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Police want end to home marijuana growing

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Thats really weird, its basically saying that they dont have a problem with marijuana they have a problem with people earning money and being self sufficient. Which would they rather have, people living off the government and being bums or making a decent living and supporting themselves and their family. In fact why not tax their income and get more money for the government, that sounds logical.
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Which would they rather have, people living off the government and being bums or making a decent living and supporting themselves and their family.


We ARE talking about the Netherlands. Up until the dinosaurs err... conservatives got control of government in .NL, yes indeed, people living off the govt wasn't any sort of crime.


In fact why not tax their income and get more money for the government, that sounds logical.


Hey! With logical thoughts like that, the War On Drugs would be over in one afternoon! We can't have that, people would be living with their families and freethinking and stuff. nononononon... :rolleyes:

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Yeh , I agree ...


Altho a bit confused about your first reply Al ? .. were you sayin ya couldn't make a few grand from 5 plants? .. because I reckon thats easily plausible .. even just 2 Pound would do that , maybe not always convenient or likely tho ofc :)

And If the Aussie "cop price" as you put it was 3500-5000$ then that sux , but seems they are estimating around a potential pound per plant .. which would not often be the case ..

(Do they really ever charge people like that tho? , or were you saying when they declare in the Media the "Cop prices" , that that is how they give their "estimated street value"??) :) nw ..


But yes , if like you said one had a well setup perpetual grow happening .. There could be many pounds harvested annually :flex: I think then that that signs a profit making incentive moreso than just supplementing an average income .. I don't know if the powers to be would take this into account , but maybe they do ..


"As long as there is profit to be made" .. seems the usual rule .. But It begs the question tho , why wouldn't the Authorities try and make their own profits from the mass usage of Cannabis in this country or any? .. What is it that stops them from doing so and what benefit does it serve them?? ..


It might just be the classic Ignorance of old , and the common misconceptions and fear of "DRUUUGGS!!!" (agghh!) .. or It might be fear of something else .. possibly "Free thinking individuals" ??? .. :toke:


Anyhoo , fuckem ... and Happy Growin/Tokin to You all :toke:


Budman :toke:

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Yeh , I agree ...


Altho a bit confused about your first reply Al ? .. were you sayin ya couldn't make a few grand from 5 plants? .. because I reckon thats easily plausible .. even just 2 Pound would do that , maybe not always convenient or likely tho ofc :toke:


There'd be a lot of veg time involved in getting a couple of lb off 5 plants, but of course you're right, it's doable... just time consuming. You'd be pruning mainstems and vegging a bit to bush them out so the per-plant yield comes up.


And If the Aussie "cop price" as you put it was 3500-5000$ then that sux , but seems they are estimating around a potential pound per plant .. which would not often be the case ..

(Do they really ever charge people like that tho? , or were you saying when they declare in the Media the "Cop prices" , that that is how they give their "estimated street value"??) lol nw ..


I've been mathing out the police estimates I have been seeing in recent news stories. Current 'cop price' is $3500/plant, but there's one Vietnamese fella they keep catching in W SYD who has the dubious distinction of having his plants valued at $5000 per. I reckon they don't like him much.



Angela Cuming

July 22, 2007


A MAN appeared in court yesterday charged over a multimillion-dollar cannabis crop.


Van Son Tran, 36, of Lansvale, faced Parramatta Local Court on a string of drugs charges, including cultivating cannabis.


The charges follow a police operation that spanned three years and which involved raids on several houses in Sydney's south-west.


Cannabis plants worth $3.24million were allegedly seized during the operation.


Tran was described in court by police as a "key figure in an organised criminal syndication".


The latest raid occurred on March 6 on two houses.


In a property at Fairfield, police allegedly found two rooms and a garage filled with 143 cannabis plants, with a total estimated street value of $625,000. Lights, heaters and a watering system were also seized.
($4370 per plant. -Al)


At a Bonnyrigg property, a police raid allegedly netted 60 cannabis plants worth $300,000.
($5000 per plant. -Al)


The court was told Tran was also charged in relation to a 2005 raid on a house in Bankstown, where police seized cannabis plants worth $1.56million, and a 2006 raid on a house in Cabramatta, where cannabis plants worth $750,000 were found.


Tran denied all knowledge of the crimes. He was refused bail.


In 2004, the NSW 'cop price' was $3000 per plant. We've since gotten a raise! Inflation, cost of living... hits everyone, you know. :flex:


I WISH you could get $3500 per plant... I'd grow 10 a year and be done with it. Remember, I"m a slacker. :)


Yes, police estimates of the street value of drugs are commonly introduced as evidence. The police estimates can and do often use the most profitable bases, i.e. selling your poundage by the bud/gram. We all know that almost never happens, but police will say anything to win their cases, no matter how unreasonable or unrealistic. In a prosecution, they are looking to persuade the judge of the severity of your crime, so the prosecution making a few outrageous suppositions that are rather hard for the defendant to disprove is to their advantage. Smarter judges are not taken in by this nonsense, but it's up to the defence to call them up on it.


But yes , if like you said one had a well setup perpetual grow happening .. There could be many pounds harvested annually :toke: I think then that that signs a profit making incentive moreso than just supplementing an average income .. I don't know if the powers to be would take this into account , but maybe they do ..


Well, the .NL cops are trying to make a big crime out of E3000/per year, if that's even accurate. I wonder if they took the cost of labor, electricity and hydro growing supplies out of that figure. Hell, even a legit biz gets to deduct their costs from gross receipts before calling any of the remainder 'profit.'


Whatever the rationalisation offered by cops, the simplest fact is that if cannabis wasn't illegal, it'd be worth next to nothing. It is after all a very easy plant to cultivate and while there's some skill in doing it well, anyone who can handle a watering can is able to grow it. Prohibition doesn't make cannabis unavailable, just more expensive.

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Whatever the rationalisation offered by cops, the simplest fact is that if cannabis wasn't illegal, it'd be worth next to nothing. It is after all a very easy plant to cultivate and while there's some skill in doing it well, anyone who can handle a watering can is able to grow it. Prohibition doesn't make cannabis unavailable, just more expensive.


That's true of all illegal drugs. It just makes them a very attractive business enterprise for anyone who's willing to make money illegally.

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