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1st white hairs


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Hey all

Well looks thing are starting to move along nicely for me at the moment, my baby is starting to get lirrle white hairs i have seen about 20 i gess so it wont be long now i hope, now when thay start to go rite off what can i add to help the buds along i am gorwing is potting mix with a mixture of peal and vernic in equal parts and can i start to add now to help the budding along any and all advice would be grate :P


Thankins All ;)



P.S. here is a pic ao my baby

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Guest elefunk_delivers

Your plant looks cracking to me.. also..

how many weeks in flower has it been and remeber to add sum cann pk 14-15 i think its it.. well the red canna lable anyways with the massive red chilli on it..

at about 5th week..


it works wonders..


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Add monstor bud organic growth/bud enhancer from second week of flore, but do not exceed CF2.5 or with gas CF3.0


Then when the buds are really cranking add canna pk13-14 to the mix.


And finish the flore (last 3weeks) with Monstor tonic.


Please note:- try not the exceed the CF level as this will do more harm than good


But when using CO2 gas you can really crack the nutrient right up - Swing has seen resi at CF3.8 and only just starting the burn the tips of the leaves. The growth was out of this world, with the biggest buds swing has ever seen, but the quality of the sugar coating was not as good as a CF3.0.

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I have just trialled Monster Bud and was not really all that impressed, it costs twice as much in real terms as the one I normally use (Add Budd) and the results are about 10% - 15% down at this stage, I switched back to Add Budd last week.


Who is this swing character? :huh:



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Who is this swing character? :huh:

:) I think that Swing's sittin' at his shoulder as jackfrost is writing his posts, think it's jackfrost's personal "post-ghost" cause he turnes up some times. or can it be that cannabis causes "multiple-personality-syndrome" on some of us?? :D

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Add monstor bud organic growth/bud enhancer from second week of flore, but do not exceed CF2.5 or with gas CF3.0


Then when the buds are really cranking add canna pk13-14 to the mix.


And finish the flore (last 3weeks) with Monstor tonic.


Please note:- try not the exceed the CF level as this will do more harm than good


But when using CO2 gas you can really crack the nutrient right up - Swing has seen resi at CF3.8 and only just starting the burn the tips of the leaves. The growth was out of this world, with the biggest buds swing has ever seen, but the quality of the sugar coating was not as good as a CF3.0.

Yes i agree with you Jack Frost. Monsta Bud, Ozi Tonic. I have used these products on my grow. Pics of MY GIRL in hydroponics forum. I am very happy with the results so far. However. These are not the best there is. Superbloom & a 3part pack im not sure of the name, its from S.A. These are the best ive seen. I dont know how they will go in Soil. They cost from $150- $250. This is why i use the others.

Stay away from Sensa Soak for seeds (A total rip off)

LA FEMME (Total rip off)

These sort of products are a total waste of money for female flowers, More bloom etc.

Most of the additives which u were asking do work. Some better than others.

It can get very confusing when everyone tells u there's is better than someone elses. So try, try, try, Grow, Grow, Grow.

Good luck. Nice plant.

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