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please clear this up: Is heat an issue?

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Just thought I’d regurgitate some no doubt half useless shit from here :thumbsup:



A: Dies quickly

1) Denatures proteins (unfolding of proteins) - at 130 oF (about 54.444444 celsius)


B: Dies slowly or just poor growth

1) Desiccation - causes excessive drying-out

2) Sun scald or scorch - desiccation followed by death of tissue

3) Respiration exceeds photosynthesis - depletes stored food

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of course i can only speak from my own experiences... and this summer we had a few days that reached 46-48 outside.. so the temp in my grow room was right up around the 50c... of course it had me worried... but really theres not much i could do at the time... i certainly wasnt going out to spent 3K on AC...


i think its a lot to do with the system youre running.. and ive always said as long as they got water.. they will never wilt.. and ive never seen ANY of my plants wilt... except for that day when i done a light flush and nute change.. one of the feeding hoses came off.. and 4 of the plants didnt get watered for 3 days untill i noticed them wilting... checked the resi.. yep.. hose has come off... put it back on.. gave them a good water and all was well... that was in the hot part of the summer too.. crop yielded just over 45 ounces.. about average for my room


obviously plants in soil or coco and if your hand feeding.. then you might have troubles.. but with my system, recirc in perite.. ive never had issues with heat... actually.. ive never really had many issues at all..


now.. if your room was pulling temps of 40c all day everyday.. i would seriously be thinking... more exhaust.. or placing a cooler in there... and if my room was pulling constant temps of below 10-15c..or lower... id be thinking about a heater... but to run a temp controlled room all the time.. because of the few days we get that are slightly hotter or cooler.. i dont see the need... a 1500watt aircon... cost a lot to run.. and quite frankly if you can get away with out using it.. then thats what id be doing.. but i certainly wouldnt want to be paying for aircond thats going to cost more than my entire room to run...


ive made a few way out there statements about heat... i think have been misunderstood... ive said yeah.. plants will handle temps of 50c.. ive seen it in my room... this doesnt mean id want to be running my room, at those temps all day and night... but i aint going to spent a few grand on AC cuz a few days get a little hot or cold either..


with all that said... if you are living in a place that NEEDS the room temp controlled... then yes... id say keep it at around that 30c mark... but most of us in OZ are very lucky and the need for temp control isnt really needed... of course a few places would need it.. like the snow fields... or the dessert..


as for the reason the plants secrete resin.. well i believe theres a few factors.. UV protection, protection of the seed or from animals as has been mentioned.. but the biggest reason.. is so the female plant can attract the passing pollen of the male plant... with out the sticky resin.. the pollen might just blow past... its more of a "sure thing" pollination method.. also to get us stoned.. lets not go past the biggest reason of all.. :thumbsup:


plants are an amazing thing.. the way each plant has a different method of pollinating.. growing in a massive variety of temperatures and altitudes... MJ is nuthing like any other plant on the planet.. its very unique... and we certainly dont know enough to say yes or no to certain factors of its cycle.. MJ does grow in various regions.. it does grow various climates.. all over the world.. NO other plant does this... NO other plant will grow in as many places as a MJ plant can.. and will... so to say theres no other plant that secretes resin for self protection.. so why would MJ... is a little premature i think.. as MJ is like NO other plant... whos to know really for sure..


as for an optimum temperature to keep the plants at... well thats is and must be total bullshit.. because the same plant will grow in cold climates.. even snow.. as well as grow in dry arid climates.. so the range is really wide.. the thing us growers need to work out.. is what environment suits best the plant/strain we are growing at the time.. as some plants handle different temps and nute levels as other plants.. the range is so vast... so because some one tells me my room needs to be at 28c all the time and im getting temps of say 32.. again.. i aint going to install an AC for few pissy degrees...



i get crowns like this constantly.. .through out the year.. there is and never will be ANY temp controll in my room... i dont see an issue??

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So how are you guys keeping the roots cool? In the summer months I throw

2 x 2 litre plastic milk bottles full of frozen water into my nute tank to bring the

water temp down to a reasonable temp, but that only happens every 4 - 6 hours

for a minute or two ( run to waste)

Are you running cool water/nutes? over the roots for long periods.


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hey aussie1,

I've tried the frozen water bottle trick before but never had much success with it probably because of the amount of water in my system, around 250L. I was shuttleing 2 sets of 3 x 2L bottles between res & freezer ever 12 hours with little difference, the temp spiked back up within an hr. I found installing a small fan blowing down over the res seemed to work better giving a pretty consistant 6c drop in temp. I just used a small desk fan, 80mm dia hanging over the res. It does increase the evaporation tho so u gotta make allowances for that but it works heaps better than the water bottles, i'f u're using a secondary topup res then theres no problems at all. I've also read of people installing a couple of pc fans in the lit of the res, heard that works well too, i just used what i had on hand.

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Good onya for bumping this one MM :D


Heat has been a real issue for me this summer, I havn't been running my main room at all, mainly due to the heat generated by the 600w metal halide. I have a cool tube but the problem is really more general heat build up, I need a shitload more ducting so I can vent the hot air out from under the house and right away from the intakes. At the moment my cab (220w CFL and passive ventilation) is sitting in the low 30's (31.1 after a 43 degree day) and that hasn't been an issue for the plants at all. The BD's out in the backyard are looking fantastic and it was 43degrees here today :D .

I guess what it comes down to is the plants can handle the heat ok if ventilated well and watered regular (they do outdoors) but it will effect growth rates and yield to some extent, and I had a scary thing recently where heat stress tripped a male into flower months early :D .


However trying to root clones is another story altogether, Out of a batch of 66 clones (48 from the cab, 18 from out bush) I lost 62 in the space of a week because of the heat and not being able to keep humidity up through the day without flooding them each morning, so some I lost to wilt, others to damp rot and a bit of root rot towards the end.

I have since moved my clones back into the veg cab (under the house where the heat is pretty stable @ 30C (+/- 3 degrees) and have had excellent results.




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Heat...One of the current banes of my growing experience :D


...I've been tossing an idea back and forth in my mind though...

...This seems as good a place as any. :D


Has anyone thought about using an old barfridge...filled with the biggest res container you can fit in it...

...2 pipes/tubes...one in one out...drilled through the door or sidewall...a waterpump...and the tubing is either run through the

nute res and back to the fridge to be chilled again, or wound around the pots a few times and then back to the fridge to chill again...

..both closed system...chilled water never mixes with nutes or medium, absorbs heat and then goes back to fridge res to cool.

put the pump on a timer...or a thermostat switch. :peace:


Old 2nd hand barfridges can be got for peanuts these days...might even have one lying around... :thumbsup:


If anyone does try this, please post results...I for one would be interested.. :D



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