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Home Made Cannabis Ointment Tincture & Healing Oil
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Queensland: STOP Cannabis Arrests and Prosecutions Now 1 2
By MongyMan,
- cannabis
- queensland
- (and 2 more)
- 18 replies
This is mostly exerts from my last statement I presented to court on May 15th. I was charged with Cultivation of 15 cannabis plants in my garden. I got a fine plus court costs. I appealed on severity grounds and went back to court and lost. I defend myself in court.
The intro and outro came from Joan Bello web site and book
Every unbiased scientific study has found that Cannabis is non-addictive, non-toxic, and potentially beneficial.
Cannabis prohibition is a crime against humanity.
I am the miracle man. I walked out of a wheelchair thanks to Cannabis
I am a 50 year old father of 7, a peace loving family man, and unfortunately, victim of a motor vehicle accident from my teens in the mid seventies. I suffered 5 crushed vertebrae.
1 in my neck,
2 in my upper back and
2 in my lower back.
The Doctors told me I‘d never walk again. Miracle or Medicine, I am a man who has walked out of a wheelchair.
With every step I take I endure bouts of frequent Acute pain and constant Chronic pain.
For the first 6mth I used the prescribed pharmaceutical drugs till the side effects kicked in and the doctor warned me of possible permeant liver damage. Those are dangerous drugs
I had to stop.
I tried alternative practitioners, Physiotherapy, Magnetic and Electronic Treatments, even Acupuncture. I’ve slept on a water bed for years.
The attacks are more frequent in winter than summer.
Acute pain is intense for 3 to 7 days before it returns to a manageable level. The least painful position for me to be in is to lie flat on my back on a firm level surface. The Pain is sharp and intense. My breathing is shallow and painful. My body won’t let me chough or even sneeze because the intense pain caused by any sudden movement reduces me to silent tears.
From this state I and my doctors have found that one herbal cannabis cigarette smoked every 30mins usually brings the pain down to a manageable level within 2hrs, Leaving me with more faculties in tact and fewer side effects to manage.
Resent scientific research supports these facts.
It is now widely known in the medical community that Cannabis is a bonified powerful analgesic.
A pain killer equal to any of the opiates but with far less toxic side effects.
In fact not one single person has ever died from a cannabis overdose in the whole world.
My doctors and I are convinced that my self medication is safe and more effective than any other available treatment for Chronic and Acute pain management.
I make ointment from cannabis to massage into my back and cannabis tincture which I use both internally and externally for chronic pain relief. I know it works for me. The relief is instant.
My doctors recommend that I continue my treatment to keep myself out of that wheelchair for as long as possible.
Without my medicinal cannabis treatment I would be hospitalized and put on morphine for extended periods. A wheelchair would be my means of transport.
This would a big financial burden on the system and myself.
On many levels, my self medication is by far a safer, cheaper, more sustainable treatment for my pain management.
I am not the only one in this predicament As you read this many terminally ill people are dieing because their medicine is illegal.
I have been asked many times by people struggling with health issues to try some of my Cannabis ointment or tincture.
Last Year my Mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and was booked in for a biop two weeks later.
I gave her a couple of 30g bottles of Cannabis Ointment. She used it all in the 2 weeks. I was not amused when they couldn’t find any lump and wanted to know how she got rid of Breast Cancer.
Of course the latest research proves cannabis to be anti cancer.
I meet so many people suffering from different ailments.
But I can’t give all my medicine away I need it to walk.
So mostly I tell people who need it, that it is very easy to make, you can do it yourself from the garden to the medicine chest it is a very simple procedure.
Try this recipe
Cannabis Tincture
You Need
1 1 Amber glass bottle with a tight lid
2 Ethanol e.g. Vodka or better still organic Plant oil Extraction Fluid [most hydro shops sell it]
3 Organic Cannabis, Leaf or Head [dry, cured & crushed]
4 Tea Strainer
2/3 fill bottle with dry, crushed herb.
Poor in the Ethanol till the bottle is full.
Screw the lid on tight and shake daily.
It’s usually potent enough to use after about 36hrs.
Best after 14 days.
Strain the herb out
thats it Cannabis Tincture
Therapeutic Use
Great for pain relief e.g. toothache Dose depends a lot on the severity of the attack. Few drops to a 1ml straight on the tooth whenever necessary. THC travels to damaged nerves before it reaches the brain so you won’t get stoned but you will get pain relief. And if you‘ve been there, you’ll know the euphoria pain relief can bring.
There are many other uses for tincture,
“In 19th century medicine, tincture of cannabis was used mostly as a sedative and antispasmodic for insomnia, migraine, epilepsy, excitability, childbirth, and menstrual discomfort. ( Weil, 1980,p.95 )
The Ancient uses of Marijuana (McKenna, 1990) states it (cannabis) was used as a remedy for constipation, rheumatic pain, absent-mindedness, female disorders, dysentery, dandruff, headache, mania, whooping cough, earache, tuberculosis, nodes/ tumors, snake bite, asthma, muscular dystrophy. This list is not exhaustive there’s heaps more.
The modern medical recommendations of cannabis
include using it as a painkiller, anti-asthmatic, anti-convulsant, appetite promoter, anti-rheumatic, sedative, anti-diarrheal, anti-pyretic, anti-biotic and anti-tumor (Mechoulam, 1990). Excerpt From
By Joan Bello, a must read for all budding herbalists everywhere
Cannabis Healing Oil
You Need
1 Amber glass Bottle with a tight lid
2 Organic Hemp seed oil or organic olive oil
3 Organic cannabis (dry & cured)
2/3-fill bottle with dry, crushed cannabis.
Fill bottle with oil. Put the lid on.
Screw the lid on tight and shake it for a minute or so daily.
It’s usually potent enough to use after about 36hrs. Best after 14 days.
strain the leaf out
thatz it
Cannabis Healing Oil
Cannabis healing oil has muscle relaxant, anti-spasm, and anti-inflammation anti-biotic and painkiller qualities. Excellent for massage, wounds, burns, cuts and abrasions. Bruising and head ache are not forgotten either, this is a powerful all round healing oil
Cannabis Ointment
You Need
1 Cannabis Healing Oil
2 Bees Wax (If you are allergic to bees try sorbaline instead of bees wax)
3 Double Steamer
4 Amber glass ointment bottle with lid
Water in the bottom pot and oil and wax in the top pot,
Bout 20% wax < oil 80%. By volume
Heat water (bottom pot) till wax melts, (top pot)
stir in well.
Cool a sample to check consistency.
Add more wax to make it firmer or oil to make softer.
When it feels good pour into ointment bottle and cool.
tahtz it
Cannabis Ointment
Therapeutic Use
Can be used externally or internally. Yes it has Aphrodisiac properties too, Remember this is one of the
Safest known herbs to people Kind.
it gives me confident and complete control of anything from tropos to pimples, insect bites to burns, chronic nerve, muscle and bone pain, migraine headache, severe back and neck pain, nerve & allergic rashes,
This is truly gifted medicinal herb that can really heal with minium side effects. i can grow in mi garden and process in mi kitchen.
It works for me
Excert from Joan Bello website http://www.benefitsofmarijuana.com/bio.html
Hundreds of thousands of peace-loving people are presently incarcerated. Those of us who are the casualties in the front lines of the marijuana witch hunt are, of course, the best versed in all the depraved reasons our militaristic governments are waging this criminal war on innocent citizens. Our numbers sadly keep growing as our commitment to the inalienable, natural right to medicate ourselves, pursue our own methods toward enjoyment, and worship the Divinity in the best way we can imagine, grows ever stronger, gathering more and more people from all walks of life and all disciplines of science. Our prisons are inadequate to house what has become the most populated prison society in the developed world — because our laws define natural actions as crimes. The political system that upholds this foolhardy, cruel, unjustifiable policy is bolstered by the drive for profit.
The prison industry is booming, the police-state tactics are escalating, lawyers and judges are inundated with work as our inner cities are starving, our corporate giants are downsizing to maintain their profit margins, the medical profession is closing ranks around the pharmaceutical synthetics even as the death toll in side effects reaches horrendous proportions — all while one natural plant could ease the pain and suffering of so many sick and dying people, help save our dangerously diminishing forests from further exploitation, feed the billions of hungry and unfortunate people around the globe, and cleanse the toxins from the air we breath — and certainly increase the breathing capacity of us all.
Hash Oil Rulez
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