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Do you think Cannabis is addictive

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Having thought about this for a while, I thought Id share with you my

toke on things.


I_Think the feeling of whildrawl, that really uncomfortable feeling when you want a smoke and cant have one, that edgy feeling that canlast for a few days.

is not so much as addiction as a 'mental thing' right we've heard that b4, and I know I've experienced it often.

I_Think 'the mental thing' is best descibed as a psychosis; not the sort of pychosis that cant unteather you from relity and turn you into a deranged person (usually)

its the sort of psychosis that a bit of time sleep and a good fees or two including some red meat (something about enymes and vitamins) and you'd be right.


WHAT CAUSES this psychosis got my attention.

I noticed that I'd get F8d up after a certain kind of smoke, that if I had for a while Id get pretty flaky; and then the come down!! Ok as long as I was high, but the next day of not smoking.. I couldnt get to teh bong quick enough.

Ok, so the more I read the more I learned about the diffenrent cannabanoids. THC get u high, and a combination of THC and CBD can do all sorts of things, but the presnece of CBN is what makes the difference between a smoke you can enjoy and a smoke you can regret.

CBN is the anti psychotic that if exctacted in pure form could be used to bring someone back from a major pychotic episode. CBN is a degradate of THC that occurs in the presence of CBN.


OK let say your a clever cannabis chemist (in the 40's) and you discover that its the THC that gives you the high (true). So breeders with little scence of scince and not such thing as a peers review, when about a bread high THC yeolding plants, thats mostly ok because they were also including something they cared little to measure CBD >> CBN.

Some strain were created that yeilded THC alone and little to NO CBD, thus the calming effect of CBN is lost to the smoker than indulged in this variety of weed.

So if yourfeeling a little stuffed up ask your local dealer for some white widow and to tone down on the G13 etc


Edit:something else that can contribute to varying THC types is "time of harvest" a young bud will have a different type of THC clear trichromes, than when it is mature, milky to amber trichromes.

Peace & safe smoking

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If it is addictive.... it is as addictive as TV....... When the necessity arises in-which i require a tolerance break or even run out of my stash ....... i might have a few sleepless nights but no withdrawals whatsoever ...... I do not think it is physically-chemically addictive like other widely recognized and tolerated legal drugs ....... theres my 1.5cents .... I smoke as much as 5grams a day of primo when the jars are full and no problems rysi, i've been smoking nonstop for over 10 years - that was back in the days i had to pay for it *facepalm* ......... I smoke it for medicinal therapeutic purposes ...... but maybe you need to just learn to relax a little and de-stress, i dont know, i'm no expert lol ..... its easy to rely on a substance to provide relief from stress/anxiety/depression...... and sometimes when you dont have access to it.... it might seem a little tough ....... you can always grow your own though .............



peace n pot,

Edited by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20
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I thought it was a load of rubbish as Weed isn't addictive.


But then.. I was taught from the young age of 15, that if I was caught with hash, it was a narcotic.

Apparently this is because it was refined mj.

I don't like to insert THC into a narcotics category,

Coccaine & Heroin are known as Rich man drugs.Highly addictively too.


We all know that weed isn't addictive man, I can give up now if I want.

I know this, I've said this since I was 14. How could I be wrong.


P.S. I just woke up, it's time to spark a blunt.




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P.S. I just woke up, it's time to spark a blunt.




LMAO doing the same, ahppy new yrs eve.

I dont konw why they call Cannabis a narcotic either, Ii doesnt seem to fit. even hash is soft when compared to any of the alcaloid drugs.

The bust for Hash is the same as the bust for harder drugs. possibley because someone would have had to extract it. Those that make the laws arent always comming from a scientific point of view, more political maybe??

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Ok, addiction. The word has many negative connotations but to use the word singularly is too broad of a statement.

There are 2 types of addiction a physical addiction and a psychological addiction.

With a physical addiction you have a physical withdrawal where your body needs to purge and adjust to its altered environment. Tobacco is a prime example

With a psychological addiction there is no physical withdrawal. 'I can't live without it" attitude. Its your brain that needs to adjust.

I know this both from my tertiary studies and the fact... ..... lets just say I have first hand experience

Some people call an addiction a "crutch" something to help get you through the day. Everybody has a "crutch" whether its Drugs, including pharma, Alcohol, Sex, Church, work, the Internet, TV, yoga, food, excercise, shopping, coffee etc, etc

Anything can become addictive. The question should be how destructive is your addiction or crutch. If you put all your energy, personal and financial into obtaining it, that can be seen as destructive. If you use the crutch to hide behind, that can be seen as destructive. How you manage it makes you an addict. For me I used to use one thing when I was drinking my focus was drink, when I was on IV drugs my focus was scoring and using. First speed then to H.

I look at it now as a seat with one leg, that leg being my addiction. I was hiding behind my addiction and when I was straight it was like taking that one leg out from underneath me and I couldn't cope so I needed more and more, trying to balance on that one leg. Personally, I had to deal with what I was hiding from and that was not an easy process, and anybody who tells you it is has never been there. I am still an addict but rather than my seat only having one leg to balance on, it now has many, I smoke tobacco, I smoke weed, I watch TV, I am on the internet, I enjoy sex etc,etc so rather than my addiction being focused on one thing, its distibuted over many things and I avoid putting myself in a position where that temptation pulls me in. Recently I was in hospital and the staff wanted to give me some really strong meds. Now I know I LOVE these meds but I know I love them too much and although in savage pain I declined the meds and asked for something less. This was not to be 'tough' but to be responsible for me. When I get comfortable with the meds I start having "phantom pain" my body creates an addiction needing more and more meds or a physical addiction.

The psychological side of addicition can be as destructive, the idea that I can't live without it. Its more to do with the hormones released into the body when that activity occurs. Shopping, TV shows and church are prime examples. You are not consuming an intoxicant but it becomes an experience you MUST do, but again how destructive is it. Do you spend more than you can afford? Does it restrict you in your responsibilities? Using addiction to hide behind is another destructive process as it can allow addiction to takeover and mask the underlying problem where an understanding of the problem and a process of dealing with it can be much more beneficial.


Can Cannabis be addictive? Yes. It can have a phsycological addiction but not a physical addiction. Some people talk of sweats and tremors when ceasing cannabis use but these are few and far between from all reports. Tobacco addiction has similair effects and the question arises, have the people reporting sweats etc have they been smoking a mix?


Both physical and phsycological addiction can lead to psycosis and blaming the 'crutch' rather than the underlying cause is often the result.


In short, having a choof doesn't make you an addict.


That is my humble opinion and experience

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There are different types of addiction, physical and psychological... My personal experience has been that cannabis is not physiologically addictive, and this seems to be supported by what medical studies have been done.


As for psychological addiction, anything can become psychologically addictive. My personal experience with cannabis is that I have found it to be very mildly psychologically addictive... After all, it's something that apart from alleviating the symptoms of several medical conditions I have, is also recreationally rewarding to use. Naturally, most of us tend to return to doing things that we enjoy, and feel some desire to be doing more enjoyable things when we are engaged in less enjoyable activities.


So, in short, I'd have to say "Yes and no.", though I do not believe it to cause physical dependency.

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I find that i get urges for it when i have a break from smoking, the cravings pass after about 5 mins sometimes as quick as 30 sec. If i have been smoking daily for a couple weeks then i can have a bit of trouble getting to sleep the first night or 2 or 3. Have not experienced any other effects when having a break.


Im a light smoker maby have 1 or 2 at most 3 from afternoon to night. ( these are vaped and each is shared with the mrs ).


Currently on a break, I smoke for recreation mostly. At times my use would also fall under medicinal, but it's mostly recreational.



I dont find it causes a physical dependence in me, more my useage forms a habit & psychological thing. Tho i think everyone is physiologically slightly different, everyones useage is different so i don't think there is a Yes or No answer to this, Then again i dont think there is a yes/no answer to many things :)


After all i use to think heroin was extremely addictive that after one use you could be addicted physically, then i have come to learn that many people use it and do not experience this dependence, they can hold jobs and you don't even know they use it they are not all 'junkies' only a small percentage end up affected in this way. All that i know about drugs has been influenced by war time propaganda, The "War on drugs".

Edited by alchamest
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