, Goa]. Ming said the chemical protein

antineoplaston, found in human urine, inhibits the growth of

malignant cancer cells.

  The scientist said his research showed in 47 percent of

cases antineoplaston arrested cancer, while there was a

partial response in 13 percent.

  Dr. Shigeyuri Arai... studied 1,752 people who

practised urine therapy and suffered ailments ranging from

diabetes to cancer. He found that 60 percent of the patients

said their symptoms had disappeared following the treatment.

The share rose to 73 percent in the case of cancer patients.

By Nelson Graves, Reuters. Reported in India-West, March 8,




JCT: Finally, a few more choice words to fill up my usual

30k limit:



Urine - The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze

  Forgetting the slang, urine has been called many things

including, 'Holy Water', 'The Nectar Medicine', 'A Very

Special Juice', 'Your own Perfect Medicine', 'and The Golden

Fountain'; largely given these rather tall titles because of

its unsurpassed healing powers. In fact, author Harald W.

Tietze tells us, you will not find a more customised

medicine and universal cure than your own urine.

  And Tietze is not alone with his theory; together with

600 scientists, doctors and therapists he attended a world

conference on 'Auto-Urine Therapy', in February, at

Panjim,(capital of Goa) India. Add these to the estimated 5

million plus Germans practising it daily, the ground-swell

of Europeans who are readily joining the throngs, and Asians

whose urine is being collected and processed by

pharmaceutical companies to create Urea in skin cream and

other by-products for modern drugs, and you begin to take

notice and start to contemplate the benefits.

  With minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones and more

customised antidotes which are up-to-date with our bodies

immediate needs, urine is equivalent (and better than )2,500

pharmacological ingredients contained in disease fighting

drugs. The only thing wrong with urine is that it is

available to every body on this planet and it is free. How


  In Urine the Holy Water Tietze traces back the history

of urine therapy through the Bible, Indian, Chinese,

Russian, Eskimo, Celtic, Egyptian, Hungarian, Aborigine and

Maori cultures, and as a ready-made medicine during the

world wars.             

  He further goes on to dispel the fear we have in

accessing what will save our lives and create longevity by

explaining what urine really is, and not what we have

wrongly imagined it to be; some putrid body by-product.     

  Although, in the minds-eye we do not replace this with

an image of some palatable and refreshing drink that whets

the appetite, his convincing argument that urine is a

sterile cleanser and healer does make you ponder if it is

any different to eating eggs from the hen, milk from the cow

(our own breast milk is made from the same stuff as urine,

only its mostly white) or the gelatin from cows hooves.

  As well as drinking, other internal uses for urine

outlined in this book include drops under the tongue,

douching, enemas, gargling, homoeopathic preparations,

injections, sniffing and rinsing. External applications

include baths, hipbath, footbath, steam bath, eye bath, eye

drops, massage, scalp/hair massage, herbal tea blends and


  Outlined in the text are treatments for acne, ageing,

Aids, allergies, Anaemia, Appendicitis, Arteriosclerosis,

Arthritis, Asthma, backache, bladder infections, blood

pressure, blood clot, boils, bowel problems, Bronchitis,

Bulimia, burns, Candidiasis, cataracts, Chilblains, Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome, colds and flu, Colic, Conjunctivitis,

Constipation, cramps, cysts, Dandruff, deafness, dental

problems, depression, Dermatitis, Diabetes, digestive

problems, Dropsy, Eczema, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, fever, Gall

Bladder, Gonorrhoea, Gout, Haemorrhoids, hair loss, Hay

Fever, headache, Hepatitis, Herpes, Malaria, Measles,

menstruation/menopause, obesity, prostate, sexual potency,

Sinusitis, stress, T.B., warts, varicose veins and more.

Most importantly there are documented accounts of how

Australians have conquered their own cancers with Auto-Urine

Therapy, so its benefits should not be ignored.

  In fact, the author says, "Dont read this book if you

feel well and if you are slim with beautiful skin and if you

have no allergies, no depression, no asthma, no psoriasis

and if you never will get bitten by a poisonous snake or


  In earnest I search for my feelings on the topic with,

Its on-tap, perhaps we cannot ignore this most ancient and

universal healer. Beginning with external uses we can all

easily experiment...but no piddling in my pool - Ill take

care of that.         



Getting http://www3.pair.com/jgurney/one/a/urine-


My Urine Therapy Home Page

Hello to everyone interested in urine therapy and other

alternative healing methods!

This is the homepage of Coen van der Kroon

This is also the urine therapy homepage

Under Construction





Who is Coen van der Kroon?

  I am a urine therapy and health consultant, living in

Amsterdam and author of a best selling book on urine

therapy. I am studying Ayurveda and other health promoting

systems. I am presently writing a second book on urine

therapy. My aim is to promote holistic health systems,

working with body, emotions, mind and spirit. Im my work

down-to-earth spirituality is a very important aspect. I am

a Libra with Leo ascendant.

My e-mail address is:  cvdk@knoware.nl


Read the following article:

[1]"Urine Therapy: The Simple Use Of Your Own Water Of Life"

[2]Urine Therapy

(Urin-Therapie, urinetherapie, orinoterapia)

Also called:


Shivambu Kalpa

The Water of Life

What is urine therapy? How does it work?

  Urine therapy means using (your own) urine externally

or internally as a way to promote or maintain your health.

The first question that probably comes to mind is whether

urine is not a toxic substance and how a toxic waste product

could ever be of any benefit for your health. Well, urine is

NOT a toxic waste product and this has been scientifically

proven. 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the

remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and

enzymes. Toxic substances are being removed from the body

through the liver and intestines, through the skin and

through the outbreath. The main function of the kidneys is

to keep the composition of the blood in optimal balance.

When there is to much water, the kidneys will remove it. But

that doesn't make water into a toxic waste product. Only the

substance urea can be poisonous when present in very large

amounts in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the

practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put

back in the bloodstream. In the small amounts urea gets back

into the body, it is purifying, clears up excess mucus and

has a number of specific, very useful effects. Moreover, it

has a wonderful healing and tonifying effect when applied to

the skin. You can find urea in many skin products as one of

the main components.

  Furthermore, urine is entirely sterile after secretion

and has an antiseptic effect. We are talking here about

urine from the point of view of somebody who follows a

reasonably healthy diet, and who does not use chemical drugs

or allopathic medicines. Urine therapy is a method based

upon the principle of 'natural cycles'. As long as we do not

interfere chemically with the body's natural cycle, the body 

produces urine which is perfectly suitable for recycling. If

you ingest a great deal of chemical substances  and these

days all kinds of processed food contain chemicals  part of

this will end up in the urine, in which case the composition

of the urine changes. Normally, however, urine is a healthy

substance which contains healthy, harmless and nourishing

components. Some natural cycles take place more quickly than

others, but the cycle in general is the foundation of all

life. If we let nature run her course, there will be no

waste, and a disturbed equilibrium will always come back

into balance. Just as we are capable of disturbing a natural

equilibrium, we can also do our part in helping nature

recover her balance. In order to support such a recovering

of balance, we are equipped with a wonderful, natural 'house

pharmacy': our own urine provides us with a swift and safe

method for using the powers of the natural cycle. What

exactly are the effects of urine therapy?

  Briefly, if urine is ingested and/or rubbed into the

skin, it purifies blood and tissues, provides useful

nutrients and sends the body a signal about what is in or

out of balance. This last effect is called (oral) auto-

immunization. This brings us at a last important feature of

urine. Urine itself is, as said, not a toxic waste product.

It does contain however minute particles connected with

possible disease processes in the body. These minute

particles are mainly antibodies, which upon re-ingesting can

help the body to react on specific pathological situations.

Urine therapy has proven helpful in a great number of

various diseases, ranging from a simple cold and a

throatache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor skin

problems such as itching, to more serious skin diseases such

as eczema, psoriasis and even skin cancer.

More information on urine therapy in my book:

The Golden Fountain; The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy     


In English:

The Golden Fountain; The Complete Guide To Urine Therapy         

by Coen van der Kroon

Amethyst Books/Gateway Books

ISBN 0-944256-73-2


JCT: Incredible, isn't it. God provided a feedback to

recycle the best medicines our body can produce and our

rulers managed to hide from us knowledge that is millennia

old. It certainly seems another great indication of the

slavery control system used to oppress us.


But now the secret's out and soon, the Third World won't be

needing any pharmaceuticals, like we don't in my circles.


Wise up. Have a taste of Kidney Milk and then say a prayer

of grace to God for his wonderful engineering gift.


( :P weird mofo's)

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