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please clear this up: Is heat an issue?

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Cannabis has some temp limits; it doesn't much like temps below 15-16C. Cool temps inhibit not just resin production but veg growth as well. If you poked a clone outdoors in most of wintertime SE Aus right now, it'd go into flower due to the short photoperiod but cool avg temps would keep it from growing much. Suffice it to say that there's a REAL short summer growing season at high latitudes like Sweden/Norway or even Scotland, barely enough to get a crop flowered before temps are too cool.
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I rad about the temperatures at (can't think of the town now), a town I was being tranfered to in the railways as a kid. It has the hottestst temps recorded in Australia. 50 or something. I'm pretty sure the article insisted that no matter how much water u drink, if a human s eposed to 55 degrees for 2 days straight, we die. So I can't imagine dope enjoying it either.


What ya mates might have been talking about is hot and dry humidity? maybe.


When I grew dope out west, the resin flowed like honey. The plants got sun from dawn until dusk without any shade on them at all, and it was so dry if I didn't water them every day for their entire growing period, they would have died. 40, even 42 celcius wasn't unusual in Febuary for a couple weeks, and they really sucked the water then.


But that experience of rowing in super dry humidity environment has always left me with wonders of how to replicate it again in a closet, without the red mites!


Honest, you did all you could to avoid touching the plants when in head, because the resin would get dirty from then touching other things, and it was harder than hell to get off, al this dirt and leaves stuck to ya hands.


I'm obsessed with growing back in those conditions. Great to see large plants running like maple syrup.

So I just wonder if ya mates are thinking along those lines?


As for inside, I'd do all I could to keep them under 30 if at all possible. I dout my plants stay that cool all year round, but you know, as a goal at least.

Like Luke said, I believe anyone who thinks they can grow dope at 50 celcius is mistaken.

And like Al B fuct, if my room gets that hot, it gets shut down until the day cools off abit, and if it stays that way, I stop growing for a month or two. It's a killer to plants.



rPS, Al B Fuct, I'll take ya bet. depending on the size, and if the clone is above the snow line or something, I reckon it'll do fine.

I used to grow all winter. Grow the clones to 12 inches or so, put them in pots outside from easter till August or september. Strnge they keep flowering until october even november sometimes, when they're flowering strong and finishing off Imean. I reckon they're re-shoot before then if they weren't full blown flowering at that point but. Of course full sun is essential, but that's a given I suppose.


Anyway I used to get decent harvests from them. Smallish for sure, but more like 2 oz per plant. So I'll take ya bet, one dollar says 2 oz! :rolleyes:

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Anyone who says they grow plants @ 50c is lying.


:applause: Gee thanx Luke. Over 50c in summer here outdoors is common never loan indoor. OzStoner can confirm this, he has grown here with me in the past and yes I would say that high temps are a big part of achieving maximum potency from the genetics in a plant. The temp of the roots is what is important IMO. Plants grown in high temps, which includes the roots heating up will have problems as others have said in this thread but if the roots are kept cool there is very little difference in growth from my exp. Potency on the other hand is deffinaty better as the plants produce more resin to protect their leaves and flowers from the heat.


:peace: Peace MongyMan

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As far as I know it is low humidity that helps your plants crystal up as it is a defense......


:applause: Yep I would agree SH but high heat also causes this same stress control mechanism to increase to produce more resin. Resin is like sun-screen to them. it protects them from UV light, excess heat and to a lesser degree low humidity.


:peace: Peace MongyMan

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Dont reckon you could grow indoors @ 50c, but outdoors is entirely different environment and has no comparison to indoor environment ...

outdoor temps in my garden hit mid 40s (in the shade) in summer and plants are exposed to direct suns rays so its it is entirely probable the temps in the sun surpass 50c

as Mongy says root temps much more critical than ambient air temps IMO




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Mongyman, I'm guessing at where you're at. Like Isiaid, I used to row in 40 odd celcius, nowhere near as hot as you but. Isnt the resin something else on a plant grown from spring and lived a full season in the heat?

Talkes some getting used to that midday wilt buyt hey, used to freak me out :applause:. Be ouring water on them all day to stop the wilt, until Ilearned it couldn't be stpped.


Something I never ascribed to myself, but have mates that swear by it, is to never water the plants unless the choice is life and death. I mean they let them fall on the ground in wilt, and long past when I'd be crying, they aren't even concerned.

The Feb rain usually comes, and the huge root mass under the forund all that suffering caused makes them explode from suffering plants to girls that produce a pound in just a couple weeks.


but their point for allowing to suffer the heat stress so much is they swear by it to increase strength, and some of these guys have had powerful gear in the past. Can't swear exactly why though.


Point is but, they can cope with some heat I suppose when I think of it. Outside at least. Of course, 50 degrees c, 40 or whatever. Nighs are often cool, and they get respite then. Indoors they get the same temp pretty much all day long 24/7. They don't get those cool nghts to regenerate.




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Thru the summer its quite common for my green room temp to peak at 37-38c, if it gets over 40c then i start to worry tho it never seems to worry the plants. They do tend to drink a shit load more tho. If the TDS level gets too high then they really get upset so i always use a secondary topup res with plain water. The main thing for me is to keep the water at round 23c then they don't seem to worry too much bout actual room temps. The hummidity does jump up at the same time tho, probably because of all the transpiring the plants are doing.
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