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where do u get this acid?


Hydro shops, better gardening shops.


I can get a few different sauces which have giberellic acid in them, but the real deal concentrated stuff is also real expensive...




~$93 retail for 100ml though I can prolly get it cheaper.

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Hey Billo, What great genetics you got there. :rolleyes:


I don't think that whatever you do you will end up with a plant exactly like the shishkaberry. If this was possible then every overseas elite "cut" would be available in seed form. LUI and shish are both multi hybrids to start with. I would just cross the two and sent that. Likely to be top notch anyway. What your friends will have are f1s. They could then make f2s which should show a range of traits reflecting the original parents. This works better if both parents are stable which yours aren't. Either that or you could do what Luke or Al B suggest. Backcrossing as luke explained works pretty well even on the first generation. Because shish is multihybrid I recon using the gib acid will give you similar but not exact replicas of the original. Cubing (I think) involves breeding 2 lines for some generations and then back again with each other (bloody complicated). I could be wrong with all this. hopefully someone who paid attention in science class will come along and correct me. <_<

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and a stone that rates 9.1

on the stoner richter scale

its a strain i have been wanting ever since i started again


as the shishk is blueberry afghani

was thinking to keep it real

a male affi or bberry would be the best

but we all know i hate blueberrry..:rolleyes:

watever i end up with its gunna have to be indy

thanks guys

great read Freddie cherrs


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The main thing is selection of breeders. Grow as many of them as you can, and then pick out the one that most matches what you're after and discard all other plants. (for breeding of course, you can still smoke em...)


It's like using frozen mammoth semen and crossing it back to a modern elephant, and with careful backcrossing to the mammoth genetics again and again, always only using those resulting mamothants that most resemble a mammoth for breeding the next generation. With enough crossing and selection, you can end up after several generations with a 99% mammoth. :rolleyes:


Selection, selection, selection.


That's why I have enormous respect for professional breeders. It's hard (time consuming, expensive and space hungry) to do right. Sure, you can get lucky, but breeding for specific traits is a long and arduous process that can result in a lot of $ spent and time wasted if you're not careful....


I can't emphasise enough the importance of records. Do not trust memory for breeding projects. Get yourself a good sized exercise book if you go ahead with this and make it a stud book for breeding records. Invaluable.

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