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Hi guys... lol


Check this out....


Love and a squish,









> Newshawk: Hawked with Hawkform www.mapinc.org/newshawk

> Pubdate: Thu, 26 Apr 2007

> Source: Advertiser, The (Australia)

> Copyright: 2007 Advertiser Newspapers Ltd

> Contact: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/opinion/sendletter

> Website: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/

> Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/1

> Author: Nick Henderson, Political Reporter

> Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/mmj.htm (Marijuana - Medicinal)




> MARIJUANA would be prescribed by doctors in South Australia for medicinal

> purposes under planned legislation.


> Democrats MP Sandra Kanck today said legislation was being drafted to

> allow the practice.


> Australian Medical Association state president Chris Cain said he

> supported to move but only if the doses were in a standardised form.


> "The active agents need to be separated in standardised doses and

> prescribed in a more conventional manner," he said.


> Opposition health spokeswoman Vickie Chapman said she would not support

> the legislation.


> Family First MLC Dennis Hood condemned the move, describing it as

> "political malpractice".


> "No one listens to the Democrats, which is reflected in the results at

> recent elections, and this policy is another example of why no one is

> listening to them," he said.


> Substance Abuse Minister Gail Gago said the government would not support

> the Bill.


> "I have not seen Sandra Kanck's Bill, but I wouldn't support her proposal

> at this time," she said.


> "The harmful effects of cannabis far outweigh the known therapeutic

> benefits.


> "The evidence is currently not available for the state government to

> support this as a policy direction."

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Well done Alison, good lookin out mate lol



It's not 'hard' to see there's an errection coming up soon... lol




> Substance Abuse Minister Gail Gago said the government would not support

> the Bill.


> "I have not seen Sandra Kanck's Bill, but I wouldn't support her proposal

> at this time," she said.


> "The harmful effects of cannabis far outweigh the known therapeutic

> benefits.



Gail, B) you'll still have a nice sweaty portfolio and a plush expense account, even when cannabis prohibition is repealed!


So what are the harmful effects of cannabis besides prohibition?

If you say smoke, we can say vapourize or eat me!


Also, the harmful effects of both alcohol and tobacco, far outweigh the theraputic benefits. And place a huge burden on the health system (albeit sligthly offset by the tax revenue collected from them lol ).


Hopefully one day, Vickie, Dennis and Gail, have the chance to benefit from the theraputic and medicinal effects of cannabis, aside from their political conceipt. :D

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hey Allison,

.. yeah I was watching this on the news last night...


Sandra Kanck is one gutsy democrat.. and she gets my vote hands down...


it wasn't too long ago she was calling for MDMA to be legalized and controlled... another gutsy step.. which was shot down by all the other party leaders.. seems to me.. this old duck is more in touch with todays youth.. than anyone else.. youth workers included... she doesn't bullshit and she doesn't spin figures to suit any agenda .. she just tells the truth..

what was even more disturbing is.. our premier Mike Rann has come out and condemned her actions ..

the election just past.. the opposition " liberal family first "party was pushing for harder drug laws... they lost the election.. as 40% of Adelaide families use Marijuana... but low and behold... as you would know it doesn't matter who wins the election between labour and liberal the same laws will apply.. as our labour premier Mike Rann adopted the exact same marijuana laws the family first party were pushing for.. he didn't even redraft it... just adopted the exact same policy... very sinister.. seems like the people have been scammed once again...


with any luck.. having doctors and the Country Womans Association backing her .. we might just get some compassionate grounds for medical marijuana... which I believe this country had.. 20 or so years ago... not so much laws.. but people with serious illnesses were really just left alone... back then the police had compassion .. funny... back then.. COPS wasn't on TV.. seems police these days have lost any compassion they had.. and are turning down the same Nazi road the US police are going down...


hopefully this is a step in the right direction....

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Substance Abuse Minister Gail Gago said the government would not support the Bill.


"I have not seen Sandra Kanck's Bill, but I wouldn't support her proposal at this time," she said.


"The harmful effects of cannabis far outweigh the known therapeutic benefits.



Can sum1 slap some sense into this Gail Gago please? Medical use of cannabis has been going on for thousands of years without one recorded death, and this idiot rocks up and makes a statement like that without considering Medical MJ history. Obviously she knows fk all about topic and what speaking about.


Just in there gettin' your slice of the pie aye Gail, and willing to speak dribble to get it. It's people like yourself that are supportin' commerce and fk everything else. I know i can go to the grave with a clear conscience knowing that i did my bit to minimize harm to others and the planet. You madam, may you rot in the evil you have created when your time is due...


But yeah, Cheers for that Allison, all the best to the S.A. peeps. Bit of luck, ya may just get the ball rollin' with this one. :)



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I dont think that any state will have medical cannabis trials as long as johny howard is the primeminister. He is 100% with the US which means a no tolerance drug policy and he would attack any state that even tried.


I dont know it will be any better if labour gets in either Rudd has been too ball less to write up a drug policy yet, but hopfully the sly little prick wont be so close to the US and we might start seeing some very slow change :thumbsup:

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I dont think that any state will have medical cannabis trials as long as johny howard is the primeminister. He is 100% with the US which means a no tolerance drug policy and he would attack any state that even tried.


I dont know it will be any better if labour gets in either Rudd has been too ball less to write up a drug policy yet, but hopfully the sly little prick wont be so close to the US and we might start seeing some very slow change :thumbsup:


There aren't any federal laws prohibiting MMJ, John Howard has said in the past that he does not object in principle to MMJ as long as it's standardised and not home grown (not ideal but a start) so it's strictly a state matter at this point, it is worth noting that there is likely to be a comparitively large Green party vote at the next federal election (and possibly upcoming state elections too) and they are very much in favour of MMJ. Both the ALP and Coalition are likely to be courting the Greens for preferences as they are well aware of the likely swing in that direction. The possibility of Greens, Democrats and independants holding the balance of power Federally and in some states does hold out some hope for change in the near(ish) future. Especially if it could be shown how much PBS money could be saved by allowing MMJ.

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There aren't any federal laws prohibiting MMJ, John Howard has said in the past that he does not object in principle to MMJ as long as it's standardised and not home grown (not ideal but a start) so it's strictly a state matter at this point,


Yeah, in theory ganja is a state issue and it does seem logical that johny howard would back some sort of regulation since he is all about economics and they seem to be losing money under the current situation, but he has adopted the US no tolerance policy and is giving grants to anyone that will write something bad about cannabis so in my opinion the power is in the hands of the federal government cause no state wants to comment political suicide :thumbsup:

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Kevin Rudd and labour are just as committed to maintaining our close alliance with the USA for trade and security reasons so for the foreseeable future we will be taking our political and cultural lead from them unfortunately. However despite their draconian approach to drugs the USA does allow for medicinal mj so I think we are a chance of adopting similar programs over here. Edited by neostone
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However despite their draconian approach to drugs the USA does allow for medicinal mj so I think we are a chance of adopting similar programs over here.



No, that is incorrect. Some U.S states allow mmj, however under federal u.s law its still a crime, in any state! The DEA is actively targeting people in these states.

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