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420Times.com has left the building

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Received this today:


I regret to inform you that 420times.com has been removed from the internet until Bush and Ashcroft leave us alone.

Many of my good friends and clients have been arrested in this recent sting operation, led by Bush, Ashcroft and the DEA.




It saddens me deeply to have to result to this, but I fear jail, like many of you..

I have created awareness to more than 20,000 people a day for 10 long years now..

That is more than a majority of our population does in a lifetime.

I have been a true freedom fighter and will continue when this threat of imprisonment is removed.

These monsters are set on eliminating marijuana e-commerce and communication, period...

If you are an advertiser of this site and still have the balls to continue selling 420 related paraphernalia, your clicks will be saved and re-issued when we resume business.


In the mean time, I have launched my new 420 Girls website at http://www.420girls.com

This project was brought to life, literally, 2 days before this happened..

My attorney assures me that this site will be safe from threat as it is purely entertainment, just like watching a girl smoke pot in a major motion picture. Since all of my income from 420times advertising is gone, it's all I have left. Please help show some support.

This new site still FULLY carries my mission to legalize as all of the girls are smoking herb and they all have interviews of their views and opinions of marijuana and the war on drugs...


If you have any questions, comments or death threats, email me at rob@420times.com


Greenest Regards,

Rob Smith

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With a government like that you would think that most US citizens would have started to realise the extent to which they are being censored and fed misinformation about other things as well, we can only hope.



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Guest Babybear
NIce site, wats next they will try an shut this down an every otehr weed related site? they will bring it down but more will build again. grr some ppl any more , WHY in the hell are they worrin about weed atm , there is more importante things to fix like the war thing? god wosh someone could get there head straigt ..
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That 420gyrls thing is so stupid. Does anyone prefer naked gyrls with bongs to naked gyrls without bongs?

Depends on wether or not they are going to hand the bong to me.



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But in all things, safety first.


We just dont have the power to get political prisonsers free at this stage.


It'e everyone looking after their own arses still. As for me; the "420 girls" was a step in the wrong direction, full stop. I thought we were about something else, above all that, something the gov. couldn't publicly reduce us to a rabble before the non smoking community.



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