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Cannabis Dependance ! WTF

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Dal, easy up mate. Respect for your right to an opinion, but be careful not to continue myths on, for the reefer madness prohibitionists.

You don't have to form opinions based on 'burnt out hippys'. Who by the way, wouldn't be trying to 'get on', in the first place.


Any person who is burnt out, will likely need something to fill the void. The government answer is pharmaceutical, alcohol, and tobacco. When it should really be; legalize cannabis and more tightly regulate the former 3 very large business entities.

Cannabis alone can easily replace these ineffective treatments for burntoutedness lol and thats just the start of it.


Robbie said it well, the word addiction draws an emotional thought picture. Anyone who has tried or succeeded to release themselves from any truly addictive substance will attest to this.

Cannabis is in no way similar to this kind of pain. Releasing yourself from heavy daily use of cannabis alone, is mildly uncomfortable, for a few days. (which dillion even admits in the article, by noting that few people need treatment for it)

Nicotine in the mix, is the addictive part. It is wickedly addictive delivered with nico. But take the nico out of the mix, even change then to vaporizer and you'll find cannabis very benign and easy to release from.


It's still a very pleasant plant, totally helpful to many people. Simply misunderstood by mistruthes which get published and propaganda that gets bantered around by those who believe it.

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Dal, easy up mate. Respect for your right to an opinion, but be careful not to continue myths on, for the reefer madness prohibitionists.

You don't have to form opinions based on 'burnt out hippys'. Who by the way, wouldn't be trying to 'get on', in the first place.


lol I agree, Not all pot smokers are "hippys", never loan "burnt-out hippies" they are in fact only a tiny percentage of the people who use cannabis. There are a hell of alot more burnt out buisnessmen that " freak out like junkies " when they don't have their coffee or ciggarets etc. Do you assume the moral high ground around them too Dal, or is that different? Are you addicted to cannabis Dal? Do you even smoke? I have to ask as you seem to have a very naieve understanding of the plant, its effects and the people from all walks of life that use it ?

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Well bullshitting about the effects of the drug have really worked so far. I refuse to bullshit myself about it's addictive properties and I also refuse to bullshit myself about the mental health problems it causes. Health field professionals who are exposed to the negative effects of Cannabis know how it fucks people up. If used in excess Cannabis is an insidious drug and calling it a herb is just crap, it sure as shit aint no herb. That being said at this point in time Cannabis is my 1 and only drug of choice and for now I will continue to use it.
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health care professionals are virtually guaranteed to see patients who have mental problems, and smoke cannabis. They are also virtually guaranteed not to see the many stoners who smoke like chimneys and have no mental problems. How accurate can their perceptions be? lol
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Dal, not sure why you're believing propaganda and then continuing on the lies, for the prohibitionists? lol

Cannabis is a herb!

It does not cause mental health problems, people with mental health problems also use it. Healthy people use it too and they are the persecuted majority.

Health field professionals are exposed to what negative effects of cannabis alone? Sounds like hype mate. Or selective journalism?

I'd say they'd mostly see the negative effects of poly drug abuse, beginning with alcohol, mixing on from there.


Perhaps try growing some other strains than what you've got now to. lol lol

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Yeah, Rob's got it on the head, same as mullaway.

I believe it's all in the mind, and you can become emotionally dependant on it. I know I get ratty and depressed without it, but I've been using it for a good 7 years everyday.

But in no means is it an addiction. As put by mullaway, anyone who has tried or succeded in withdrawing from truly addictive substances will agree:

Cannabis is in no way similar to this kind of pain.
No where near it! lol
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About the cannabis mental health link that does exist. Some people will tell you that cannabis does not cause depression, schizophrenia etc but it is however a trigger in those who are predisposed to mental illness, depression, schizophrenia etc. The thing that most people fail to comprehend is that everyone has a relative somewhere in their family tree that was loopy, therefore everyone is predisposed to mental illness.


Anyhow I'm not going to say anything else on the matter, fodder for the prohibitionists and all that bullshit.

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The thing that most people fail to comprehend is that everyone has a relative somewhere in their family tree that was loopy, therefore everyone is predisposed to mental illness.


lol HaHa seriously mate what a crock of shit.


Anyhow I'm not going to say anything else on the matter


lol Might be a good idea that. Unless you have some facts that you can enlighten us all with about the previouse claims you've made in this thread. I mean if they are true then it is a concern. If not then as you said

fodder for the prohibitionists and all that bullshit.
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marijuana is NOT an addiction.


You ever suck dick for weed?



bottom line is, if you get stoned everyday, you forget what itss like to be sober and when you go outside youre like "fuck this isnt normal i need a cone to relax"


smoke for a couple days, dont smoke for a couple days...keep going like this till you can clearly distinguish between being stoned and being sober...it's not as scary and having a bong becomes less of a habit and more of a hobby.


my opinion: do whatever makes you happy and dont become like those fuckwads in melbourne where MJ is like fucking crack.


fucking hell, pass me billy

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