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The Truth About Drugs

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This is a drug information site set up for parents to educate their children. please look down the left hand side of the page and tell em what you dont see listed.


What a load of propaganda hype!

same old reefer madness bullshite

mushroom culture

kept in the dark and raised on bull****

more examples of twisted statistics....


I'd doubt the validity of any of it....


Blessed Love

Sistah NYah








if I told you facts we both knew were scientificly proven false every year for seventy odd years,

would u believe everyting elce i had to say????




since 1936 every year de gov has lied to the public in their cannabis press releases

lied because they have read their own scientific reasearch papers after all they aurthorized them


how can we believe a word they say?????

i for 1 dont

seek and find de truth

u can scearch for scientifc research papers and check for your self Who lied

forward truth




hash Oil Rulez


Edited by Radic
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lots of par boiled facts ..... think i heard something somewhere sometime about a little information being a f=dangerous thing..... thought i'd check it out as a parent ... whats missing ?? you wamnt help to promote "FOR $10, YOU CAN KEEP A KID OFF DRUGS ... you hoping to sell a few milion sets no doubt ...... :D


and as a very experienced long term druggie .... i should mention that notwithstanding 25-30 years of continual exploration with various drugs ... and there's not very many I haven't tried ... and when they felt good i tried lots and lots of them .... well, notwithstanding, i have and continue to raise a happy normal albeit nuclear family ... i continue to prosper in business and enjoy life as an integrated member of society ... I smoke lots of weed/pot/joints :xcited: every day of the week .. all through the day and into the night time ... my children don't know... i am a confirmed and proud "druggie" ... and quite accomplished at keeping it to myself ... lots of practice given I'm about to hit the half century mark .... which means i'm coming up to my 35th annivesary of drug "abusing"


I guess I am so different to the other people who drink or take various pills .. be they ups or downs or just the "keep you level" type ... I'm so sick of hearing about my preferred drug .. cannabis ... lumped in with heroin or meth or frikin lsd n mushies for that matter ... its a stand out different drug ... I reckon you should f**k off and not try to use the forum for your commercial enterprise :xcited:

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what worries me is the straight-out lies present in shit like this.


and apparently no drugs have positive side-effects, only negative.


HAH, under 'joints' they claim bud is often boiled into a tea, how well informed. they also claim that during the first hour after smoking weed you are 5 times more likely to have a heart attack.

Edited by bodysnatcher
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