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Purple leaves?

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Hi all

I posted a couple of months ago asking if I could cut out large buds and branches ( approx 10-12 inches)

at 7 weeks and let the rest of the crop go for another 2 weeks. I have done that, but noticed that in the 9th

week a lot of the bud leaves turned a purplish hue. I have never let the crop go past 8 weeks before, and trichs

were no where near amber, not even at 9 weeks and 4 days. Could this just be the strain ( no idea what

strain I have), or is this a deficiency of some sort.

Help appreciated


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Aussie i have heard that stress causes purple in plants and by cutting the main buds off you have caused some serious stress i think.

and absuloutly the strain plays a big part in how long the flower time can be. Just keep waiting untill you think its right and thats that.



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lol There are a few things that cause a plant to turn purple. Cold weather is the most common thing to cause it in some strains. Some turn purple even in warm weather due to their genetics. Or as you say it may be a deficency, potasium I think from memory although this is rare from my exp. unless the plant is showing other defficencies as well.


lol Do you have any pics Aussie1


lol Peace MongyMan

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Thanks guys

Plants are indoors under HID 2 x 600w . I am up North so cold is never an issue, in fact we just had

the hottest May on record. Temps are around 29 to 31 C with cool tubes and air con and if you have read

any of my posts on ventilating you will know that I have way way way over done that, crop is out and dried so pics are not an option now. I may have to wait and see next time, if it happens again I will take pics

Thanks anyway, at least it points to the stress factor.

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