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Legislative options for cannabis use in Australia

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The Greens and the Australian Democrats both have decrim and eventual legalisation in their policies. If you want to deluge any pollies with demands for rationalisation of our drug policy so drug abuse is considered a health problem, not a legal problem, contact conservative incumbents in marginal seats first and Labor candidates second. Town meetings will be happening soon; you can attend and ask candidates what they'll do to stop the massive amounts of government waste on the 'war on some drugs, except alcohol and nicotine.' If there's enough rabble-rousing, maybe it could be made into an election talking point.
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I bet that 95% of people who get mad about canabis laws do nothing to change them. this is the problem with humans, words are easier than actions, and lazyness is evident in all.


I bet the figure's higher than 95%, but I think there's more to it than just mere slack. Most security minded folks on here would balk at contacting a pol with a letter containing their given name and real street address (as any reasonable letter to a pol might contain) and asking for drug law reform.


It's not like making such a request necessarily singles you out as a drug user/dealer/producer, but I always write to pols with a plausible return address (within the pol's electorate) and a realistic pseudonym. If the pol wants to disregard the letter based on the lack of appearance of the pseudonym in the electoral roll, I'll have found one of the harder working pols!

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Just finished reading this report (its a long read) and although it's now very old, I think it is still very significant and contains a lot of valuable information. I was going to post it but after a search found that it's already been posted so I thought I'd just revive this thread, only problem is wantdachronic's link doesn't work anymore.


So here's the link..




It was around the time this report was written that they started up with there propaganda about "skunk" causing mental illnesses. But since all that crap is starting to be debunked and medical cannabis is being revived right around the world, it would probably be a good time to send this report to the government and ask FTW happend, why did they ignore the findings in this report?

Edited by jabez
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^ Doesn't look like that link worked either. I would be interested to read the report you are referring to though?


Speaking of asking wtf happened. For any WA growers out there you have probably heard that they are speaking about changing the Cannabis Control Act over here, so if anybody is feeling motivated a letter to your local mp at present could be well warranted at present.


If you havent heard they are talking about recriminalising cultivation for personal use and lessening the weight amounts considered a misdemeanor (ie non criminal) from 30g to 10g

Edited by jarmon
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HI guys


Cannabis use in Australia was not a problem and there appears to have been Many legislative options are available for cannabis, and much confusion.HealthROM v6.3 Query: [level title/legislative options for cannabis use in australia]. The application of these principles in a given situation should lead


















discour de mariage - Style de vie

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