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This will make the legal HEMP movement happy - NOT!

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Hemp use facilitates schizophrenia


This story will get the legal hemp movement spitting hemp chips , I might email it around the "hemp traps" to rev them up and to get them to re-think there position of distancing themselves from the MMJ and Cannabis Law Reform Movements -the RATS :ack: ...Jess





STUDIES show that regularly smoking hashish or marijuana doubles the risk of developing schizophrenia, said Prof Peter Falkai of the Berlin-based German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN).


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive substance in hemp, is said to be responsible for the psychotic effect of cannabis.


Adolescents carry the greatest risk of lifelong mental illness. Cannabis consumption advances the onset of schizophrenia in people congenitally predisposed towards psychoses by about eight years _ to the age of 17.7, on average. "Many of those affected have trouble thinking clearly, hear voices talking about them or have delusions," explained Falkai, director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Saarland University Hospital in Homburg. "They then delude themselves into thinking they possess superhuman powers or are a religious or political personality." Less conspicuous behavioural changes can also indicate schizophrenia. Many sufferers display social withdrawal or apathy.DPA


Article ... Brunei Times(Malaysia)


Ha Ha Ha ,I know they mean Smoko but the headline says HEMP :thumbdown: :toke: ...Jess

Edited by Jess Stone
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