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Hey all :P

Damn,from what I have read & the pics I have seen on this thread it seems I have 2 perhaps 3 hermies growing~I THINK????I will take some pics right now & try to post em.Any comments,ideas,suggestions would be most welcome~thanks!

Well couldnt post the pics (still new to this) but I have a sinking feeling that I have hermies on my hands....Now,the worry is that I am outdoors but have some other lovely ladies about 10 metres away from the hermies~so,should I do as the first poster did & spend hours outside CASTRATING the bastards & can this stop the "man" in them & return them to female?

Also,can anyone remember which thread had the great pics of a female & male seed pod?Just so I can look again & pray......thanks,this short term memory is not always fun!


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hey all with this thing i have got will it keeping getting the male balls rite up to harvest time or do that stop after a wile, it is just once i had a male back in syd when i was growing out doors and i keep it and pulled every ball i saw off after about a month it stoped growing the balls, in the end i got about 1/4oz off it, so with this one now will it stop growing the male balls or will be picking them off up until the end :rolleyes:


thanking you all

ozmade lol

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g'day;  mine has not grown any new balls yet, i think they slow down but they wont stop growing balls until late into flower.

Hey sols mi has slowed down as well just finding one here and there now, hopefully i wont miss any but you can be 100% sure that i will and end up with some seed as long it is not to much fingers crossed. lol


bong on aussie

ozmade :rolleyes:


P.S.Hey all thanks for all the help and info it has been grate, i through i knew all i need to know about growing mj but what i have picked up from all the grate people here just went to show how little i did know and againe THANKYOU ALL lol

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that Sex Change Hormone, that you spray on your plants is a load of shit, The chemical in it has nothing to do with inducing female flowers, There is a chemical that will do this, but its not the shit in the 'Sex change hormone' the shit in the sex change hormone is actually a chemical that the plant produces in large amounts while rooting. I cant remember the names of these chemicals off the top of my head, But yeah, don't buy that crap, its made by a company in Australia that also sells crap that you can apparently soak your seeds in and make them female. hmmmm, people think that us growers are braindead. I can't remember the name of the company, (I'm not at home) but yeah, I think all their products are pretty dodgy.
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