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$500,000 cannabis stash

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Police have charged a man over the discovery of an estimated $500,000 worth of cannabis in a house in Sydney's south-west.


Officers made the find after they were called to a home at Kingsgrove on Wednesday over reports of a fire.


It is alleged they found 160 cannabis plants growing in a sophisticated hydroponics set-up.


A 36-year-old man has been charged with cultivating a commercial quantity of cannabis and diverting electricity.


Author: ABC

Date: Sat Jul 21, 2007

Source: ABC

Copyright: © 2007 ABC


and diverting electricity.
You just can't get away with that any more, the power companies can trace power theft with ease now.



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  Tom said:
You just can't get away with that any more, the power companies can trace power theft with ease now.


Truly, but no more so than at any other time. The technical means of tracing an unmetered current draw is no different now than at any other time in the history of residential electricity service, but power companies are finding that the pastime is more popular now than ever- and so do more checks than they used to.


This fellow sounds like he came undone with shoddy wiring.

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  420Downunder said:
I want to know what strain the guy was growing, I mean shit $3125 per plant is about 10.5oz per plant fuck me that's producing :wacko:


I've recently taken to mathing out the "cop price" when I see news items on busts, sort of how you have here.


The cops are famous for assigning arbitrary, madly inflated prices- which reporters publish without question. "Cop price" in Aus hovers around $3500 per plant, no matter how they are grown nor what size the plants are. $3125 per plant is lower than the usual, but it's also fairly meaningless. It won't have anything to do with how much dry bud a plant produced nor was going to produce. Cops just pull these numbers out of their ass and the media just run with it; apparently the coppers' word is good enough for most news ops, Noise Ltd in particular...


I have said it a couple of times this week- I do believe that the cops are encouraging people to grow by falsely claiming these outrageous prices. Some poor sods surely have seen these ~$3500/plant "cop prices" and have got into growing thinking you can actually GET $3500 for a plant... I'd think that would be entrapment, but apparently not in a police state in the midst of a 'WoD' where the meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeja have collectively drank the Kool-Aid.

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