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Granny's cannabis skin ointment works

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Hamburg (dpa) - A hundred years ago, an over-the-counter cannabis extract ointment was sold as a household remedy for eczema and other allergic skin reactions, but was later withdrawn from the market as a quack product.


Now scientists in Germany have discovered that cannabis does in fact reduce the itching and swelling of allergic skin reactions and they have called for a reappraisal of granny's household remedy.


The research, conducted on mice, points towards new cannabis-based treatments for irritated skin.


Extracts from the hemp plant were traditionally used to treat inflammation and could be bought from pharmacists in the early 20th century.


But doubts about the efficacy of the untested product along with fears about the intoxicating effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that causes the cannabis high, led to a ban on sales in the 1930s.


The new research suggests that the herbalists who used cannabis ointments to treat eczema knew what they were doing.


Scientists now believe that cannabis skin lotion, in a safe form too diluted to affect the brain, could make a comeback.


The team from the University of Bonn in Germany stumbled on the anti-inflammatory effect of THC while conducting a brain study on mice.


The animals were genetically engineered so they could not respond to cannabinoids, either THC or its natural equivalents generated in the brain.


Unexpectedly, the skin around ear clips placed on the mice to identify them became red and sore.


The scientists realised what this meant - that cannabinoids act like a brake, preventing the immune system from running out of control and triggering inflammation.


For 20 years, scientists have known that the brain produces cannabinoids, but it has not been clear why.


They appear to have psychological effects, and influence bone growth. Another possible explanation now seems to be that they help regulate the immune system.


The German scientists confirmed their suspicions by dabbing THC ointment on the skin of mice exposed to allergens.


Professor Thomas Tuting, a member of the team, said: "If we dabbed THC solution onto the animals' skin shortly before and after applying the allergen, a lot less swelling occurred than normal.


"The THC attaches itself to the cannabinoid receptors and activates them. In this way, the active substance reduces the allergic reaction."


He said the amount of THC needed to treat skin allergies would be far too small to produce intoxicating effects.


Another treatment option was to develop drugs which prevent the breakdown of natural cannabinoids in the brain.


Author: Expatica Communications BV

Date 25 June 2007

Source: http://www.expatica.com/actual/article.asp...;story_id=41246

Copyright: 2000-2007 Expatica Communications BV



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The team from the University of Bonn in Germany stumbled on the anti-inflammatory effect of THC while conducting a brain study on mice.


The animals were genetically engineered so they could not respond to cannabinoids, either THC or its natural equivalents generated in the brain.




:peace: Genetically engineered mice, immune to cannabis? Makes one ponder the experiments they were engineered for eh..

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Interesting Story .. another medicinal use for Cannabis that has been mostly ignored by authorities the field ..

They (Westerners) knew it helped 100's yrs ago and places like India have known for 1000's of years ..


Thankfully tho many small companies have been making cannabis based skincare products in modern times .. and most health food shops these days will carry certain "Hemp" based products.


I knew a guy years ago that had terrible eczema all over .. It got really bad and he tried everything that the dermatologists could put on and in him for years with no success ..

Then he got on to some Cannabis based cream from a guy who made his own products for the local markets .. His skin cleared up almost totally within a few weeks to the point where you could barely tell he had a problem .. and remained clear :)

A major releif as anyone could imagine.


My skin is a little sensative , so I gotta watch watch soaps I use etc. and at the moment I'm using a Natural Hemp Oil soap .. It's pretty good and besides a natural Tulsi and Neem (2 Curative Indian Herbs) soap I was using (No longer available it seems) .. It's the best soap I've found so far :D


Anyhoo , I just wanted to relate that little story .. and to anyone with problem skin I recommend searching out some Canna-based products and givin em a go ..

And I'm trying to find out thru another mate what the name of that particular cream was and get a web address for it and If I do I will post it here o.k. ..


That's all for now , Cheerz all :peace:


Budman lol

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