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Police want end to home marijuana growing

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Author: www.dutchnews.nl

Date: Tuesday 24 July

Source: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2007...home_mariju.php

Copyright: 2007 dutchnews.nl


Police want end to home marijuana growing


Tuesday 24 July 2007


Current laws which turn a blind eye to private individuals growing up to five marijuana plants should be overturned, according to police drugs experts. They say small-scale growers can earn up to €3,000 a year from their home production.


Although growing marijuana plants is technically illegal, in practise the public prosecution department takes no action against people who grow up to five plants. Possession of up to five grammes of cannabis is similarly ignored.


Police drugs experts also want tougher sentencing for professional plantations. 'At the moment they get community service of 60 to 80 hours. There should be a clear signal that (marijuana production) is unacceptable,' detective Ben Janssen told the Volkskrant.


'Grow shops' which sell seeds, lamps and fertilisers should also be tackled, Janssen says. 'They are the way in for organised marijuana growing,' he said. Some 8,000 professional plantations are found in private homes, in commercial properties and in farm sheds every year, according to figures in the Telegraaf.


While some parts of the country already have a system of licences for 'grow shops', many places, including Amsterdam, do not, acording to the crime prevention centre CCV.


A licencing system allows the local authority to set a maximum number of shops and investigate the owners for potential criminal connections.

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Current laws which turn a blind eye to private individuals growing up to five marijuana plants should be overturned, according to police drugs experts. They say small-scale growers can earn up to €3,000 a year from their home production.


€3,000 = $AUD4,715.84


1 EUR = 1.57195 AUD 1 AUD = 0.636154 EUR


Aussie 'cop price' is $3500 per plant, often up to $5000.


Dutch cops are alleging you can get $4715.84 per annum out of 5 plants. If they meant ONLY 5 plants in a year, no way. However, one might stay strictly within the limits in .nl by simply buying clones when needed from the local coffeeshop and keeping 5 in flower, staggered by a couple of weeks. You could harvest about every 1.5-2 weeks. If you vegged and pruned a bit, each one of those plants could be doing a few oz times roughly 25x 1-plant harvests/yr. Then the Dutch 'cop price' is looking more believable.


I will say that it's really quite astonishing how freely indoor grow gear is traded in Aus when the vast majority of hydro gear is sold to ppl who almost certainly grow cannabis with it. Every hydro shop has one little old lady from up the block who comes in every 6 months for a bottle of Superthrive for her begonias, but beyond her, nobody's fooled.


Per the Yellow Pages, Sydney alone has 65 hydroponics shops, many have been around for a decade or more. By comparison, there's 161 McDonalds Restaurants in the same greater Sydney area.


If there's an official blind eye to anything in Aus, the hydro shops have enjoyed it for yonks. It may not be so much blind eye as 'too bloody hard.' It'd be hard to close the hydro shops without also closing all the gardening, aquarium & hardware stores. If the hydro shops are ever shut in Aus, about the only thing that will be hard to replace is consistently good quality nutes, but I reckon that can be DIYed with enough practice. Can you imagine being busted for 'mixing, formulating or concocting hydroponic plant nutrients'? :rolleyes: HID lighting could become rather more rare, but not impossible to source. I think Bunnings has 400W HPS security lights. :)

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  WantDaChronic said:
bastards :rolleyes: and who cares if a person makes 3000 euros a year over there? they charge like $5 for a big mac in most parts of europe so they'll need every cent they can get :)


Don't they get about $5 for a Big Mac here in Oz as well? Wouldn't know myself, haven't been in a Maccas since 1996.


Too bloody right, €3,000 a year is spit in the sea. I spend more than that on cigs. Nobody's buying a stable full of Lambos and Ferraris on €3,000 a year.


It's a mystery to me what cops are thinking when they go off about someone earning a bit from a little grow op. I guess we're 'cheating' at the old money rat-race and have some sort of unfair advantage in this life, for which we must be punished, punished, PUNISHED!... lol


One of these days, the history books will record the War On (Some) Drugs as being the greatest social fallacy humans have ever lived through at the hands of governments (supposedly) run by the people, which hurt more people than the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials combined and multiplied times a million.

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