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Medicinal Cannabis

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I have been smoking for years, since i have neck and back pain i believe that a smoke helps you relax and you don't seem to take as many pills.


If my friend did not smoke dope when he had severe pain with his cancer he would have to use more Morphine, he found he didn't get as sick when he had a smoke plus he was with it mentally . He always had his smoke on the table ready for a toke, even inviting the district nurses to have a pipe. They were good they didn't judge him :applause:

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I have been smoking for years, since i have neck and back pain i believe that a smoke helps you relax and you don't seem to take as many pills.


If my friend did not smoke dope when he had severe pain with his cancer he would have to use more Morphine, he found he didn't get as sick when he had a smoke plus he was with it mentally . He always had his smoke on the table ready for a toke, even inviting the district nurses to have a pipe. They were good they didn't judge him :rolleyes:

Shit I did not make sense did I(sorry stoned and had a couple of reds too) all I can say my good friend had cancer and felt that dope was good for him DUH me did not maake sense :thumbsup:

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