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Growing weed in a fridge

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Guest Urbanhog

dont like the idea of growing the fridge with extra warm globe, wires and all that shit, it will be a dangerous fire hazard.


Its something to do with dark cooler periods when they are budding....


Check out this link for more information, I made a posting while ago inquiried about "purple buds".....


Purple Buds


I have no idea in this area, havent tried yet... but in the FRIDGE??? you gotta be insane! hehehe! don't worry... no questions is stupid here.... lol




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Well how about having a desk lamp in there just to give them enough light. But I might sacrifice a few plants and give it a go. ya reckon if I were to just put them in at night time and bring them out during the day would work. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Edited by halfbaked
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Guest Urbanhog

forget putting light in the fridge... warm object in the fridge will work overtime to try keep the fridge cool/cold... increase mositure and shit.... too dangerous not worth the risk, over worked fridge might burn out the fridge..... forget this mate.....


The safest way is put them in the fridge in dark period... I think its a waste of time and effort... once you experiemented with this INSANE method... dont reckon you will try again .... in my opinion....


Dont bother.....




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Guest Urbanhog

My mum lives in central Queensland and I am aware that it gets damned hot up here..... :P


You indoor or outdoor grower?


Are you plants budding? or in Veg stage????


If they are still in veg stage how old are they? they indoor grown under grow lights?... why put in the fridge? I think you are wasting your time :lol:


Its the darkness cycle of 12/12 that makes it start budding.... not the fridge. :P


What are you trying to archieve by placing them in the fridge??


this is the most silliest thing I have ever heard in this 420 site's history.


anyway... goodluck with whatever you are doing...




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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I just lost an indoor crop to the friggin heat and I'm not even in Central Qld. I'm in South Qld.


I didn't want to burden you with my present plight in growing and battling with natures seemingly co-hoots with the gov; trying more effectively to enforce prohibition that a thousand bloody coppers could ever do. The temps and humidity have pushed my current crop beyond the point of no return, and they died, died, died.


But I do wonder one thing with the refridgerator grow. Don't you think the game is going to fly apart when the misses goes for milk to make a cuppa?


Ok, enough rot said, back to the world of make believe....


cheers all


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After reading this more thoughrouly, I have to agree with Urbanhog's observations.. I once heard some people, (fairly adult at that too), but they were red necks, so anything is possible for them.


They were going out to their plants in the feirce heat of summer, and dumping bag after bag of "Party Ice" around the base of their plants. They prob. enjoyed the cool water, but as to causing buds? a arg.


Grass (pot) like many plants is photo sensitive, meaning it is sensitive to the amount of light the plant is recieving. Some plants will flower/fruit when the length of daylight/darkness is at a point where the light excedes the amount of darkness. It so happens that grass (pot) will commence flowering when the plant is exposed to a light regime that is approx 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of darkness. I always though well of marijuana for being so fair in this regard. Some plants will blow you away and not flower until they have theirlight reduced to 10 hours a day, but this is as common as chicken teeth.


Anyway, the temprature is irrelevant to the plants flowering time. It could be 50 degrees C in a poorly ventaled indoor grow room, but with it's light reduced to just 12 hours a day, it will bring forth fruit of the bush. Consequently, a plant could be exposed to sub zero temps, but if the lights are continuing to flood the plant longer than 12 hours, it will continue to veg. Well it will probably be dormant at that stage of temp, but it certainly wont flower just because it's cold.


Photogenics. It's the name of the game.


don't feel bad you didnt understand. it's all part of lerning bro.




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