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Granny needs help...

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I should have known better but here's what happened. My daughters Mr wanted to learn so he built another box and I put the clones in and gave the girls 36 dark to start flowering about a week ago. The Boy was supposed to have set the timer for 7am -7pm lights on. He STILL hasn't gotten it straight! The lights went off at 6:30 pm and then came on again at 2am, and when they tried to go off at 2pm I had him go and put the lights back on, and get a new digital timer.


My dilemma is, I'm second guessing myself. I plan to leave the lights on until 7pm, and then get them back on track... but I wonder if they need a longer dark period maybe 24hrs... what would you all do??? :rolleyes: I'm going to beat the boy! He's had the lights screwed up from the first!

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Thank you everyone... here's the latest! He comes home with a Brinks digital timer he's already set it on the way home... so we wait until 7pm and he switches the timers and puts the box into a 12hr dark.


Great, I go back to the computer and they go for pizza... when they got back with the pizza the lights were back on!!! AHHHHHH!

Now he's saying that it's the cord that was crimped and must be broken and that's why the thing keeps switching on!

So. They've gone to the movies to see the new Simpsons movie and in the meantime, I'm getting my green light and going in the box to see what's going on. and switch the cords. I'm going to try the 12 hr dark and see, it's been a very confusing week for those girls. they may need the 24 dark. Poor little white rhinos...



Thank God he doesn't touch my veg box!

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Thanx guys!

It seems to be working now... we will know for sure at 7am.

The cord was indeed crimped, somehow it got bent and jammed up under the wood cab. so I switched it out with a new one. the timer is good and rated 500W Tungsten 120V/60Hz 15 amp which can easily handle the 400w HPS. So no worries there. but we shall see in the morning if it's set right. :rolleyes:

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