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Algea on rockwool

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And for the love of god don't get a knockoff. The true, original, Bluelab Truncheon is the best, most reliable e.c. meter on the market bar none IMHO. 5 year warranty and they just never die.


Yeah, the first link you have shows a pretty standard, but cheap tester. They do need calibration. The Bluelab truncheon doesn't, just cleaning. :freak: Doesn't hurt to have some standard solution (2.76 ec, you can get that one from any hydro shop worth that name) to check against, it's a good indicator of the need to clean. Which is so simple, it's almost ridiculous. Makes you wonder why anyone bothers with other meters really... but there is a $ cost of course, but not that much more for what you get...


The second link is a knockoff truncheon. Don't get me wrong, it could be perfectly servicable and work well. The fact that it costs 50 bucks doesn't mean it's necessarily crap, but it could well be....


This "nutrawand" appears to have a 0.4 - 4.4 e.c. range whereas the Bluelab truncheon has a range of 0.2 to 3.6. You'll rarely use the high range but having a resolution down to 0.2 can be useful. That and I'd trust a bluelab Truncheon if it asked me to jump off a cliff. Which with some of the honey oil I've been smoking lately is a distinct possibility.... :) You can get a Commercial Truncheon which has a range of 0.4 to 6.0, but that's more a tomatoe growers tool than a weed growers.


I know it's more expensive, but honestly, truly, IT'S WORTH THE $. If you have to get it from ebay, then try this one - ebay bluelab truncheon


You should have gotten calibration solution with the meter. It's pretty much useless without the right one for the model. Some use differing calibration points, so if you're pissed off enough, I'd ask 'em to send you some or demand your money back. If you're just willing to let it slide, (hell, it's like 40 bucks, so it's not the end of the world....) then just never shop with them again. Perhaps a strongly worded email. :peace:


Hope that helps, and all opinions given are just that.

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