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people who bludge your smoke

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To be honest my mates who smoke reguarly all pay their share, have friends who come round and bum cones but they smoke so little in comparison it hardly registers although most of them still offer money and would always offer me a beer or whatever round theres.


Nobody like's a vulture but I think either get some less stingy friends or stop being stingy yourself but if they have their own stash and don't share back, fuck them they're just jerks. :thumbsup:

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one of my mates in high school thought his friends only liked him for all the pot he was able to get so one day he said he was going to get on and came back with what seemed like his money and no pot. heaps of people left to go home for the day and those that remained behind were treated to a $50 that he got on credit :thumbsup:
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ive had heaps of friends like that , thats why i said "had"

I have a mate that always offers a share or a whole jay but its not like im bludging either , i have offered to chuck in with it but they always refuse.


If its grown from home it practily cost nuffin , Its there to be smoked :thumbsup:

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One of my mates and i taught this guy all the scams so he could look out for himself, he started scamming us and no matter how many times we told him we knew what he was up to cause we taught him he wouldn't stop. In the end i had it out with him in front of his mum and he admitted it, his brother was calling him a dog (he stole from everyone), his mother was shocked he would steal from his friends and family and then started denying it again so i walked out and never looked back.


The only thing that pisses me off is when i was walking out the door he pulled my line on me, "don't let the door hit your arse on the way out". I told him not to make idle threats and left but i got some small satisfaction because even though he said that as i walked up the drive i heard his brother and mother telling him to pull his head in. I'm still mates with his brothers but i wouldn't give him the time of day.

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