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Medical marijuana is a push to legalize

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This was published the other day in the U.S.


My response is next.. :bleh:







P.S. There were four of us from Canada who got published in response.... :bleh:


VERY cool.... B)




Winona Daily News, MN


Letters: letters@winonadailynews.com


Published - Tuesday, May 15, 2007



Medical marijuana is a push to legalize




By Stan Gierhan, Winona



In regards to the editorial opinion concerning medical marijuana, why reinvent the wheel? Medical marijuana already exists, it’s called marinol. It has THC as the active ingredient, which is effective in controlling nausea and also used for stimulation of appetite. It has also been used to help control pain. So why get the state involved in the regulation of growing and the distribution of pot?


If there is a great need for this treatment, then I suggest the state look into buying a supply of marinol. It comes in three different strengths. Negotiate a deal with the manufacturer, or maybe it’s cheaper in Canada. This push to legalize medical pot is just another push to legalize pot period.


Gierhan is a registered pharmacist and a member of the pharmacy staff at Community Memorial Hospital.

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Here is my response...









Winona Daily News (MN)


Letters: letters@winonadailynews.com



Published - Friday, May 18, 2007



Gierhan should show more compassion


By Alison Myrden, Ontario, Canada



I am writing in response to Stan Gierhan who wrote regarding the reinvention of cannabis and cannabis products.


What Mr. Gierhan fails to see is that those of us who are deathly ill have numerous problems with mastification of food and pills due to our various illnesses. In other words, as a multiple sclerosis patient, I find it much easier to smoke a cannabis cigarette than I do swallowing more than two thousand milligrams of morphine and 32 other pills I take daily.


I have been a legal marijuana patient for the past 13 years and a retired law enforcement officer in Canada because of these very reasons, and am fighting the drug war from a completely different angle. My pockets are empty. The pills you are offering the public are destroying them because they are all highly toxic and more often than not addictive.


The cannabis plant has no addictive properties and has not once resulted in death. Please Mr. Gierhan, try to have some compassion for those who have no choice like yourself to be pharmaceutical free. Start thinking about the people you are harming.


Myrden is a speaker for the law enforcement against prohibition organization.

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High Alison ,

Hope your travellin well .. lol

I'd like to just start by saying thanx for sharing your input here .. It is greatly appreciated as I'm sure you know .. ;)

I've still a few posts to read of yours tho I think .. I'll get onto it soon .. B)


O.k. then , onto this topic ..

I think your reply was well called for and totally apt ..

Seems the pharmaceutical companies are at a loss when trying to pay people to recommened their drugs these days .. heheh , and sucked in to em .. they were never gonna be able to profiteer of other peoples suffering forever , and I think they are realizing that these days .. tho the worrying thing is that they might now start to commit even more unseen rogue behaviour to the detriment of the suckers (customers) .. ;) :yahoo:


But they cannot proclaim the type of support that our beloved plant can .. can they!!! .. :thumbsup:

I've never heard anyone say that Panadol is the best thing that ever happened to em or is any sort of acclaimed part of their lives , and so on .. :P


Um .. I guess I'm kinda roundabouting the point .. but hey , I'm stoned and feelin somewhat good .. so I'm happy for now :)


Hopefully I can elaborate further next time .. but for now .. I was wondering if you could explain a little more about the Marinol?? ..

If you've tried it It would be an interesting topic to hear about I think .. ? :peace:


ANyhoo , Cheerz ..

And I'll seeya round tha joint :peace:


Budman :toke:


(P.s. ofc that Pharmacologist is gonna promote this new and valuable drug .. :sly: .. Could anything ever work any other way other than Pure Self Preservation? .. hahahh , the conundrum continues no doubt ..) :whistle: ..

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