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I wrote this originally on Sunday but didn't have time to put it on line until today....








So here is a neat one for you guys... :peace:




Gary and I decide to take a friend out to the the Horse Races and try our luck as we hadn't been for years. What better way to spend a rainy Sunday evening we thought? Besides even though it was raining, my face wasn`t really bothering me much. What I`m smoking seems to be helping wonderfully...




So we get to the Race Track/Casino and it's busy as usual. My girlfriend hadn't been to see Horse Racing so she was VERY excited to say the least....




Inside we go to the Race Track and see that we had ten minutes before the first horse sets off, or goes to Post. We head off quickly to place our bets before time runs out...




Next thing you know their OFF! The announcer has the horses hot on each others heels to the end of the race. Whoopee!! My horse came in on a two dollar bet and I won twenty-two dollars! Next I hear my friend Colleen won! She walked away with a cool thirteen - dollars that is. Next it was my turn to win again.Then Gary's then Colleen's, then mine again. It was a great circle of winning!!! All tolled we won over a hundred dollars between us at the Horses tonight...YIPPPEEE!!!! :thumbsup:




While they were racing it was perfect. The rain was light so we could sit outside to catch the fever and smoke. I`m the only one who smokes out of us and I only smoke Pot at that but I HAD to smoke. so I lit up. Seemed like the most natural thing in the `world for me to do as I was wearing my LEAP shirt again (I have five of them and wear them EVERYWHERE!) and people were curious yet polite. No one bothered me as I sat and smoked continuously for over an hour while playing the races... What fun!




Next we decide that seven races is enough so we head into the Casino end of the establishment once again...




We head through the Casino looking at all of the people as we go. They were from every walk of life imaginable. Some old, some young, alot middle aged like we were... It was a rainbow of ages... Soon we found ourselves at the 25 cent slot machines. These were "safe" we thought... our first twenty dollars was gone in no time. Wow. Not sure, should I try this again? No. I think I'll look for another machine, one that seems a little more "user friendly"... :toke:




Off I go looking for the big one dollar machine that I won 500 dollars on two weeks ago this weekend at another nearby Casino...different place but I knew that they had them...




Soon we settle in the back of the Casino, having passed up the two dollar and five dollar per play machines as they were WAAAYY outta MY league and the 25 cent and nickel slots which were too hard for the little money you could win on them as far as I was concerned... I soon found what I was looking for, the good old comfortable one dollar machines. The very same machines that I had won 500 dollars on the two weeks ago on our anniversary, just at a different Casino... :peace:




So here they were. I was excited. I KNEW I was going to win. I felt it ALL week. My left hand had been itchy from the beginning of the week and I KNEW something was about to pay off!!! Whoo hoo I was home!





I settled in and put in my twenty dollars for twenty tries. I pulled the arm and off it spun. Each time I knew the chances were running out as I lost time after time. Finally, I won. Fifteen dollars! Better than nothing that's for sure! I played on. Money was running out fast and so were my extra chances... each time I would win I would spend it on another chance - soon after going up and down in winnings for almost another hour I realized I only had a few chances left.




I reached up, pulled the handle and DING DING DING the machine went off!!!! It went CRAZY!!! BING BING BING ding DANG ding!!!! The machine was spinning, the dials were turning lights were flashing!!!! I WON!!!!! Soon an attendant came over to check and verify my winnings. People were lined up four deep to see what I had one!!! I couldn't believe it!!! YES I COULD!!!! I WON!!! Not thousands but enought to be happy with - I WON $1500.00!!! FIFTEEN HUNDRED SMACKERS!!! Surely, nothing to sneeze at... :toke:




That makes for two thousand dollars in the last two weeks TAX FREE!!! :toke:

All from Gambling something I love!




I'm so excited! Thanx for letting me share my news...




What an amazing NITE!




Happy Sunday everyone... :peace:




Love and a HUGE squish,







Edited by Alison Myrden
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Gambling is by definition a negative expectancy pastime. You got lucky today; over time you'll always lose.

No casino game has a positive mathematical expectancy.

Hate to sound like a wet blanket but that's the truth of it.


Much the same could be said about drug use, but as long as it's kept under control, there's nothing wrong with it.. it's potentially expensive entertainment is all..


think of it like this.. that's all a casino is or should be.. grown up entertainment.. same as drinking beer or smoking pot (not denying it's medicinal benefits) or religion.. it's just another rush that you pay for and like drinking beer and smoking pot (or taking any other drug) you choose

a. how much you use and

b. how much you are willing to pay (and not all payments are monetary) for your use..

If the combination of a and b is affecting you or anybody in your life in a bad way, especially if you feel you don't have that control then regardless of the form that your entertainment (drugs/gambling/sex/xbox playing) takes you likely need some help and you need to choose a different form of entertainment.

Some people can't control the need for some forms of entertainment, regardless wether it's Alcohol/Gambling/Pot/Cocaine/Exercising and should be helped, but that doesn't make gambling in itself bad, any more than the fact that some people can't control their drug habits makes drugs inherently bad, just something that needs to be regulated in such a way that those that need help can find it easily and without being looked down on.. some people simply should not take up some pastimes, some forms of entertainment, because they can't help but do them to excess.. it's not a weakness.. it's just the way some people are.


There are a lot of things that people do for entertainment that are inherently dangerous, most contact sports for example, skateboarding, skydiving, skiing are all potentially harmful, perhaps more or less so than a trip to the pub on a Friday night but that may just depend on your pub.

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Thanx for all the great words of advice and good wishes guys... :thumbsup:


I should have told you all that the first time when I won, I won $500.00 CDN and brought home $400.00, the second time I won $1500.00 CDN and brought home $1300.00 - $1700.00 total I banked - not bad for paying for two full nites out and five people (Gary and I twice and my girlfriend Colleen once). I`m happy. :)


Good analogy about drugs and gambling DownUnderDoper. I agree Gruntis. I got lucky... funny thing was my left hand was itchy all week before that. Not sure if it`s the same in Australia but an old wives tale from years ago in North America says if your left hand is itchy you will RECEIVE money and if your right hand it itchy you will PAY OUT or GIVE AWAY money... I couldn`t NOT go... :bandit:


You are exactly right about the addiction.


Funny though, I don`t seem to want to spend all my money to win when I`m there. I just want to take it home! Each time I won I won in the first half hour of being there and stayed on for the full day only spending minimal monies considering. I`m sure most people there were not like me. Remember, in total out of the $2000.00 CDN I won, I took home and banked $1700.00 CDN


On another note, years ago Doctors gave me cocaine and heroin for the pain in my face and I was worried about addiction. It never happened because I NEEDED the drug for relief AND I am not an addictive personality my Doctor`s say.


I can truly pick up and put down anything I`ve tried so far in a day. Lord knows I have stopped drinking coffee this way... :punk:



P.S. Don`t worry NO ONE could rain on MY parade guys! :)



Love and a squish,





Edited by Alison Myrden
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