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please clear this up: Is heat an issue?

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hey everyone

over the last couple of weeks I have been hearing things from members that are leaving me gobsmacked.

I have always gone to extreme lengths to keep my temps to what I always thought was optimal:

26-28 degrees celsius.

I have now been told that 'heat' is needed to keep up resin production, and being told by some that

their grow room is reaching temps of 40-50 degrees celsius. I suppose the definition of 'heat' is open to

debate but wouldn't temps of 40+ put the plant into total shut down?

I would love it if temps as high as 40 are good as I would not have a battle on my hands, but this goes

against everything I have ever heard, read, learnt, and practiced.

I was told that the optimal temps of 26-28 ( during flo, of course) is outdated info from the first couple of guys that

ever put out grow books and now the norm is much higher temps.

anyone got any credible info on this issue?

thanks aussie

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hey Auzzie

i too believe like u

that 26-28 optimal temps

with C02 plants can withstand higher temps like 35 c

i dont know about the other bit uve heard

i havent heard it

i know that plants wen they are in extreme temps

produce triches as a safety mechanism

to retain any moisture etc i think


it seems a bit much 40-50

i like me temps gettin no more than 30

31 and im pullin me hair out..:rolleyes:

imo keewp doin wat u know works mate

all the best


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I have now been told that 'heat' is needed to keep up resin production, and being told by some that

their grow room is reaching temps of 40-50 degrees celsius.

Ban people like that from your grow room, you are not supposed to cook with mj until after you harvest it.



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Heat and humidity is getting confused here


As far as I know it is low humidity that helps your plants crystal up as it is a defense to stop the moisture within them being lost.


Anyway beyond a certain temp the water within the plants cannot hold oxygen and as such the plant will wilt from lack of oxygen if not from the loss of water that will follow the heat

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The humidity thing may have something behind it, but even that's debateable. There is little evidence that the trichomes actually prevent transpiration, but it's always possible I suppose...


The cannabinoids present in cannabis, are, in my own humble opinion, a self defence mechanism against browsing animals. It firstly doesn't taste very pleasant, therefore protecting the precious, (and tasty) seed as it develops. Secondly, it would affect the motor skills of any grazing animal, helping reduce damage to it and other plants. It's pretty hard to say that resin develops in the plant to combat heat or humidity problems, as there are many other species that don't do this and live in perfectly arid and hot countries.....

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There's certain practical limits to humidity with flowering plants. If temps run low during lights off and humidity consistently runs above 60-65%, you run a risk of grey mould (bud rot, botyritis) particularly in really big top colas. Destroys colas from the inside out in a day or so. Such conds favour powdery mildew, too. Excessive humidity is always a bad thing for plants but particularly so in late flower. Doesn't matter what humidity does to potency if your buds get turned to mush.
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what ive always wondered is does the cannabis grown in cold climes have the high resin coating also .... :rolleyes:

i think those plants have bugger all thc/cbd but it doesnt mean they havent got any resin ....

im unsure as to the reasons for resin production but i sure do love it ... lol



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