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The War on Pot, have your say.

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There's an article over at the SMH site about pot:




There's also an opportunity to add to the comments, so here's a chance to have a bit of a speak up on a national level, you can do it anonymously if you like. But while it's in the public spotlight at the moment we should strike while the iron is hot.


C'mon M8'S less talk more action. ;-)




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  Nooby said:
There's an article over at the SMH site about pot:




There's also an opportunity to add to the comments, so here's a chance to have a bit of a speak up on a national level, you can do it anonymously if you like. But while it's in the public spotlight at the moment we should strike while the iron is hot.


C'mon M8'S less talk more action. ;-)




How's this for you sweetie? :applause:


To the Editor:


Speaking as a Legal cannabis patient in Canada due to chronic progressive Multiple Sclerosis, a retired Law Enforcement Officer and a former Federal Candidate for the New Democratic Party of Canada in 2004, I feel I MUST be heard.


Drugs are rampant and readily available in our Society for one reason and one reason only - They are not regulated, leaving the Streets and our children in charge.


If all drugs were legalized and regulated similar to alcohol and tobacco we wouldn't see someone's casual utility as a problem.


People all over the World should have just as much right to put cannabis in their systems in place of intoxicants such as alcohol.


Legalize and regulate all drugs so that adults and the of age population who choose to imbibe may do so without expecting a criminal record.


Drop by www.leap.cc for more information.


Nobody should be incarcerated or monetarily fined for drugs.







Alison Myrden

Speaker for LEAP

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition



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With spy gear they have at hand makes me wonder if they wanted to ban any or all illicit drugs they could easily do so. Take Afghanistan, half the world's armies are there, the place isn';t that large, the cost of subisidising the farmers to grow other crops (the actuial opium growers get very little) would be infinticimal.

But yet with all that firepower and world focus, Afghaistan is still one of the (if not the largest) source of illegal opium in the world. With all that US army might (and others), they're still hand milking opium crops, cooking the opium , processing it into heroin and moving it out of the country! Too weird for me.


With gogogle earth (if updated regualrly) let alone true stalite abilities, all outdoor pot crops could be destroyed.


There's far more votes "fighting" drugs, than "winning" against drugs.


That's how it seems to me anyway. We'll never win this fight while morality and integrity are in the hands of the powerful, for they have none of these qualities. IMO.



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