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Consuming Marijuana During Pregnancy



A friend of mine has recently fallen pregnant and has thus stopped smoking mj.


Is there any research down about fetal development and marijuana consumption?



her partner is thinking of buying a vapouriser for himself so i was wondering if after that arrived would it be near enough to 100% safe for the baby for her to be able to use it?


also any information you can give me about marijuana and pregnancy would be much appreciated



also if enough good information presents itself in this topic can i request it gets pinned cause im pretty sure that this will be a major topic in any real legalization debate.







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Try diss 1----> http://www.ccguide.org.uk/proven.php


We found this link by checking the title of the study - "Cannabis in Costa Rica - A Study in Chronic Marihuana Use" edited by William Carter for the Institute for Study of Human Issues. (ISHU, 3401 Science Center, Philidelphia. As mentioned in page 85 of Hemp & The Marihuana Conspiracy (The Emperor Wears No Clothes) Two books in One 1985 edition.

See if yah can track this one down too ----> Ganga in Jamaica - A Medical Anthropological Study Of Chronic Marihuana Use by Vera Rubin and Lambros Comitas (1975; Mouton & Co., The Hague, Paris/Anchor Books NY)

Sourced from same book

The Coptic Study by Vera Rubin looks interesting too.....

And I quote....

In 1981, a study showed that 10 of Americas heaviest pot smokers (from the Coptic religion and residing in Florida) actually believed that using 16 huge high potency spliffs a day had improved their minds somewhat over a period of ten years........

Most studies (matched population, past and present) indicate that -everything else being equal-an average American pot smoker will live longer than his counterpart who does no drugs at all; with fewer, and generally less stress--therby having fewer illnesses to upset the immune system, and being a more peaceful neighbor.

(Costa Rican and Jamaican Studies.)

Again from the Emperor.....

i'm on a roll here....

The (Jamaican Study) -- outlines the positive reinforcement given socially to Ganga smokers in Jamaica, the universal praise for the practises among users, who smoke it as a work motivator. Subjects decribed the effects of smoking making them "brainier lively, merry, more responsible and conscious. They reported it was good for meditation and concentration,, and created a general sense of well-being and assertiveness.

Check the book for yourselves its all in there.....




Hash Oil Rulez


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I'm all for a pregneant woman being free of smoke, be in grass, or baccy. Just the dependant way the unborn baby is subject to whatever is being pressed upon it without a choice, and that it seems only logical that smoke and other "drug" substances that cross the placenta can't be good for the baby's development.


But having said that, my wife, while previously married to another bloke had a horror of a time while carrying our eldest boy. Her husband was screwing a chick athis office, making my wife feel like crap, she was almost suicidal, and was smoking pot like a chimmeny. I mean I lectured her, and at the time that was the height of hypocracy.


Anyway, long story short, that boy was dux of his year just a few years back, a sporting success with many independant and team trophies..


I don't want to say because he did well then it's going to be the same for everyone, I mean we all hear about old fellas that get to 99 and still puffing cigarettes, yet there's no question many die along the way of hideous diseases from smoking.


Still, I thought it was interesting how it turned out. And BTW, smoking all that grass help Kas keep her head screwed on, and I sometimes wonder what the adverse effect of all the stress might have done to her baby, if she hadn't smoked so much.

Still, I believe in abstaining while carrying child.



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I'm all for a pregneant woman being free of smoke, be in grass, or baccy. Just the dependant way the unborn baby is subject to whatever is being pressed upon it without a choice, and that it seems only logical that smoke and other "drug" substances that cross the placenta can't be good for the baby's development.


But having said that, my wife, while previously married to another bloke had a horror of a time while carrying our eldest boy. Her husband was screwing a chick athis office, making my wife feel like crap, she was almost suicidal, and was smoking pot like a chimmeny. I mean I lectured her, and at the time that was the height of hypocracy.


Anyway, long story short, that boy was dux of his year just a few years back, a sporting success with many independant and team trophies..


I don't want to say because he did well then it's going to be the same for everyone, I mean we all hear about old fellas that get to 99 and still puffing cigarettes, yet there's no question many die along the way of hideous diseases from smoking.


Still, I thought it was interesting how it turned out. And BTW, smoking all that grass help Kas keep her head screwed on, and I sometimes wonder what the adverse effect of all the stress might have done to her baby, if she hadn't smoked so much.

Still, I believe in abstaining while carrying child.




Hi Rob

ya kno tis easy for we men to talk bout diss since we will never hav to suffer gestation labour or lactation

ya konw but i believe that it takes as much energy as a man labouring for 10hrs 7dayz a week for 2y

u can imagine the stress ya body suffers

I'm not so strict with an abstainance pollicy cause it may cause undue stress pon both mother and her unborn baby or lactating bub

and i'm sorry mate but so many scientific studies prove u quite wrong

cannabis is safe and has never killed 1 single man woman child or baby ever

do u know how many ppl die from asperos and other chemical drugs eacy year

yet that is a legall alturnitive a doctor would perscribe.

yes there are many studdies that prove cannabis to be safe and effecitve wid fewer side effects than the current allopathic treatments


I hav delevered all of our Seven children so far

been there for every minitet to support my partner and baby

all with no doctors no drugs

we used herbs instead and it worked for us






Hash Oil Rulez


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Heya Radic , excuse my ignorance but i would like to check the Costa Rican report which you refer to, if that is the 80s report that was suppressed i would love to view it.


Its good to hear what a blessing cannabis has been to you and your family over the years and im sure your children are equally enlightened



And also to answer to the brother recommending Abstinance

True Brud,

I'm all for doing without, basically I live my life by that code....what I can do without I will, less tax on the planet that way.....and for some of my pregnancies, I refused to smoke and even made Radic smoke outside......But even then, sometimes .....living in a bus. Or deep in the bush ..with many Kids..and little support .and having "issues" to deal with.....If I was really totally stressed out I would smoke...I think it saved our relationship on more than one occasion.....But sometimes pain gets too much to bare...and I've never been one to take panadol or aspirin..and I don’t drink or use opiates..so Herb is the answer for me...

I've found a bit more info regarding those studies I/we (Radic and I) mentioned earlier....

This is found in The Great Book Of Hemp by Rowan Robinston, published by Park Street press Rochester, Vermont

“Melanie Dreher, an anthropologist at the University of Miami was a key member of the Jamaican team. In a subsequent study Working Men and Ganga, she reported that the drinking of Ganga tea or tonics is widespread in Jamaica, even by non-smokers and children. "The health-rendering properties of these preparations are reported for a wide variety of general and specific disorders," she found "Ganga poultices and compresses are used....for the relief of pain, open wounds, and skin eruptions."

The Jamaican Study was good science: Rigorous, controlled, and well supported. So why was it not more influential? According to Dreher, members of a presidential commission told her they weren’t interested in the results of her work if it failed to show negative effects of Cannabis use.

The Costa Rica Study. In 1971 the University of Florida and the National Institutes of health cooperated in a study led by William Carter to examine chronic Cannabis use in Costa Rica. Eightyfour cannabis smokers and 156 control subjects who had never smoked ganga underwent a battery of sophisticated medical and psychological examinations. The results were equivalent to those of the Jamaican study, with few noticeable differences: the similarities outweighed the differences between users and nonusers, and Ganga smokers generally enjoyed longer-lasting relationships with their mates. The Costa Rica Study also found no significant health consequences to chronic Cannabis smokers. The NIH (nyahs note: I think this refers to the American organization the National Institute of Mental Health centre for Narcotic and Drug Abuse) refused to accept the report for publication, demanding it be rewritten three times. Still not satisfied, the NIH then had it rewritten by another editor and ultimately printed only three hundren copies. A copy of the original version was leaked to the National Organization for the Reform Of Marijuana Laws.”

I hope this helps, wish I had access to the whole studies…..Oh well, If we keep seeking, I’m sure the Truth will reveal Itself……I’ve read more on The Costa Rica study but presently unable to locate that Info….

Blessings and I trust your search for the Info will be continuingly Fruitful…

I do remember that another part of the Costa Study mentioned that the babies of Smoking mothers, over yrs of observation proved to be overall a more creative, lateral thinking and social bunch, as babies they were generally healthier and happier than the control group and socially engaging….they mentioned that this could be to do with the fact that the Cannabis Mothers were generally more relaxed

Love for the truth keeps me going

And I and I know Jah love will keep on Flowing…..

Empress NYah

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Yeah you know, I was thinking that as I wrote it, and when I returned to the thread I was thinking again it's easy to say what others ought to do, but I mean it's only an opinion, I'm not passing a law or something. women should do this, men ought to do that, people shouldn't smoke pot, ..yeah it's all a bit much making choices for others. I don't mean to be hard line about it but, and I thought I made that point. Sorry if I didn't, cause it was merely my view on the matter, in a purely musing type of way.


I don't know what I might have said to cause you think I have some fear of pot killing anyone, I certainly don't, that's for sure. Maybe I wrote something about it damaging the baby or something? but that would have been fear of smoke, ie. burning any organic material (or in-organic for that matter)and inhaling it while a baby is developing inside the lady. But as for pot being a "killer" or something, don't sweat it, I'm as loud a proponent as anyone you might know that is aware of pot's impeccable record as a safe (so far as lethal) drug. I love the comment some judge was supposed to have made once about eating green potatoes has killed people, while pot never has, while refering to the stupidity of the pot laws.


Man delivering your own kids, that's awsome, I don't know if I'd have the guts for that one. I've been there for all my kids being born of course, man what a life changing experience the first one was. Each time was like a "top up" of the miracle of life. I don't care if that sounds corny, it's how I feel about it. Seeing a little person come out of another person is something that's hard to get ya head around when u see it with ya own eyes for the first time ey? I mean of course I've seen all manner of animals born, but nothing could prepare me for how I was effected that first night. I was dumbstruck.


How did u get to deliver them all yourself? Do the authorities give u a hard time about it? Not like anyone can do anything to stop u I suppose, but did anyone trouble u over all this?


Man I'm truly amazed. well done. You should write a book, no shit.




I just re-read the post you mention of mine, and I specifically mentioned the boy was dux of his year, to make the point he experienced no ill-effects from Kas smoking heavy. I went on to say that although some people smoke (I meant cigarettes) until 99 years old and then die of something unrelated, it's also true that smoking kills ya.

I guess my point was because my boy was dux, and his mum choofed heaps of grass during his development, it's not to say (so far as I know???) he might not have been badly effected and retarted (being extremist) Like people smoking cigarettes, because some live to a ripe old age without any ill-effect doesn't mean it's good grounds for everyone to ignore potential adverse effects.


It was just a a comparrison, to say our experience doesn't make a rule that has no exception.


I never meant to imply smoking pot is lethal. Nor do I mean to imply with what I've written here that anything neccissarily good or bad will come from ingesting grass while preg. Just thinking is all. You seem to have investigated the effects of grass on the unborn far more than I have, so I wouldn't question your authority.


Good, clear as mud :thumbsup:.




I just editted this again, I mean I just have to say, man I'm just fucking stunned. Delivering your own kids, that is such a privellege. Ihave 5 kids, the eldest 26, the youngest 8 years, they're the centre of my life, I can only imagine how actually bringing them into the world would feel. Man, don't ever leave that woman, you guys are going to have so much intimacy as you get older. Sorry to rant, but I really am impressed. I couldn't do it, maybe when I was younger. But it'd be something I would love to have done, now that I think of it. Fark me man.


I think that's just so cool, so real. Sorry to rant.

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greetnz Rob

sorry for de late reply we all just getting over da Flue. (sic sic)


seven kids all born at home atrue


yer man tis a wounderfull thing we blessed with. I never in me wildest dreams thought a this would all happen at home

But Nyah was scared a hospitalbes so how could she relaxe and have our baby???


we had a midwife for the first 1. she was great, she prepaired me well

but she was late and missed the birth by 10min.

that was the best $1,000 we ever spent

they should teach diss stuff at schools

so den we decided to do de rest ourselves.

sound simple eh

well it is

once u know how


athorities are athorities cause de take away our power

do de athorities give any1 an eazy time???????????

yes money talks only to more money


we na let dat stop we

cause we have de power

is a natural ting

no one cana stop it

being part of it is an empowering experance of Fatherhood i feel well blessed wid

and hafe sing Thanx n Praize everyday.


ya gotta be a good catcher tho




Hash Oil Rulez

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